/bcs/-Better Call Saul General

Martini Edition


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How do I become Lalo

>mfw thinking about Lalo's plans in the final season

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np user your oc is fucking good shit
i only have those 4 zeeeeeeeglers
so if anyone has more please share


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>people are missing out on the fact that kim and jimmy banked on howard finding out
jimmy nor kim wasn't bothered one bit by the fact. howard even himself articulated why it was easy for him to catch on.

That was the most obvious part of the entire episode.

Well done, El Grande Lalo... Well done... However... I predicted your movements before you even arrived in naziland.

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>Being followed by someone she doesn't know would definitely cause panic attacks
Not if she expected it. They obviously planned everything out meticulously.

Her reaction wasn't "Oh, Howard hired the PI early."
Her reaction was "Holy fucking shit... who the fuck is following me..."

>Yeah because Vince loves to show plots being acted out and then it's only an episode or two later that we figure out what's going on.
The show always leaves hints. You're never totally in the dark.
>It took us four episodes to find out why the fuck Lalo stayed behind in Mexico, and it turns out he didn't even stay in Mexico and went to Germany instead.
This was a surprise but was hinted at by Lalo's conversation with Hector about proof.

There was no hinting that Kim and Jimmy expected to be followed.
There was only evidence of the opposite, clearly demonstrated by Kim's panic attacks when she noticed she was being followed.

>Why not? If they already reached out to a specific PI with the knowledge that Howard would hire him
It's a huge stretch to assume they knew exactly which PI Howard would hire.

My prediction from last week about Howard incidentally getting involved in Jimmy's cartel shit might actually come true now that a private eye is in the mix.

How did Lalo know about Ziegler? How did he track her down?
I think it's been too long or I'm retarded, or both, but I can't remember.

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Spongebob is absolutely recognisable, while a slightly different pepsi logo with different logos is not. Basing your childhood memories around how a soda logo used to look it honestly pretty sad

They mistook our kindness for weakness.

kim could mix up mike's pis with howard's pi

I can't be the only one

holy fuck is this real?

The 2nd-to-last card on their planning board is an eye. They know.


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travel wire guy i think

get a redditor to write you a script

whether Jimm and Kim are expecting Howard to hire a PI is definitely debatable. realistically they SHOULD expect it but Kim's reaction to Gus's men indicates that she didn't have such exepctations. this is a tad weird.

This has been his pet project from day one

Yeah I don't know if it's just people pretending to be retarded or are actually retarded, as soon and Jimmy and Kim are in bed and it's clear their plans aren't changing it's immediately obvious

Once I get my own place this is what I'm doing.

Was the entire outdoor area in germany CGI? It looks fake. Like something out of a ps2 game.
So glad animal-whisperer got added to the list of lalo powers.

jesus what a goddess

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My childhood memories aren't based around logos, but I have a functional memory and have pattern recognition. This isn't anything more than the basics of survival. You'd die from eating the wrong mushrooms.

>people are completely ignoring kim's panic attacks to gus's men tailing her 2 episodes ago
they expect to get caught but obviously she didnt expect to be tailed

It doesn't matter if Howard has a PI, because Jimmy isn't going to be interacting with anyone that Howard will be able to use. It's all going to be boring info that Howard gets, and it's going to push him to do something worse, after Kim and Jimmy push him that extra little bit. Didn't you see the Nuke post-it?

yes, that part is unclear and might even be weak writing. the fact that they expected howard to find out mean kim should've expected the tail to be howard's PI.

I've seen enough Werner Ziegler memes with Lalo smiling to remember that he's been onto something. I didn't expect him to show up in fucking Germany though. Is this the first time Breaking Bad or BCS has been out of the US and Mexico?

No. BrBa went to Germany a few times for Madrigal Electromotive.

What? Dude 90% of Season 4 was in Germany

Likely found a nice neighborhood in LA and skyboxed in a skyline for some German city.

