Movies that play out in real-time

What are examples of good movies that play-out largely or entirely in real-time? Meaning a single event that is set over the course of the movie duration.

Such as Panic Room or Phonebooth.

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The one with Woody Harrelson. Forgot the name.

High Noon?

The Circle

Fifth Element


16 blocks
not a bad flick


Didn't Johnny Depp's Nick of Time do that?
Cellular with Chris Evans too, maybe.


There is a movie literally called

Real Time

It's not good



climax,everything in the film happens in one night and the second half is "real-time"

I seem to remember that Nick Of Time with Johnny Depp and Christopher Walken was pretty good little thriller. Directed by John Badham.

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Victoria. It's also shot in real time.




The 24 movie...WHEN?

Three O'Clock High

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Fun fact, the movie starts at 3pm.

Fairly okay Tangerine Dream score iin that one.

Jodie Foster molested KStew

running time, rec'd to me by an user like 7 years ago
heist movie with bruce campbell directed by a friend of him and raimi's, uses a "one take" gimmick, but really it's like rope where there's small cuts, impressive either way
only problem is that last act is FUCKING GARBAGE, one of the most obvious and worst cases of things slowing down and them not knowing what to do. guess the budget ran out

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Victoria 2015. Although quality is subjective.

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Tape (2001), the movie that proves once and for all that Hugh Laurie is a shit actor and Robert Sean Leonard carries every single show, film and flick he appears in.

Reservoir Dogs

nobody is going to watch a 24 hour movie

Doesn't Buried with Ryan Reynolds do that? What a shit movie

no he falls asleep halfway through and fights a CGI snake
weird scene too

Uncut Gems and Good Time booth feel like they do with how they are paced, although there are several time lapses in them.

Gus Van Sandt's Last Days on the other end of the spectrum for painfully slow scenes, feels like it plays out in real time

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Does this apply?

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24 my nigga lol

comfy movie

This is the real answer to your question, this movie was done in one take.

Money Monster.

Ha, came here to post this.
Recommended viewing

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Sounds bad but least they're wearing their masks

Well, unless the movie has slow motions and fast forwards, all movies are in real time

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Fincher only picks movies about killers

Checked. Good movie.

This gem.

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12 angry men

Wasn't there some gay ass thriller movie from the early/mid 00s that takes place entirely in a phonebooth with some guy threatened that if he hangs up he'll get sniped?

The Big Kahuna
anyone seen this? I saw it a long fucking time ago

This one is worth watching.

Phone Booth

Boyhood, at least it felt that way.

Yes, it was called... Phone Booth.

No, but it was something similar. It had Colin Ferrell and someone was threatening his life in a city somewhere. It's on the tip of my tongue.

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now you see me

It's "The telephone call that couldnt end" (2009)


All of Linklater's Before series plays out in real time. In particular, Before Sunset has no time skips, so the whole movie takes place in its 80m runtime. Also, all these movies are great.

High Noon

OP said good movies.

Good morning sirs

The Man from Earth

The new movie "The Outfit", mostly i think

Good movie but not really real time. They jump time a bunch don't they? He'll walk into a room and days will have passed

If you include the flashbacks (and you should) then the the movie take place over at least a month, maybe more

Can't go wrong with Stephen Graham.

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How much of the runtime do the flashbacks make up?

Close, but I believe it takes place over two nights