Man Made Horrors Beyond Comprehension
Man Made Horrors Beyond Comprehension
good morning madams
then he will rape she
I thought Pajeets were redpilled about trannies
sounds like a possible great scientific achievement to me
mmm sir this hole i fuck i fuck
The true redpill is that trannies will help end gynocentrism once and for all.
The idea itself is a crime against existence.
For those who haven't, I recommend watching the "Subject" segment from VHS 94.
Funny thing is even if in some bizzaro Fairytaleland world where this worked the dude would still be a man, just with some fucked up surgically grafted pseudouterus.
Impossible though, you can't just sew a uterus on. The person's literal DNA has no way of replicating a uterus or its functions. If this happened, and the person didn't immediately die, it would be like the fly except they would just heal back into a man whereas Goldblum "healed" into a fly.
Thats actually pretty cool
Exactly, where would a man produce ova from lol
Link or this is bullshit
How the fuck would the male body send nutrients to the fetus?
Then you don’t know anything about Hinduism
> The Hijras are a third-gender group in the Indian subcontinent. Some of them undergo castration, which is connected to Bahuchara Mata who is identified with the earth goddess. According to legends, she cut off her breasts in order to avoid rape by a group of bandits.[62][63] The operation is termed by them nirvan. They compare it with tapas which consists of avoiding sex. Also used to justify emasculation is a creation myth of Shiva who emasculated himself.[64] The aravanis also undergo castration.[65] Hijras also use Arjuna becoming a eunuch during exile as a result of a curse as a justification for castration. Despite this, all the seven major hijra clans are claimed to have been established by Muslims.[66] There are an estimated 50,000 hijra in northern India.
>worthless human beings being turned into cash cows for surgery and medicine
I would be 100% okay with it not a single penny was covered by any normal public health insurance and it wasn't done on children
half their gods are shemales basically.
I play god for she
India jumps on the opportunities of doing biological experiments on deluded people willing to take the risk. This whole tranny thing is basically a gigantic Mengele style operation disguised as pro alphabet people thing and the best thing is, their supporters are too stupid to realize it.
How would the fetus develop caged inside a male pelvis?
Yea Forums - Television & Film
You’re confusing the based Victorian British (who passed laws to clump down on homosexuality and trannies in India in the 19th century) for the pajeets being based.
see you in 30 years, user, it's amazing how fast medical science has come
remember when they were saying you couldn't do a heart transplant, it was literally impossible because the DNA and blood wouldn't match and they just straight up die?
anyway, what do you think the cope will be for trans people at that point? Currently we're on
>YWNBAW cuz no uterus and can't have babies
will it be
>YWNBAW cuz you weren't born with a uterus and those babies are from an egg donor
look at google and twitter.
we must convince trannies that the only way for them to truly become a woman is to kill themselves so they can be reborn as a woman
isn't the big spiritual reward for following their religions there being burned for eternity in the afterlife until it's time for the universe to be reformed or some insane shit like that?
Hindu pantheon has intersex and gods and goddesses switching genders. It's a natural religious thing to them.
It's ethically wrong, Hippocratic Oath is most certainly broken when doctors do Frankenstein shit like this.
does a womb still know how to grow baby if you transplant it
don't you need other shit to activate womb
sir please do not transplant
Now this is doing the needful
What’s the matter guys? Don’t you fucking love science???
Its fucked but I can't deny it's kinda awesome to imagine this could be possible
im pretty sure surgeons dont give a shit about that. tit implants and leg lengthening are pretty shitty things to do considering all the complications you could have for purely cosmetic reasons.
the sneedful
There is already an awesome structure to gestate and birth babies: it's called the female reproductive system. This abomination is simply the type of delirium that would be criminalized under normal circumstances. This too shall pass
Hurrr blublublu science bad even though this would also help women who can't have children
Baby. You want something you can never have.
Poos don't give a shit, they'll do anything for money.
There are realms but we follow a cycle of reincarnation in Hinduism. And that guy is correct. Gender thing is blurred with gods. Not with humans, but since anyone can reincarnate as anything: including animals, there's also not such a fixed thing as identity then (western wise, there's a belief of a unique soul which seems gendered). It's a weird mix of fixed castes you're born into in unlucky draw, but actually a spiritual flexibility.
Kamasutra celebrates also homosexuality and discusses positions as it does with heterosexuality. The homophobia there is merely a result of British colonialism.
These sick fucks have to know that the chance they pull this is off is next to zero and the patient is probably going to die.
What the fuck is wrong with surgeons?
>yeah you're a good surgeon but I bet you can't graft an additional penis onto a patient!
>fuck you Dave, hold my beer
They are, that's why they're embracing it.
Do you really think they care about any fetus in there? It could starve and die for all they care, as long as they are able to say they were "pregnant" for a moment.
>Hurrr blublublu science bad even though this would also help women who can't have children
Then why not do the transplant on actual females?
Ripping out some woman's reproductive system and attaching it to the hair-filled wound in your crotch will still not make you a woman, Cenobite.
>Retard take
Just because something is in your pantheon and your gods can do it doesn't mean it's culturally okay for you to do it
Rape wasnt okay in Greece even though Zeus raped
tranette no passto
also kek
XY brain doesn't understand how a womb works, it is going to get rotten or expelled somehow
you're gonna have to revise this line when they start making implantable artificial uteri
Dude they have a whole cult about that shit, pajeets have been castrating themselves to become tranny prostitutes for centuries.