>The show always leaves hints. You're never totally in the dark.
Well yeah there's already a tonne of hints here, like I said here there's definitely some degree of planning involved with Howard finding them out, and the idea that they wouldn't predict Howard hiring a PI is pretty dumb
>It's a huge stretch to assume they knew exactly which PI Howard would hire.
Yeah but like I said here the level of foresight all the characters have at this point is ridiculous, they're all like grand chessmasters. They could easily spin this as "Mike knows all the PIs in Albuquerque and we used Mike to get to them" or "This guy was recommended by the same PI Chuck used"
I think you're reading way too much in the discrepancy between Kim being freaked out over being tailed and the possibility they knew Howard would hire one. Could even be this is just a minor plothole that is never explicitly explained.

the street markings looked fake, too, so I think that was some really goofy editing.

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Anyone else here retarded enough to start singing the happy birthday song twice as Gus started washing his hands, then got disappointed when he only got through it once? He literally works in the food industry. That's so disgusting. It was a nice detail at least. I liked seeing how a criminal mastermind performed such a mindless task we as normal people do daily. Hopefully we're lucky and they show him scratching his balls next episode.

Eh well keep in mind that this isn’t the first time. Chuck hired a private investigator before.

She could be surprised about Mikes guys because Howard wasn’t supposed to catch on at that point. Or maybe they really aren’t privy to the situation. Gonna have to wait and see.

man I swear if it is going to be some keikaku dori shit from Gus.
It's already stupid that Gus is 100% certain Lalo is alive based on a fucking handshake so I don;t want more bullshit like that please

>No NTR sex scene with Lalo & Margarethe
Milf bros...

Never worked in the wageslave industry, didn't know that was a thing.

wtf is this


We need a Fly episode of Gus and Mike stuck at Mike’s house

user, just Google image search the screenshot.
How are you falling for this shit in 2022?

Dogs are literally the easiest animal in the world to train and domesticate. The fact that so many people still fuck it up is quite something

Well I really hope production on the lab is put to a complete halt or that gun Gus planted is going to be sheet metal if that tractor moves at all.

What even is the difference, a slightly different border around the logo and a different font?
>You'd die from eating the wrong mushrooms.
lmaoing at you believing you've got some superior survival skills from recognising the logo changes of a highly processed sugary drink. I don't think you realise that not everyone was guzzling down this shit as a child, I've probably had just 10-20 cans of Pepsi across my lifetime

I'm lazy

>It's already stupid that Gus is 100% certain Lalo is alive based on a fucking handshake
Hector, who had just received the news that his nephew was killed at his own home, smiled like a retard while willingly shaking the hand of the man he hates more than anyone. He gave Lalo away so transparently that Gus would have been an idiot if he hadn't figured it out.

for wageslaves it is

>tfw Rian Johnson credit for director TBA episode announced

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When did he wash his hands?

>She could be surprised about Mikes guys because Howard wasn’t supposed to catch on at that point.
Yeah I'm sure it's this. Also iirc Kim is on the phone to Jimmy saying she thinks she's being tailed and he doesn't mention anything about Howard's PI so maybe she took that to mean "that part of the plan hasn't been acted out yet"

one thing I that crossed my mind in the lab scene was what was done to Werner's body?

I had this crazy idea in a season 5 thread two years ago that Lalo ends up buried... next to Werner.

>Well I really hope production on the lab is put to a complete halt

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>smiled like a retard
Well the thing is Hector actually IS a literal retard now.

What an idiot. Lalo told him to act like he was dead and he gives him away. He inadvertently is responsible for Lalos death.

>It's already stupid that Gus is 100% certain Lalo is alive based on a fucking handshake
That one is fine, but Gus predicting that Lalo is going to find out about the lab and luring him there is pretty fucking dumb

NTR? She's a widow.


Was this the scene where Bob suffered the heart attack?

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So now Lalo is going to track down the people who were commissioned to make the measuring tool plaque thing and somehow that will link back to Gus or something? Why bother proving Gus is guilty going down this rabbit hole?

No, we need an episode where it's Gus walking around Pollos Hermanos being suspicious, followed by a spin off movie of Mike checking in on his guys (who are solid) watching surveillance cameras where nothing happens.

