>Hannah Montana 11 years ago
>appeared in a Black Mirror episode
What's next for her acting career?
Hannah Montana 11 years ago
hope she grows her hair out, settles down and has a normal life
she's buried in a Nevadan desert and has been for over a decade
Thought ‘That Waldo Moment’ was solidified as the absolute worst Black Mirror episode.
Then Hannah Montana came to surpass expectations.
she's had long hair for a while now and is also 'normal' now
who was in that Black Mirror ep, then?
For me it was the two black dudes fucking in the video game.
that was kino, the philosophical debates it spurred on Yea Forums are unmatched
I want her to choke on my incel cock.
>he watched past the first season
>he watched the netflix seasons
oh cool so she looks more trad and hot now? hope she leaks a sex tape
Her slut phase was too much in my teenage years. I fapped for hours, it ruined my life.
she claims in interviews to be introverted and shy but GOD DAMN she could ride a cock to brain death
>she claims in interviews to be introverted
>deleted post
she was raped by disney executive
the same way prostitute was groomed intp degeneracy
kinda sad
>be world famous
>only have to take one dick
Would consider
I'm pretty sure that's what everyone did in they're teen years
2 hot 4 u
Her song is better than the original NIN version.
a random hollywood actress apparently
Waldo is BASED.
Could it be the same one that turned Bella Thorne into a turbo slut?
aka she had surgery done
lame conspiracy. mileys teeth were the same forever until like late 2010s when she had it fixed.
.You can fake a lot of things, but not this
and y'know the front 2 teeth being identical
Literally every episode of the last season was far worse than that one. Gay street fighter being probably the worst.
if you wouldn't fuck her in the mouth you're a filthy damn liar
Her pee pictures would have been jerked off too consistently if she didnt have a face like she was pushing out a log. It's like her goalnwas to be as sexual in the most off-putting way so you dont sexualize her.
What happened to her? What made her go crazy like that? It was just sad
Far left woke activist
Assuming she wasn't killed and replaced the "reason" she went crazy is because one if the Hemsworth brothers dumped her, she went crazy right after that. They hooked back up and she became "normal" again and then he dropped her again and she returned to being crazy.
>lame conspiracy. mileys teeth were the same forever until like late 2010s when she had it fixed.
Teeth can be molded, or laser scanned, and exact duplicates made of those teeth, that are cnc machined from dental safe ceramic.
The “double’s” original teeth would then get pulled, with titanium plugs filling the root cavities, with the new ceramic teeth mounted on those titanium plugs.
If the oral surgeon knows exactly how the replacement teeth need to be aligned, then the titanium plugs can be drilled/positioned to match the correct layout for the matching teeth.
This wouldn’t be cheap, but if you need to replace a murdered Hollywood Child star, then the cost would probably be worth it.
She said she went schizo mode so Disney would cancel her contract and set her free. Notice how she's been MIA recently
I wonder how she even ties her own shoes
Girls who stick their tongue out in every pic lack charisma, it basically a jeep girl tactic.
i prefer that over dead eyed billy there
The reason she 'went' crazy is that shes a brainless bimbo meatpuppet that got her soul raped out of her while she was a preteen
Soft silky soles mmmm
The two on the right of her at least signal theres a integrity of self-construct inside, at least superficialy, like if you talked to them youd be talking to a real person
Billie always looks so sleepy
The ending was vomit inducing
dead eyes is the dumbest shit ever. Id not call any of them back after a date.
>One just had a look on her face as if she would rather be cooked in a vat of tuna then breath one more second of air, and the other kept sticking her tongue out, and constantly was smoking weed, like brah I like weed, but she just kept smoking it to the point im now for weed remaining illegal. and then she took me home, right? And she proceeded to piss on my chest, and while I was turned on, I made the mistake of looking up at her face, and there was that fucking tongue sticking out as if she was solving for x, I swore she was about to push out a shit from her ass I had no choice but to throw her off of me and leave.
>dead eyes is the dumbest shit ever
it's kind of hot, but I'd never date someone like that
She was a psyop luring a generation of teen girls into a lifestyle of depravity assuming the real Miley wasn't tossed into a woodchipper a decade or so ago
Thats not sleepy, thats jugmental and condescending
I would
I so fucking would
Well that dead eye shit is a youth thing, so either you're a pedo or shouldn't be posting here if you did date someone who did that, but still, when somone has a constant look of "hurry up im bored and life sucks" even if they are having a good time, that person needs to be dropped just so it doesnt affect you.
That person needs to be brutaly fucked till her holes hurt and then fucked some more, and by need i mean as in a genuine inner need that dosent even have anything to do with you as such
lmao that has nothing to do with youth and a lot to do with being on drugs
go outside
This. She's not a chilled-out rocker type who would be fun to vibe with, she's a typical ADHD zoomer chick with a trillion self-diagnosed mental disorders. Clingy self-absorbed attention-seekers.
The very fact that you don't believe that there are women out there who put on that face who've never touched a drug in their life makes me think that you are the one that needs to go outside, by the way I'm driving to the gym right now what are you doing?
its not the face, its the glazed eyes
>I'm driving to the gym right now
sure you are, faggot
Hahaha, well if I wasnt ip ranged banned from posting images when using data I post a picture, but you cope how ever you need to. Enjoy the dino shaped tendies
>shes a brainless bimbo meatpuppet
so like all w*men
That black mirror show is remarkably shitty.
Why do retards like to larp so much?
>molested by his grandfather when he was 4
Yeah except his grandfather died in 1977 and he was born in 1980 lmao