3d chess edition
3d chess edition
What did he do the rhdj dh eod why ten timeliness may maybe for the timeline?
didn't get this part
when will we get 35G speeds for our smart phones?
Is Yea Forums team Lalo or team (((Gus)))
Why haven't they explained how Gus became a cyborg yet?
He's predicting Lalo will find the lab and he planted a bomb there.
he was hiding a toothbrush to scour the new walls they put up next ep, Mike caught him in the act before so he has to be sneaky now
One Punch Howard. Heavy weight champion.
saul kim hate howard why
Punished Mike
why does Howard looker older than in season 1? did they even plan this out?
He will lure Lalo into the cave and then cut the power supply to kill the lights while grabbing the stashed gun.
Howard will die next week.
Is it just me or do Ben and Lalo look a lot alike? Brothers maybe?
So, Gus is going to kill lalo and bury him under what will be the lab
Pretty based. I'm from Bolivia, and here there is a kind of "tradition" which involves killing and burying someone in the foundation of a new construction as an offering to Pachamama, goddess of the earth. Normally the masons or construction managers pick up people from the street, or find someone they know who has no family or something like that and take him to drink in the same construction before they kill him and bury his body. This is for the construction to last. This is more common in the month of August, that's why nobody here goes to drink with unknown people in that month.
how will he do that? How will he know that lalo won't simple shot him from a distance?
Who knows. It's gonna be shit from a narrative standpoint but le epic!!! because it's Gus.
By being a faggot. All faggots are cyborgs.
It's such a bummer that Lalo can't realistically win in any way without completely fucking over Breaking Bad.
The only thing I can even think of is he is wounded by Gus in the cave, flees, and in the long game kills Gene for the betrayal that led him down the path of failure.
Why introduce such a great character to have him be meaningless in the grand scheme of things?
do you the workers at los pollos hermanos think gus is autistic? Like what do they think when he just walks out and stands in the parking lot
Well /bcs/?
i buried jizz under my new house, which was created fapping to kim wexler
Is Lalo gonna be angry at Saul too? Since Nacho was the one who recommended Saul as his lawyer.
I didn't understand it either.
I thought it was planted so that if it was moved it would be proof that Lalo has been snooping around but I’m guessing that was wrong
>Why are Kim and Jimmy going after Howard?
To be honest I totally can't remember.
Especially Kim. Why does she dislike Howard again?
I don't see why Lalo should care about Saul at all when he has bigger fish to fry.
user, you might be mentally retarded. I'm sorry.
Hes stalling out the class action payment so he can get more money
>dies in two weeks
how will Yea Forums react?
She got offended at Howard asking if she was giving up Mesa Verde and the fancy laywer job because of Jimmy.
These episodes need to be like a half hour long tops.
>She got offended at Howard asking if she was giving up Mesa Verde and the fancy laywer job because of Jimmy.
And that warrants such a reaction from Kim? Where they are literally trying to ruin Howard's entire career?
Checked and true
>howard has had enough, in a rage he... books a boxing ring and allows Jimmy to fight him in the ring using gloves and face protection, also allowing Jimmy the option to walk away
He's so good hearted. Poor howard.
we do know they're meeting again. i guess lalo won't be as friendly and more of a "saul fucking do this or i'll kill your wife"
I've been watching the entire season and at this point I'm stumped as to why Kim and Jimmy are going after Howard. Like, what did he even do?
why so many oranges mr tax evasion man?
you cant eat all those before they go bad!
He fucked Ted.
Can someone refresh my memory, how did Lalo know to go to Germany? God I need to rewatch the earlier seasons.
unironically nobody remembers so it's one big shitposting by kim and jimmy at this point
It was all a ploy to get Howard and Saul in the same room so his PI could follow him.
Slippin Howard.
I get it, but would this really work? If you put a gun between tracks on a digger and ran it over in the gears would it really shoot? Wouldn't it just explode? and we saw how he aimed it at a very specific spot but how accurate will that be really?
Yeah, did Lalo and him talk? I don't remember.
So like when Rick and morty go to Bendigo right?
Some people are incredibly petty. Our neighbours took us to court over a tree branch falling into their yard.
Travel wire, phone call to ziegler
He's died.
why didnt you just back down or apologise or whatever
Punished Slippin Howard
I really hope Gus fucks up his own plan and gets shot himself or something. Perhaps introduce that doctor Gus and Jesse used in Mexico during the poisoning.
Its such a dumb fucking plan, especially when Lalo is clearly the more apt and dangerous person in a gun fight.
Howardchads, we won.
>be mexican druglord
>wanted by fbi, dea and so on
>can still easily come to Germany
>can get a gun with silencer
>steals zieglers wife
what is his secret?
It's time to bring a Jesse subplot in to save the show. We're already Breaking Bad 2 with so much Mike and Gus time, might as well at least bring another big hitter.
wolverine level plot armor
user you might actually be retarded
there’s 8 episodes left, how tf are they gonna fit everything in?
I don't think border control works the way you think does
I'm sure that's the whole story
Bolivia sounds like a savage shithole
Margarethe is hot, ngl
i dont think it will be next week.
mikes guys will find the pi next episode and probably trance him back to howard.
South America was a mistake
>gus goes down to hang out in the lab
>when he turns on the lights lalo is down there sitting in a chair pointing a gun at him
>'dig a grave for you gus'
>gus gets in the digger
>drivers forward with the joystick and the gun in the tracks shoots lalo
>' i will but not for me'
It’s called having money you retard. The most unrealistic part of the episode was the German woman being nice to the Mexican guy.
This would never ever happen.
its a woman thing
he put in a time disrupting micro chip so when Lalo timeleports in the lab he is going to get electrocuted and vaporised
he also kept putting her in the basement for small fuck ups.
This really happens in the latest episode?
Hamlindigo Blue...
I'm still trying to piece out what the fuck happened here. Did that "Boss Consookme" guy that got hinted at by Hectar in season 3 finally make his move and outright erased Lalo from existence by killing him at birth as a punishment for his temporal trespassing crimes? Did we just witness Lalo's demise? He's not in the trailer for the next episode either. Can someone explain it to me like I'm a retard?
It's all coming together now
He was introduced you fucking zoomer
How are Mexicans (and latinos in general) treated by the locals across Europe?
They could literally wrap the entire plot up in one episode. But episode after episode the plot just moves forward one inch. Personally I'm questioning how they're going to stretch this for even two more episodes without more extreme filler.
Lalo vs. Gus needs to end before the halfway point.
he went to the black lodge
mexicans are exotic there so she wants the big mexican cock
Boss Consookme did what you said, erasing Lalo from all the multiverses, but Degon (who was given to Mike but Mike then returned him) winked him in existence again
can confirm. germans are fucking cold faggots. even if you were to speak german, they wouldn't give you the time of day
Daily reminder that Gus didn't mention Lalo in the dead Salamanca list
ah yes
my fetish for middle aged german women