Best femcel kinos?

Movies about lonely sad women that go crazy because no one loves them

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I never thought I would want to fuck the Joker.
I can fix her.

This doesn't happen. Even the most loser women still have a couple of friends and a bf. Any woman can make a post on social media and get bombarded with praise

That's just life, and men are stuck cleaning up the mess.

Monster (2003) is the only thing I can think of, even though the main character literally has a partner, but it does feature a sad woman who starts lashing out against society.

that's not a thing cause women can just load up tinder and get 50 chads to gangbang them

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Schizotypal personality versus
Full on schizophrenia

What would her name be? Arty Fleck?

how about a movie where a witch puts a curse on stacey that makes all chads and even incels sadly not want to fucker her?

Licorice Pizza is about a 28 year old woman who's such a loser she befriends a teenage boy and falls in love

Notes on a Scandal

Getting gangbanged by random men isn't love you degenerate, porn sick coomer.

There's no such thing

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Carrie, but only the de Palma version, none of the others got it right.

No such thing
>loney female
No such thing
>sad female
No such thing
>no one loves [female]
No such thing

not EXACTLY femcel but close enough
Snakebite Andi from Doctor Sleep
Doctor Sleep is kino, watch it

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She definitely counts, nobody loved her and she was sad and lonely and it drove her insane. After all she wasn't even a lesbian but got with one out of sheer desperation.

Love finds Andy Hardy
Фaнтaзии Фapятьeвa

no such thing

Here's you kino, bro

Also this

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Females can't be losers, user.

The problem with portraying this in film or tv is the desire we as an audience have to watch beautiful or interesting looking people. Meaning any hardships a character is currently in is always undercut by us thinking "well he/she is cute, things will work out for them"
Men's looks have more leeway if they have an interesting face, but even in today's glorious woke utopia, there is no such thing as an ugly female lead. It just doesn't happen because no one wants to see that

Side note a lot of people are saying Amber Heard isn't going to get roles anymore because of this trial and how its destroyed her public image. But the reason she's not going to get any more movie roles is because she's not beautiful anymore

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You are completely correct. And that's the issue with a lot of ridiculous posts itt, they're only considering beautiful women because that's all they want to see and all they've been trained to see.

ugly women have failed their single purpose in life

antiporno is so kino
as well as guilty of romance

now they are femcel in that even if they have sex women are still lonely and treated like dogs and whores.

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should I get myself a crystal cafe incel schizo gf?

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"disgust me please"

forgot to add pic

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seems very specific user....very specific

Sunset Blvd (1950)
A Woman Under The Influence (1974)
Carrie (1976)
Fatal Attraction (1987)
Misery (1990)
Single White Female (1992)
Poison Ivy (1992)
I Shot Andy Warhol (1996)
Audition (1999)
Girl, Interrupted (1999)
American Beauty (1999)
Swimfan (2002)
May (2002)
Hard Candy (2005)
Venus Drowning (2006)
The Girl Next Door (2007)
Orphan (2009)
Cracks (2009)
Black Swan (2010)
Excision (2012)
Green Inferno (2013)
Swallow (2019)
Ma (2019)

Grey Gardens

>American Beauty (1999)
>Hard Candy (2005)
>The Girl Next Door (2007)
You have an otherwise good list but who were the femcels in these?

The crazy daughter who started dating a psycho drug dealer.
The lesbian whose girlfriend was murdered by the guy.
The crazy aunt who tortured her niece because her husband was never around and the niece was younger and more beautiful.

The Hand That Rocks the Cradle

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What was her problem?

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Mental illness, health issues, too many normies and living in a society.

Women can't understand kino

Men cant understand women.

The Loved Ones (my favorite femcel kino)
May (as others in the thread uave mentioned)
Der Fan
Single White Female

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This is true. Men just don't understand how hard it is to be female in this patriarchal world we live in. Dealing with the constant misogyny every second of every day. They wouldn't last a second in our shoes.

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Crash (1996)

that was a good movie

The thing about incels is that they don't need to exist. Any man can find an ugly woman at anytime. Incels are simply lonely because they are choosing to be, because they have unrealistic standards about what they can pull. The same thing tends to happen to older women who never commit while they're still beautiful (early/mid-thirties)

This is correct, but incels never like to hear the truth.

no such thing as a femcel

>Any man can find an ugly woman at anytime
You dont really believe that.

sounds like you’ve got a lot in common, then

Absolutely do.
Indeed, but being a misunderstood victim of society is more tempting

kind of retarded comic because men would love most of these things. not saying that women do or should, but we’re wired differently. i think what would really get under men’s skin is probably something like getting treated poorly, but like in a way that’s always got some “plausible deniability” to it so that they can’t call it out directly.

Ugly girls have ridiculous standards.

So females aren't happy to just take all of the nerd media from virgins they now need to take away being a lonely virgin social outcast too? Of course without the virgin part or the being lonely part or also being a social outcast.

Konan from Naruto

As do ugly men, life is funny that way.

And the ones who only get 25 tinder matches are the ones who calls themselves femcels

There's always an option out there.

Why was she a femcel?

Wow really? No Welcome to the Dollhouse? About a femcel growing up and being envious of her prettier younger Stacy sister who gets all the attention

Does Raw fit this thread? I don't remember much, but it wasn't bad.

An excellent contribution, I forgot about that one.

You won’t get laid until you stop calling women “females”.

Raw is great and definitely counts as a "psycho bitch" movie but idk if it'd count as a "femcel movie"

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>Any man can find an ugly woman at anytime.
If that were true, incels would not exist, they exist now so it remains true, 80/20 rule is a thing

Found the tranny!

Incels refuse to be with ugly women. They literally state that they only want Stacy.

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You mean like 20 guys

Ever seen the fattest nastiest woman you have ever seen and notice she has kids? There will always be a guy willing to put up with anything to be with any grade of woman.
Hell I worked with a retarded slightly disfigured woman at a restaurant and she had kids with a regular dude.
What your looking for doesn't exist and is even to far fetched for movies.

Go over to their haunts and you'll see the same thing repeated over and over and over, this was just in an easy form to screencap. They refuse to drop their standards and they want Stacy only.