Cast them

cast the director and actors

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David Bowie

They both have the same last name. Could this mean something?

That really the best way they could word that sentence?

oh, it means something alright!

>Vicky had told co-workers she was taking Casey to a mental health evaluation at the courthouse, but there was never an appointment scheduled.
>Instead, she ditched the police cruiser she was driving and is believed to have fled with Casey in the Ford Edge sometime early that day. She had recently submitted her retirement papers and sold her home in Lexington.
holy kino
netflix show when?

how do you arrest someone that's dead?

Why’d she shoot herself?

Men might fuck an evil woman IN SPITE of her evil

Women will fuck an evil man BECAUSE he is evil

Melissa McCarthy
Jon Bernthal

Directed by Vince Gilligan

ugly women shouldn't be allowed to work in men's prisons

Idris Elba
Margot Robbie

She literally looks like this turd

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She was so old, lonely, and pathetic that she tried escaping with some methhead murderer. She would've an hero's sooner or later.

Remember, womyn only ever chose HVM that aren't toxic misogynists but good feminist men :)

consequences would have never been the same

Do women even attempt to explain the phenomenon or do they just ignore it?

How the fuck can you justify the repeated pattern of behavior without admitting there is something seriously fucked up about the woman brain

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Dude looks like a mix between Jon Hamm and Adam Driver.

Every article I’d seen on the incident stated “no relation”

I could have saved her

i've asked them. they say you only hear about the extreme cases because they are extreme. most couples are average duh

It actually is men's fault but not in the way you'd expect

There are hundreds of thousands of years of natural selection where a woman who sexually submitted to the guys that killed her tribe got to reproduce, while a woman with a sense of honor or loyalty went into the mass grave with her people and her genes ended there

So they're literally bred to want murderers

Females are masters of bullshit and ignoring reality. If they would have to rely purely on reality, truth and facts, feminism would vanish overnight and >50% of femoids would suicide.

>here's your femcel bro

>"I can fix him" got her killed in the first place

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This evopsych doesn't sit right with me.
Men and women have the same genes, bar the Y chromosome. The same evolutionary pressure applies to men. We're not two different species evolving in tandem. We're two halves of one organism.

why are you blaming her? she was a victim of abuse -- manipulated and gaslit by a convicted criminal

she did what he told her out of fear and Stockholm Syndrome

Max Landis on the right

Patricia Arquette (again) and Heath Cummings from CBS fantasy football

>The same evolutionary pressure applies to men
incorrect. the gestational pressures that apply only to women cause their brains to develop and function differently

I can’t believe a ”jail boss” had to run away from her own jail after being chased by car by an inmate

Its actualy worse than what that user implyes, the relation betveen male and female is intrinsicaly antagonistic, it only works as a sub-dom relation either way you turn it, or it is just continuous conflict
The basis of life is sex and violence, possibly at some point there was little difference betveen the two, both intail a effective act of agression
So what can be effectively agressive functions, what dosent function dies
This is older than humans, older than mammals, it goes back to the first sexualy reproducing organism, possibly even to the first single cell ones

Jonah hill
Cherie theron

>anons talking about men/women
Always good for a laugh, but have you considered therapy?

She was literally a retard. Being an officer and running a jail takes very little effort. This is why you always see cops wiggin out like jackasses.

If women are this easy to trick and manipulte maybe they shouldn’t be allowed to hold a position of power or even the right to vote

I wouldnt go to such a generalisation, there should be tests that determine which women get which rights and are admissable to positions
Same for men realy
There shouldnt be any equality among humans in general

>runs a jail
>would rather blow her brains out than face the possibility of going to a jail


What was that thing that Rust said?

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>be 6'8" murderer
>charm your way out of prison
brutal blackpill

or maybe something to do with the fact that she oversaw inmates for 2 decades and was looking at spending the rest of her life among those same inmates?

2 decades in a male prison?

Well she seems to like inmates

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female cops in prison lmao, worst than female soldiers

She was horny and lonely.

deep down it's a revenge against their parents and society for not marrying them off to some dude when they were 13

She literally just spent the final moments of her life with an inmate, I don't think it was a problem

males don't get pregnant and become the sexual fantasy of the whole town whe they are 14

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this should be considered treason

I like that she has been arrested after killing herself

It gets even better when they end up having kids, or she allready has one, she dosent run with the kid, he starts molesting the kid, especially if its a girl, and she covers for him and defends him, even testifies on his behalf if it comes to that

And this happens


I don't get this attitude. I don't have to 'explain' why men commit like 95% of violent crime, that's just how it is. I might not be a violent criminal but I understand my gender has the issue. It's not something that needs to be 'explained'. It would be the same for a woman


Yep. She could see her future involved broom stick sex and shivs. Either thst or protective custody (solitary).

>prison seamstress.
Even jails have a costume department in the globohomo simulation.

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Prison uniforms, retard

Did she get pregnant?

m'ask you summin vick