Stay out of this thread Mulder, it's beyond the scope of the x-files

Stay out of this thread Mulder, it's beyond the scope of the x-files.

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I don't care how many jannies you send to stop me! I will gape Agent Scully!

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gape? mulder thats not possible

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>cucks 2 generations of Mulders

Heh nottin personel bastard son

god she is so fucking cute

Why was Humbug so good.

Agent Mulder, it is the finding of this board that the "Mytharc" episodes are in fact Cringe, and not Based.

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>Fear not the Ori, Agent Mulder. Fear the darkness that would conceal the knowledge of the universe. Believe in the truth of all things, and you too may find the Path to enlightenment.

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So they called the mythology cringe, Agent Mulder? I tried to warn you normies cannot cope. They aren't ready.

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Was that the one with the circus freaks? That was a great episode.

>Entire main series builds up to some terrifying colonization of Earth by aliens
>After all the build-up and preparation the aliens decide instead to just drop it because global warming and lack of Earth resources

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How did i miss that part

>when scully finally meets you

Attached: The X-Files S01E14 Gender Bender (1080 x265 Joy).mkv_snapshot_11.41_[2022.05.10_20.54.22].jpg (1920x1080, 143.68K)

Up to s3 or s4 they're alright

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>mfw Deep Throat getting killed in the S1 finale

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>Mulder, you claim these deranged men are actually "women" and not men in wigs, but your partner asserts there is no basis in science for this?

>We're closing the XX files and renaming them the XY files.

Scully is wasted in the x-files. If I was Skinner I would assign her to the XXX-files.

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I'd assign her to my bedroom

Laurie Holden was pretty hot back then

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who /covarrubias&krycek/ here

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holy shit my man

That's unprofessional.

>"Scully, it seems that you been hexed by an evil spell!"
>"Mulder, there's no scientific proof for that!"

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Yeah she was. Kinda hot that she's a freak milf now, but man back in the day....

dick status: muh

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Ok boys it's a good old fashioned xfiles coomer thread

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oy vey, very transphobic

nice arms

remember that time krycek was possesed by the alien goo?

god i love scully. her sister in the show was hot too, mulder shoulda hit when dana was in the coma

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Just imagine

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>trannies, the amish and ku klux clan are ay lmaos

Carter really was throwing those redpills around

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>the man ju wan is krycek
what did he mean by this??

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I'm gonna throw on s2 and jack off to pregnant scully hnnngggggg

Deepthroat was such a homie

>looking at camera
>shoots bad guy
how does she do it bros

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>in the end the ay lmaos were all just government spooks


Idk how did mulder lose his gun every single time


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based goold poster

What is Goold posting? Please tell me what it is? I've scene it around but the mwaning always eludes me.

I'm sorry user but it is classified.

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Well you see the place is called Sneed's Feed and Seed, so when Chuck owned it it was called Chuck's Feed and Seed. It's subtle

Basically it is pronounced and spelt GOA'ULD. Every other character pronounces it like this with varying degrees of correct inflexion.

But Hammond just says GOOLD.

that's it!
I'm closing the GOOLD Files

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elliot gould

>gapes her
>next episode
>but Mulder, gaping isn't real!
How many times does he have to teach her this lesson?

Can't hoold the GOOLD

Idk but you have to be next level retarded to fuck your coke dealer's wife when you owe him ten grand that you don't have

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Name 3 episodes where they failed to solve the case:
I only know one off the top of my head, the one with the green bugs in the forest where they basically died.

Nice Twin Peaks reference. Atleast there are some things in this world I still understand.

Aight, thanks. Love Stargate, didn't know that was the meme.

>tfw no chained up scully gf

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what was his problem?

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Daddy issues

being too based

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