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Its not like Will ever pretended to be a gangster rapper

What a pussy doing it where Will is unable to slap him.

He rapped about helping your parents and being respectful toward women. Better than lil nigger or sneedemfeedem rapping about drugs and sex.

>get bitchslapped
>become more famous
This victim worship is getting out of hand

yea fuck Will for not rapping about drugs and money

Its this lil nigga trying to get slapped again?

Will is soft though

But he did rap about drugs and money. He was very faggy about it, though.

He's the one that got slapped in front of millions

This is all fake black drama. They literally had a fake controversy last year with LaLa land and the gay neegro movie.

They had the fake "wrong winner" announced too on the Miss America.

It's intentional because it's not 1974 and nobody cares about award shows so they make up bullshit.

how fragile is american media?

any minute now smithcucks

Dude got slapped and did nothing

first off all, you dont slap a man

Chris Rock is a classless coward with a smart mouth. Always has been. Will Smith should have decked him instead of that slap.

kinda based but also kinda cringe
also theyre black

Wasn't that the point of his rapping, not being a thug?

>get slapped by the softest nigga’
>wets his pants and does nothing
What does that make Chris rock?

>getting slapped by the softest nigga that ever rapped and doing jack shit
Is this supposed to make him look better or worse? Also they are both black anyway

>They literally had a fake controversy last year with LaLa land and the gay neegro movie.
that was 6 years ago

Wooow he really dropped the N bomb? Chris Rock is #cancelled!!

Gentlemen slap an opponent to challenge him to a duel, should he refuse the coward’s honour is besmirched.

i dont know what that means. I dont speak jive.

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Didn't look soft when he bitch slapped Chris rock in front of all those white people.

Holy shit

he did though

Excuse me? Rock is an elder statesman of comedy, he's more well known than a failed rapper who played minstrel in a few Jewish blockbusters in the 90s

Sorry, that honor goes to Skee-Lo


How long until Will snaps and goes on a rampage?

Chris is still keeping his wife's cock out of his mouth? He's one to talk about the softest nigger.

>a failed rapper who played minstrel in a few Jewish blockbusters in the 90s
You're an idiot.

Waste of fucking trips.

Imagine SLAPPING a man instead of punching him. Imagine SLAPPING a man who has, supposedly, mortally insulted you. Back in the day, the slap was a challenge to a duel where you shot guns at each other. The slap was initiating a greater, mortal conflict. That’s not what Will did. He slapped because he’s too much of a bitch to punch— to commit to the destruction of his enemy. That slap was a fucking farce and Chris Rock gets to laugh all the way to the bank knowing that Will Smith was too much of a pussy to punch him.

just standing there and laughing it off was the only right move to make there.

Smith didn't slap a man, he slapped a bitch. If rock were a man, he would've have tolerated it.


I fucking hate this n*ggers face. It's punchable. Slap isn't enough, you need to beat him the fuck up to a pulp. Then get a shovel and continue.

Rock barely flinched. He handled it like a man.

Who was the one who ended up crying after the slap?

That IS his whole career. Being the safest, softest, whitest Black Man.I'm pretty sure he even made a big deal about "not needing to swear to sell albums" when trying to shit talk Eminem getting popular.

Ain't it funny? Someone even more ghetto trash then Em was churning his wife's guts.

I love Chris Rock's standup, probably the first standup comedian I ever explored and liked, he's one of my favs along with Louis CK and Bill Burr, but that's a dumb quote because it implies he got bitch slapped by the "softest nigga that ever rapped" (something i can agree with)

>and being respectful toward women

Well he bitched out when confronted by the softest nigga so what does that make him? He was very clearly intimidated and submitted to Will.

That user lives in the past.

that's cope

Is he seriously trying to throw shade on Will for not being a typical monkey nigger? I don't get it.

They should have a boxing match to settle it
thats how this modern clown world works

That slap didn't even make him stumble on his feet. Will Smith is a fucking weak cuck.

He's probably explaining why he didn't press charges, you nincompoop

hes not wrong, if you know next to nothing about black culture, (this is Yea Forums after all lol) you would think this is a controversial statement, it is not

>nigga censored
Is that word wrongthink now?

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>This is all fake black drama. They literally had a fake controversy last year with LaLa land and the gay neegro movie.

>acting tough now
Kek what a bitch

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I agree but also you’ll never convince the plebs, so just go with the flow on this one.

I see he wants to get slappity slapped again

This what even is his point in making this statement

Wants revenge on the school yard bully.

>Including Jaden!
That's the joke Chris, you can't just say "he's soft than hard men" you need to say he's softer than weak men and bonus points for going after his family again.

This is taken out of context, Chris was joking about how *he* got slapped by a soft nigga. It was more self-deprecating.

>responding to violent niggers is cool now
I guess zoomers finally took over, and there will be no more class in anything

>2016 was last year
holy shit user

you do know men don't slap right? Was weak

Ok but he beat yo ass

yeh but did he keep his wife's name out of his mouth?

the one in front of the gun lives forever

Man he was right. Everybody Hates Chris.

only because chris rock hasnt rapped yet

imaigne getting slapped the fuck out by the softest nigga in rap and doing nothing about it fucking pussy lmao

on national TV no less, and then right after saying "I will..." when the softest nigga tells you to KEEP HIS WIFES NAME OUT YO MOTHAFUCKIN MOUTH