Obi-Wan Kenobi *SPOILERS*

>Essentially, if the leaks turn out to be true, Star Wars will be retconned so that Obi-Wan Kenobi failed to protect Luke Skywalker… and in fact an inquisitor had the opportunity to kill him as a boy. However, out of goodness in her heart, she overcomes the desire to kill him and instead sacrifices her own life by being killed by Darth Vader himself. In that regard, Obi-Wan Kenobi will be made a failure twice-over: he will have now failed to save Anakin from becoming Vader AND failed to actually protect Luke from the Empire. Only by luck and the good-hearted nature of an inquisitor will Luke be spared. A woman of color will have filled in for an incompetent Kenobi and then given her life to the rage of a white man behind a mask.


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none of star wars is canon beyond the six movies. everything else is fanfiction made by retards

Two movies retard

Yes, but occasionally there is good fanfiction. Such as the Prequel novelizations

I'm black and I'm tired of "Le Good Token Black Character" meme of Hollywood

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> The bad guy is black
> The black lady dies
I see this as a win.

what an awful costume

>blacks are the real heroes
Why do this? Lando already helped save the galaxy, what the fuck is their problem.

At least Black men aren't depicted as evil nor incompetent 24/7.


With that said, I'm going to take some over the counter meds and drink some beer with it.

This just sounds like they've realized what a fucking nonsensical idea it is that Luke stayed hidden for ~20 years on the same planet and nobody knew who Obi-Wan was.

And, you know, that they were basically living in the town where Anakin grew up and where he would basically be a town celebrity - even if nobody knew he was Vader, they would have talked about how their local boy went on to be a Jedi in training. Basically like their version of an NHL player hailing from a small town.

The writers, at least, have realized how ridiculous it is that Obi-Wan would be having adventures and still somehow stay incognito and a hermit. So they have to write in a way for the adventure to end that also explains why nobody found out about it.

The plot point of "the bad guy actually repents and doesn't tell anyone about Obi-Wan/Luke" sounds like it was created to fill in that plot hole. The bad guy covering for Obi-Wan and deceiving the Empire (and then dying before being interrogated) is the only way that that could feasibly happen. So it's most likely for plot convenience and not for wokeness.

(You also have to realize that corporations like Disney don't want to be woke, they want the PR from being seen as woke, so they don't do "subtle woke". They only do "in-your-face woke". A subtle theme of "woman of color was actually more virtuous than Obi-Wan" that comes at the very end of a story is too subtle. It's not something that Disney could use in their up-front marketing of the show, so it's not something their producers would care about.)

>This just sounds like they've realized what a fucking nonsensical idea it is that Luke stayed hidden for ~20 years
Nobody was looking for him. Palpatine told Vader he killed Padme and at her funeral they made it look like she was still pregnant

Neither Palpatine or Vader knew Luke was even born

wow it's almost as if setting a show or movie about obi wan during this time is a fucking retarded idea because the entire point was that he never left the planet. it'd be like if the made a yoda show where he leaves Dagobah and attacks an empire outpost or something.

yo stop noticing things

>wow it's almost as if setting a show or movie about obi wan during this time is a fucking retarded idea because the entire point was that he never left the planet.

Wtf a negress sacrificed herself to save Luke's like? Consider me no longer a racist


Thank u, only TPM and AOTC are worth watching.

She will save Luke from being raped by Obi-Wan.

This makes a lot of sense.

>You're only allowed to have one black hero

>I'm black
My condolences.

>Disney don't want to be woke
Your kikservative need to dickride corporations is really embarrassing.

Obi-Wan never cuts himself off from the force and uses it in ep.4, and allegedly between 3 and 4 since Yoda teaches him how to communicate with Qui-gon so how the fuck does no Sith ever be able to sense Jedi shit going on?

>how the fuck does no Sith ever be able to sense Jedi shit going on?
the Force isn't some spidersense radar bullshit

White men sisters (male)...

But that why Jedi cut themselves off from the force in exile alot of the time, the sith could very much sense them using force abilities.

>none of star wars is canon beyond the six movies
And none of the Star Wars movies are actually good aside from the first two so it makes giving a shit about any of this even dumber

>But that why Jedi cut themselves off from the force in exile alot of the time, the sith could very much sense them using force abilities
please show me where in the movies this is stated

Yeah bro, we're just faggots or insufferable narcissists who have to play second fiddle to a woman. So much better.

In close proximity force sensitive beings can possibly detect one another.

Why, the movies past 6 are non canon anyway

The retard is literally using TLJ Luke's excuse on Obi-Wan. It's literally just stated that Vader doesn't feel his presence until he's right next to him, and the motherfucker has absolutely no reason to go back to Tatooine. The dude is a shill, just like the "well it's great that Disney is fixing something that makes no sense(even if it did make sense until they retconned it)" guy.

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You do realize hating everything isnt really a trait anyone gives a shit about?

>they would have talked about how their local boy went on to be a Jedi in training. Basically like their version of an NHL player hailing from a small town.
Nobody knew Anakin left to become a Jedi until many years. As far as they knew, he got bought as a slave and taken off world. Then his friends moved on with their lives.

Anakin only returned and only told Watto who he was when he was looking for his mom. No one else knew or card. Many years had passed.

Did Owen/Beru even live in the same place where Anakin grew up? Watto sold Shmi over to their family but it seems like it's quite a distance away

>No argument
>Assuming hatred of everything based off criticism of a point that makes no sense
>Appeal to popularity
Just proving my point really

Lol get a load of this retard who can't follow a story and thinks they're plot holes.

same people who thought the Death Star having an exhaust port was a plot hole that needed a whole movie to fix

Jesus, Disney. Fuck off our board already.

In the tards defense there were seveal books and i think even KOTOR 2 specifically mention that kinda shit but since its all non canon now, who gives a flying fuck, Star Wars is dead.

>books and video games
who cares lol

Why are you still in this thread?

I find shitting on Disney properties fun?
If it's not one of the 6 Lucas movies it's dogshit

prequels aren't cannon either faggit

Yeah but even then it's people that have a deep connection. And in KotOR 2 it was all about how the people doing that sending was A Jedi sensing abomination that literally ate the force, or another version of that which didn't go apeshit. Best they could do is sense someone strong in the force was on the same planet as them, but they still needed to find their planetary location through other means.

>quite a distance away
Bless you sweet user. The civilization takes up a whole galaxy but it's not the same place, it's several miles down the road.

this is literally from a post I made here and I made it up for yous lmao

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Why Disney likes shitting on Luke and Obi-Wan?

>It's the token black Yea Forums user

Did you stop reading there? 'Cause here's my actual statement:
>Disney don't want to be woke, they want the PR from being seen as woke

If your reading comprehension is really that poor, let me spoonfeed you the meaning of the above statement:
>Disney isn't woke, it's fake woke

WTF? I love the Empire now

she looks like an ape


Everyone gets fucked in different departments really.

This user does have a point

Star Wars In Name Only

It's the exact same department, black people are just getting the end game version of what whites are being prepped for.