He is such a terrible actor

He is such a terrible actor.
Why do people rank him so high as Bond?

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oh noe

Because it was enjoyable fun movies. I want the silly carefree wholesome 90s back. Where the good guys win and people still laughed at themselves.

>mfw her bmi is dropping

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Because Bond is simply about cool, and Pierce is cool.

He's charming, and can get intense when he has too. Perfect Bond. But I don't see him as anything else whenever he's on screen.

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probably because its who they grew up with

He's just a believably classy fellow with good taste

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>"James, why are there buckets full of pork crackling, fruit pudding and cream here?"
>"It's the way Christmas food is meant to be"
>roll credits

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This, unlike Craig

The movies he was in were the best and despite poor acting he looks handsome/cool enough in them. It's why GoldenEye is rated as one of the best of all time. Casino Royale had a similar effect except it was actually good.

The best Bond...

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Dalton's a British Fag..
Australia's the only country that produces real men..

>tfw 60th anniversary of bond
>cinema near me is playing every Bond film
>one movie a week
>last film on was Thunderball
Remember when films were fun? Hot women? Gadgets? Creative? 27 films over 60 years. (Instead we get Marvel doing that and more over 14 years.) I love these films.
That film is very solid on repeat viewings desu. Also Diana Rigg was a fox back then.
He was underrated too.

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He's a solid Bond; good-looking, charming in a low key way. Just a plausible secret agent who's easy to root for.
He never has a moment where he has to bust out real acting chops in his movies, but then again neither did most Bonds (including Sean Connery, who is generally considered to be the best one).

What was her problem?

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Most Bonds are just "charismatic guy who can speak with a bit of gravitas when he needs to". The only ones who could actually act are Dalton and Craig.

She was a woman.

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He has that comfy feel

My grandad beat the shit out of him after he bullied my great uncle. True story.

I didn't get a chance to impregnate her.

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I'd dink her.

who's the actress?

Tell me this scene isn't kino.


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how did he get away with thish

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Connery could act, but that wasn't needed in his films.

For me, it's the Aston V8.

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Different times.

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Is that a fucking garrote vil?

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sophie marceau

>pierce brosnan
>terrible actor

you obviously haven't seen Taffin

Is your granddad Blofeld?

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Most kino chase in the entire bond franchise

>Timothy Dalton was born as Timothy Leonard Dalton Leggett on 21 March 1946 in Colwyn Bay, Wales, to an English father, Peter Dalton Leggett, who was a captain in the Special Operations Executive during the Second World War and was an advertising executive at the time of his son's birth; and an American mother, Dorothy Scholes, of Italian and Irish descent.

is craig thought of as the least bondy bond?

Pretty sure this scene was what kick started by bdsm fetish

She's hot


everything about the 90s is terrible,only shills from the big companies like this shit films
tell me one good film of the 90s with SOUL,not nostalgia or shill responses

How did Steve Irwin die already?

because pierce, is gorgeous. pierce is a gorgeous man.

This, also had the best Aston Martin, the V8 one

>pulp fiction
I named 3.

Terminator 2

It's good.

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Fuck this movie

That she wasn't doing all that to me

Name one woman who wouldn't want to get "raped" by Sean Connery.

I remember seeing an interview once where Lazenby said Brosnan was a bad and unbelievable Bond because he didn’t look like he could fight or any woman would look twice at him.
>The names Cunt, Based Cunt

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Show boobs or stfu

Jealous old crusty boomer.

Considering he is dead I think the majority of women wouldn't want to be anywhere near him

he was the bond of millenials, goldeneye 64, oddjob, etc etc

Shut up retard.

t. necrophiliac


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