>Moments women will never understand
Moments women will never understand
>"I did it for Sneed."
this was obvious from the very first episode walter is a very unsubtle character with simple motivations
What about that chick who just ran off with an inmate? I bet she’d say the same thing
I did it for Smee, Maimen, Dr Pavelhier, Button-Lee, Juan O'Vous
moments women will never understand:
virginity past 16
triggered huh chuds?
and yet many people didnt get it
I liked feed. I was good as seed.
Which is why it’s a pretty dumb show made for people who didn’t go to college. Everything is either surface-level or “pretend deep”, like an Easter Egg.
Wow you're so smart for being above breaking bad please fuck me please please??
Someone's off their medication.
Get the fuck out of the thread contrarian troon faggot
You must be such a lonely and pathetic person
Road to perdition was the first movie ending I ever cried at. What a show.
there are reaction channel by bunch of roasties that unironically get filtered by Walt. so yeah women don't understand it
dilate tranny
>made for people who didn’t go to college
ah yes, the classic midwit measure for intelligence, go fucking back and stay there
Dubs don't lie
>they hated him because he told the truth
normalfag momentum
i mean you're not wrong in that the themes in breaking bad are pretty simple but there's nothing wrong with not being overly complex when the show is still made very well. it seems more like your critiquing the people who hail breaking bad as a masterpiece instead of the show itself
>age old tradie cope
Come fix my plumbing, subhuman
>it seems more like your critiquing the people who hail breaking bad as a masterpiece instead of the show itself.
Yeah, I’d agree with that. BB is an okay show, but it’s not a masterpiece, high art, “le best show ever”, or anything close to that.
The only thing that’s good about Breaking Bad is how blatantly racist it is, because white people are definitely superior to all the disposable Mexicans/Latinos on the show: apogeejournal.org
Oh so thats why you’re shitting this thread up, Paco
>(((College makes you smart)))
Fucking kek does anyone believe this? Me and my friends all went to college and were all retarded losers. My one friend with a graduates killed himself a few years ago.
If you think you and your friends are retarded you'd be amazed at the kind of pig that never even makes it there
Not lying or meming in any way.
I was a psych major. The only thing I learned in college was that the (((study))) of psychology is not a science or art, but a scam. I learned basic math in elementary school and morals from Yu-Gi-Oh. College and public school is a farce.
women have that feel everytime they suck a dick
>>Moments women will never understand
Nothing in breaking bad is "pretend deep", you're just a massive pseud. I bet you think sopranos is deep.
Fine, what do you consider deep?
Wow, going to college is so hard. Especially to get an art degree, they don't give those to just anyone.
This is him now.
>they are great guys.
>I would never date or sleep with either of them though.
What did you major in?
>They are novelties to me so it's fun and I like them!
Just give your kids shitloads of milk. Period. Definitely doesn't work on niggers, not sure if it works on Asians but anyone else milk up.
Psych. What a joke.
>t. we treat him like we treat a puppy
women really do just fucking lie constantly even when they dont have to
>short guy energy
I think genetics has everything to do with it though, my dad measured me at 3 years old, some calculator said I would be 6'3" and I am. But in fairness I used to have steak for dinner most nights too.
i really wish i could do something to help out short people, i just feel so bad for them, it's like the one thing you don't get a say in when you're born and can never change and fucks up so many of your chances, romantically, professionally etc. I'd sooner contribute to height increasing research sooner than cancer treatment research. I'm sorry short bros i know it's not fair
No shit, it's nature and nurture. If The Rock grew up in Somalia he'd probably still be big but definitely not as tall or strong.
I’m mostly referring to all the intros in BB that have a close up of something, that then pulls out to reveal something else. Like that stupid stuffed animal bear with half its face missing.
Those are dumb/pointless and add nothing to the story except to pad the running time. Or like the dumb montages of characters like Wendy, which are basically just music videos that don’t impact anything else in the show.
don't rag on the sopranos that show go hard
How to load a weapon properly.
I hate women
i know it sounds like cope but honestly you just learn to stop caring. that won't magically get you any pussy, sure, but whatever
it's reddit, can't be sure it's actually a woman
It's like complaining that you weren't born rich. You're technically at a disadvantage but it doesn't really matter. In fact if you focus too hard on it you're inadequate already
locked post.