>Tfw I remember I convinced myself TLJ would be kino because I liked Looper and Ozymandias circa Nov 2017

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Gus deducing Lalo being alive is completely sensible
>all assassins died
>lalo was supposedly cooking at 3 in the night when the attack took place to justify the body conveniently buring unrecognizable
>hector was smug despite supposedly losing his nephew

>lmaoing at you believing you've got some superior survival skills
I literally said basics of survival, not superior skills. Just pointing out that your skills are deficient.
You're so mad, that you have to make up all this shit about me.
While I keep hitting the nail on the head, about your autism. No longer worth giving you the (You).

Howard's actor did say he was on the scene when it happened to that's a possibility. Could explain why the fight was pretty unsatisfying if this was a reshoot.

>It's already stupid that Gus is 100% certain Lalo is alive
you're a retard

>Eh well keep in mind that this isn’t the first time. Chuck hired a private investigator before.
Oh you mean the fact that Jimmy didn't anticipate Chuck would hire a PI? I think if anything that would confirm Jimmy could predict it now, especially given the Howard was the one paying for the PI and was in the room with him at the time. Also Jimmy confronting Chuck that time was meant to be retarded and he didn't clearly think it through

These episodes have so much fucking filler - the entire scene with Kim awake at 3am added nothing to plot or character development.

They're fucking in the house they shared or even bedroom. Spiritual NTR Kino, she gets fucked by a Mexican while her husband is buried in the Mexican desert.

>install 4chanX
>click reverse google image search button

50% of this show is just someone standing in a room looking around with dramatic music playing.

Just realized that the way things are going, fucking AMC+ tards are gonna spoil the final episode. Gonna have to get the free trial the week it airs.

I was critical of 604 but this time I will call your opinion gay. Kim is distraught of Lalo being alive. The scene was kino.

dubs of truth, first half of this season is filler

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Am I cucking all my exs, when I fuck on the same mattress?

>the idea that they wouldn't predict Howard hiring a PI is pretty dumb
The show explicitly shows Kim did not expect to be followed. Nearly all of episode 4 revolved around her panic attacks after she noticed she was being followed.

>the level of foresight all the characters have at this point is ridiculous, they're all like grand chessmasters.
Not really, but That does feel like a decent example. Gus doesn't know Lalo is in Germany tracking down Ziegler's wife but he does seem to expect something to go down in the lab, which does feel a little farfetched.
But that's Gus.
Kim and Jimmy haven't had the same contrivances. For example, when they got Mike to scout out Chuck's house by cancelling the appointment, Kim spent hours calling businesses in the phone book looking for Chuck's booking.

That doesn't require ridiculous power levels at all.

>I think you're reading way too much in the discrepancy between Kim being freaked out over being tailed. Could even be this is just a minor plothole that is never explicitly explained.
It was the entirety of episode 4. If she wasn't supposed to have panic attacks, that wouldn't be a minor plothole, that would be negligence.

I don't believe the writers would be that negligent with the story, especially in its final season.

Kek OK buddy, I'm not making any assumption except that you clearly guzzled down a lot of shitty Pepsi and soda as a kid since you think showing a Pepsi logo is "referencing your teens/young adult life", as if a soft drink is so fundamental to your upbringing

She’s scared of confronting Lalo, that’s why she put the chair on the door.

anyone have a clean shot of the slide rule where you can see the numbers?
I want to know what it was set to

>May I take your order?

Was that one guy going to eat a whole 12 piece spicy chicken bucket with fries and a coke (Pepsi) by himself? Is that normal Yea Forums?

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>added nothing
upsidedown and backwards

this episode was a lot of filler but if you think 604 was filler you just got filtered

Just open your release and screenshot it, user.
You did download the episode, right?

Autism? Kim was worried about Lalo, she decides not to tell Jimmy about him being alive and then being watched by Gus's guys.

You are, they just don't know it :^)

My dad likes the show so I go over his place monday nights and watch it with him.

thank god 604 was an odd one out. this episode provided exactly the substance and quality I expected from season 6.