Ah yes, Europe

Attached: bettercalleurope.jpg (3840x2160, 1.27M)

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Wait. Are you saying it's CGI and they didn't move the whole production team overseas for one exterior shot?

The problem is not that it's CGI. The problem is that it is retarded CGI

All they fucking had to do was open street view

I don't get it

I think it's the signs. Urope has many weird street signs compared to murica or something.

>yield to muslims sign
>don't be white sign
>respect fags sign
>eat pizza with a fork sign
lmao europoors are so gay

The bike lane is on the wrong side of the road if the arrow indicates the direction of traffic, the crosswalk sign is just kind of weird and there's a tram sign even though it's clearly just a normal street with no tram. Apart from that it doesn't look that bad, it's just clearly CGI

why do they even use cg for stuff that could just be photography that's pretty gayyyyy

Honestly, not far from the truth. You should see Some Romanian bike lanes.

You just know an american CGI artist made this

friend of mine in melbourne said some american show was filmed on their street once, they even changed numberplates for the cars driving past it
but it still looked exactly like australia, no idea if it fooled people or not

The sign with the train indicates a train crossing soon, probably without a gate. Although I think the sign is usually just a few meters in front of the tracks.
Besides that you're correct, the positioning is weird.

Why would you even film an American movie in an Australian street? Aren't there enough of them in America?

My modded cities skylines city looks better than that

Attached: 1652175496139.jpg (1720x720, 344.94K)

they film bunch of movies in Budapest and claim its france/prauge/germany/any "European looking" city in any time period - but they always leave the signs on the street corners up and its dumb
here is a list , even fucked DUNE was filmed there

>no shadows
>street lights in the middle of the footpath
>random zebrastreifen in suburban residential area
>zebrastreifen has overhead signage, only in one direction
>train track sign in random spot, no train track to be seen
>bike lane on the left in right-hand traffic
>two of the same bell tower in the background, too far apart to be a doppelturmfassade
>random castle ruins in background
>Berlin TV tower in background
ah yes, just how i remember my hometown of Franzenburg

atleast we dont have "get shot" and "enriched by negros" signs

Australian and American streets don't necessarily look THAT different as long as you pick the right street, both countries have post war suburbs with similar features and houses. The same isn't true for Britain and America for example, most British streets are much narrower and are lined with Western European style terraced houses and semi-detached homes.

>left hand driving
>one way street yet the signs are facing the wrong direction

based nippon bridging the traditional with the modern

Gonna need some red arrows in here chief


This makes the american shart in panic

Attached: walkable city.jpg (1240x827, 372.07K)

>bike lane on the left in right-hand traffic
>not aligning yourself so you're seeing all the cars that are coming towards you
Why the fuck would you let the cars sneak up on you from behind when you're on a bike path.

I don't think that was yurop you went to muttbro

Me on the right, sitting in an America-sized chair put there in case of tourists.

walkable cities are a giant fucking meme and we do have plenty of them, and plenty of infrastructure to support walking.

it's garbage, and it doesn't work for America because of our size. Overcrowded retards in dinky little cities like yours wouldn't understand.

Because unlike America people here don't drive like retards and understand bikes?

But then again you guys dont even understand roundabouts

Attached: americans_using_roundabout.webm (784x416, 2.78M)

Australia tries crazy hard to copy California so it’s not surprising they look the same

>NO U response

Australian money is worth almost nothing compared to the USD so filming there is much cheaper

>there aren’t roundabouts in America
bros what’s at the entrance to my neighborhood…

no you don't you retard, why are you lying? Even the most pedestrian-friendly cities in the US don't compare to the least pedestrian-friendly cities in Europe

'the webm literally proves there is one retard

Wow, this actually looks like a video game.

how did I get around it if I don’t understand it? am I based?

>unlike America
But I'm European. Ever since I was a little kid I've been taught to ride against traffic so you'll know when a car is passing, not because cars might hit you but because of wind and splatter that might make you flinch and cause an accident.

Attached: The Swede.png (1111x720, 433.86K)

>it doesn't work for America because of our size.
Yes we know it's hard for obese people to walk

one of few less retarded ones maybe

>I've been taught to ride against traffic so you'll know when a car is passing

as a pedestrian when there isnt a foot path

bikes are normal traffic participants, they use the road or bike path and traffic rules apply to them such as where to be on the road

just american

thanks Eurobro sorry I mean Inshallah

I literally don't care what some fucking retarded euro who has never lived here thinks. You people are the most pompous, deluded, lacking in intelligence people I have ever had the misfortunate of talking to. You are all brain fucking dead, and it's amazing it's taken you as long as it has to fucking collapse under the weight of your sheer, inherent, unwavering stupidity.

also obviously this isnt about little kids who got their first bike and are taking it for a spin in the neighbourhood on sidewalks and everything.

Its about the people using bikes as mode of transportation. So you keep the same place as a car

I literally don't care what some fucking retarded mutt who has never lived here thinks. You people are the most pompous, deluded, lacking in intelligence people I have ever had the misfortunate of talking to. You are all brain fucking dead, and it's amazing it's taken you as long as it has to fucking collapse under the weight of your sheer, inherent, unwavering stupidity.

>they didn't move the whole production team overseas for one exterior shot?
It's not necessary to do that, retard. You can just contract establishing shots out to a company already in Europe. Even if you did send someone there, it wouldn't be anywhere near the whole crew.

>This scares the burger

Attached: rotonde.jpg (694x463, 77.54K)

except euros are actually retarded.

I have never met an intelligent euro, or had an insightful conversation with a euro. You people are genuinely too fucking stupid to have real discourse with. I would rather talk to Canadians.

