She has the ability to travel dimensions because.....uhhh... ummm.... BECAUSE SHE JUST DOES OK
She has the ability to travel dimensions because.....uhhh... ummm.... BECAUSE SHE JUST DOES OK
It's because she comes from Planeta Fuertona.
how does she not have alternate versions of herself
In her universe, that makes sense.
Why didn't Strange just get the white version?
Multiversal singularities isn't a new concept.
looks like ghostbusters
There are no other hers in the multiverse therefore she can travel through it as a way of cosmic balance
Was she horny for Strange? I think she was
Why was she so chippy at the end of the movie? Didn't her parents die only a few days back?
it wouldn't be a problem if they put fucking mutants in the faggot marvel movies
can she do anything else?
>a gay person is unique
The minotaur apprentice is fucking her
She's latina, of course her power is crossing borders
alright pretty good.
>Dr.Strange: Is that your mother and grandmother?
>Chavez: They're my mom's...
>Dr.Strange: Hmm, fucking faggots got punished by God himself. Nice. Ok, let's move on. Also, take that faggot coloring box badge off, it's distracting me.
> literal goblina
I don't even know what this is and I dropped it.
Who cares. Mutant or government experiment
Checks out
>colorist casting
Yeah that's gonna be a no from me, maybe try some actual BIPOC representation next time
She's real cute
Her sexuality was so nonexistent in this movie that I seriously thought she was.
Why did they whitewash her?
whats the point of such coping?
that tight little ass holy DAYUM
You're complaining about Cuckvel comics films now? How about the aliens who all have anthropomorphic features, or who all seem to be attuned to both breathing earth air and managing earth gravity? What about magic wands, teleportation, or any of the entirely absurd baseline premises of their universe?
She's just as dumb.
What's annoying, is that she's woke as fuck and was a shitty actor. They should have dumped someone better into that role.
if she was any darker, she'd have been picking fleas off Benedict Wong.
this might be legit the dumbest attempt at a shitpost i've seen on this board this week
Yes, the token Mexican/Lesbian is the McGuffin too.
Because Strange convinced her of the possibility that her parents were possibly still alive, so she's motivated to train and control her powers and one day finding them again.
How did Wanda even know about America Chavez?
>Didn't her parents die only a few days back?
Were you even watching the film
What's this, just to put the focus on black people?
Raimi's back, baby!
she might've caught a glimpse of her while she was sifting through realities at the end of wandavision
Darkhold. They literally say this. How do you have a too low IQ for a fucking Marvel movie?
It makes perfect sense that a person born with the power to naturally travel the multiverse wouldn't have any alters.
Yup, black people feel so entitled now that they no longer want to be included in the term POC, so they invented the term BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, AND People of Color) to separate themselves out as the kings of the retard olympics.
>muh Darkhold
Excuse for every shitty writing in this movie.
the big green tentacle monster should have tapped that
Wong ruined everything
what did they mean by this
Her nostrils look big enough for me to stick my pp in
>Mexican goblina
>wearing stars and stripes
>wearing crayon pin
>named America
They're not even trying to be subtle with the propaganda any more.
America Chavez is a part of this new Marvel shit they're pushing in the comics. MCU has only nosedived since Endgame.
Literally it is introduced by saying it corrupts the user by showing them exactly what they want
Do you know America is the name of the fucking continent too right ?
Did you miss the part where she's wearing stars and stripes, specifically symbols associated with the US flag?
>The universe is trying to ensure I have the chance to shoot my shot with this qt
Thank you cruel and unforgiving universe
is Yea Forums broken? everyone is giving (You)s to the unfunny stolen joke but the poster count isn't going up
This character fucking sucks and the whole movie would have been better without her. I thought it would just be Wanda tearing through the multiverse searching for her fake children while Doctor Strange chases her through all these interesting multiversal setpieces. Instead, we got this dumb maguffin character to ruin everything.
>Amerigo Vespucci was like totally white
>spics ain't allowed to be Murican
There weren't any alternate Visions either
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