Do you idiots actually think you can swap around male and female organs like computer components and have them work?
Because a pregnant dude is a lot more wild and incredible than that, it's a matter of time before it happens, I welcome all kinds of crazy surgeries.
Biological women have female hormones, pelvis, ovaries. Transmen are men who have psychiatric issues and/or live in a state of self-deception.
XY's brain understand how a heart works, XY's brain doesn't understand how a womb works, how do you fix that?
Who said that? Of course they'll do something more than just inserting the thing there
Ignorance. The "third gender" was recognized since ancient times with them and that's for people.
Not related to trannies but Kamasutra, their sacred sex book, encourages everyone to engage into homosexual acts to obtain plesaure too. Not every society was 'wired' with the same boring jew cult and the gentile version standards. Look at ancient Sumer where the priestess were not virgins but holy prostitutes.
I'm not a doctor but the DNA needed to replicate dying cells in your body is located in each individual cell. You don't need some sort of brain - cell connection for the cell to replicate and destroy its old copy once it starts dying. You can be in a completely vegetative state and your cells will continue to replicate just fine.
There are other issues I don't fully comprehend with such a fucked up operation like the nerve connections, hormones etc.
i appreciate transfolk tbqh. theyre a stepping stone to bring cosmetic surgery to the next level. in a few decades the first years of your career will be spent saving up for your fav surgeries so you join the real society
>female hormones, pelvis, ovaries
Someday science will make biological men have all of that
Keep telling yourself that
why would we need women then?
Wish I had a pelvis
Oh shit was that the Bogs' endgame?
>Lerning to transplant wombs into men instead of lerning to get babies to gestate out of womb thus saving women from childbirth.
Doctors really are sick fucks and total quacks.
You're deluded if you think they're homophobic because of the Brits.
>>YWNBAW cuz no uterus and can't have babies
What about women who had cancer, had their uterus removed and can't have kids anymore? Those women aren't women anymore, what? Conservatards are mentally ill.
David Cronenberg's new film was a documentary, it seems.
You literally chopped your dick off, dude.
You should volunteer for the pelvis transplant, I'm sure it will succeed.
Ywnbaw if you have a y chromosome. I'll grant you womanhood when we have star trek tubes that can rewrite your body from the cell up to make you look like whatever you want.
It's about brain-dead men? Impressive superpowers to predict the future.
race of people which rapes monitor lizards and bathes in cow shit isnt redpilled about anything
So you hate your mom. It's fine, incel. She wishes every day that you were an abortion instead.
Let's say Crazy science makes two men or two women have children
Something wrong would happen with the children right? Is this possible?
ywnbaw because you was born a man
i actually don't and will never care about the new ways trannies invent to mutilate and kill themselves. no amount of surgery can override the fact that they are not and never will be real women - because real women don't need any of those things in order to be what they already are. even if a man were to successfully receive a uterus and bear children on his own without being surgically attached to a real pregnant woman's endocrine system (will never happen btw), he would still be exactly as much of a woman as an artificial womb or a pig with a human embryo implanted in its uterus, which is to say, not a woman at all.
Well the opposite could also happen if they found a way for woman to ejaculate just like we do, society would change a lot I bet.
People say Muslims and Indians etc are homophobic, but they've always been very nice to me. It's Anglos that are the problem. They seem to have a specific autism about sex taking precedence over gender roles.
only smoothbrains see a new fringe experiment being done on a tranny as a bad thing. we can learn so much when ethics are removed from medicine, but we object to such a thing as a human is not something to be experimented on. since trannies aren't human this makes it okay, even desirable as we can further our understanding of transplants and the human body's reaction without regard for ethics, and seeing as the previous case died this one will too. one dead tranny, one free medical experiment, literally a net gain for humanity but Yea Forums is too dumb to see it
gotta walk before you can run
What makes humanity so amazing is that there's nothing that will ever stop our evolution, always evolving.
>humans have two legs
>"what about amputees? are they not human anymore?"
shut up retard.
These are real women. You don't speak on their behalf and you can't bandwagon mentally-ill men along with women, not least because the ones who can't gestate would rationally opt for surrogacy.
Literally impossible.
This, Yea Forums is so dumb.
If I have a horn sewn to my head, that doesn't make me a unicorn
Also known as Dr. Narendra Kaushik‘S MONSTER.
These fucking morons think men and women have interchangeable body parts, when almost ALL organ transplants are done from men to men and women to women.
This isn't evolution-- it's simply delusional body modification for its own sake. There is no lack of women to safely bring babies to life.
you're confusing muslims with hindus
Neato, the call center shitskin I'm dealing with is some kind of earth mother spirit.
I know there's a race of lizards who naturally developed same sex breeding after the males turned sterile, why couldn't this happen to us too with some science?
>YWNBAW cuz no uterus and can't have babies
nobody says that. You will never be a woman because you are not a woman and never will be. Simple as.
that's not really "breeding" so much as it is cloning.
Stop being transphobic.
Not really actually. You just need to scramble the DNA properly or you'll end up giving birth to bananas.
Troons are guinea pigs that humanity needs but 4chaniggers are too retarded to understand.