Euros are too poor for cars so they cope by claiming walkable cities are cool

America has roundabouts europoor

>keep the same place as a car
>except there's a bike path
So I'm not allowed to go down a bike path on the right side of a street if I'm going the "wrong way" down it? I have to just ride in the street because of muh direction, until I find a bike path heading in the direction I'm going?

That's fucking retarded thinking.

>a euro

roundabout as in people are so fat and round you about them gravitational orbit burger king

>tfw the cop pulls you over for driving straight past the donate to Israel sign

Attached: USfrog.jpg (550x550, 64.16K)

except mutts are actually retarded.

I have never met an intelligent mutt, or had an insightful conversation with a mutt. You people are genuinely too fucking stupid to have real discourse with. I would rather talk to Canadians.

This makes the European man to cum in his chastity belt

Attached: 1645202528313.png (640x480, 315.44K)

>American brain cannot comprehend bike infrastructure.

Look dude. Its like cars: but then 2 wheels!

Do you understand now?


Attached: 1640141927917.webm (204x360, 2.95M)

Aren't all americans pretty much reliant on payment plans and bank loans to pay off their shitty hondas? Don't banks pretty much have a hold on everything you "own"?

What the fuck.

Attached: 1304808522362.jpg (250x250, 12.66K)

>you mean I have to WALK between the clothes store and McDonald's? AAAAARGH UNCLE SAM SAVE ME

>another thread where europistanis scream about americans
I thought they could handle the banter?

Hmmm some cities do have bike lanes that go against the traffic (so that bikes can go both ways down a normally one way street) but this one does seem out of place, especially in a suburb.

>have 50-60% of your paycheck go to taxes
>still get second rate healthcare with months long waiting times where family members die to cancer
>meanwhile Americans literally don't even have to pay anything and can laugh in the face of debt collectors

why do euros think they have it good again?

british are the most deluded of the bunch, your empire was built on naval supremacy and the riches of India and the Americas. Dogshit brains, least deserving of the arrogance you flout daily.

never met someone who said "an" with a word that starts with a "y" pronunciation besides the most braindead """people""" on earth that call themselves the "british" who are actually just danish and german rape babies.


Daily reminder that the guy who posted this LITERALLY got arrested for hate speech

Attached: 0562_-_R0C0k9m.png (828x1403, 301.75K)

Still not an American you phoneposting retard. That might make sense if there wasn't a fucking path just for bikes to keep them segregated from the road. On a road with no bike path it might be prudent to go with the flow of the cars, or rather stop the flow of the cars, but that obviously doesn't matter when they're segregated to their own path.

>Americans still cannot understand bikes in traffic


Is it weird that I feel uncomfortable when I see a hijab? I have no problem with other religious clothing or decorations, but female Muslim clothing bothers me.

euros are the most sensitive people on the planet, despite their supposed culture around "banter"

the only people capable of actual banter are americans and australians. euro "banter" doesn't exist and especially anglos idea of what it is is frankly insulting to anyone with an ounce of masculinity.

What are some films that encapsulate the european spirit?

Attached: 1633950992946.jpg (799x633, 211.77K)

In a place where bikes are not common maybe they see bikes as pedestrians. But in normal countries bikes are a vehicle. Thus following vehicle roads.

So when driving a motorbike you also go on the wrong side of the road? Because your mommy thought you? Top kek

cyclists deserve to be run over

it's actually no surprise to me that euros worship the most pompous self important culture on the planet. Cyclists deserve to get run over and genocided for being subhuman dysgenic freakish retards who can't handle living in a real society. They're even worse than vegans.


I have been saying "Thank God I live in America," out loud, unironically, for the past two years, because of shit like this.

That's Britain.

>tfw it's the penis inspection road squad again

Attached: 273.png (476x401, 165.31K)

im done with this thread if anyone falls for this guy you might as well kill yourself or emigrate to the america i guess

It definitely exists but not north of the alps

Nope most car loans are for about 4 years, I paid mine off in just under two

Do they not have banks or loans in Europe? Damn no wonder you poor guys are stuck living in commie block apartments from cradle to grave lol

Attached: aCRbTML.png (2880x1756, 623.04K)

>Be American
>Penis inspection day at school
>The jewish doctor sees you arent circumsized
>Get send home
>Get shot in hallway
>$100000 ambulance bill

ooooh saaaay can you see

what are some films about replying to your own posts with mutt memes from /int/ because you got buttdevestated?

Attached: 1643927029113.jpg (799x1024, 123.38K)

If I was driving a motorcycle on some special track meant for only motorcycles then yeah I wouldn't give a shit about which direction the cars on the other tracks were going, because it doesn't fucking matter when you're segregated.

>mommy thought you

government pays them

How is this allowed?

t. seething euro retard

I actually do think that the meds are the best euros. French are decent as well, sometimes.

everyone else might as well be subhuman. especially the brits.

>car loans


Attached: 1436426354795.jpg (600x800, 108.06K)

>d-doesnt count!

Attached: 20201201_190356.jpg (720x1181, 306.06K)

>go to islamic school or mosque during peak hours
>film everyone leaving/entering
About as honest as filming a private school or high income neighbourhood and pretending it's representative of the entire US.

Here's a webm of something you'd never see in my country. Not even the poorest fucking neighbourhood in the poorest city has a street like this over here.

im moroccan btw we all hate you here

So in the USA motorbikes follow different traffic rules such as place in the road as cars?

Or the same?

And then the only difference is between a bike and motorbike is that one has an engine?

I don't think about you at all lol

are you even considered euros? You're basically africans aren't you?

Lol no. We just don't spend like to spend money we don't have. It's cute that you fall for jewish trickery like this but we view that as "irresponsible".
