/bcs/-Better Call Saul General

It's all good, man Edition


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Drama Girl next week?

Season 6 ep rankings:

You’ve mistaken my kindness for weakness!

First for new generation Erin

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they'll probably not come in again but if they do it'll be some smear piece about howard to get on the air
would be a nice nod/send off desu

>When Gus asked the customer if he wants spice curls, he remembered the pitch meeting from last season with the Germans. He realized Lalo will follow the lead that he did so he will find the lab. That's why Gus went there to prepare. Im guessing Lalo's body was under the lab floor all through Breaking Bad.
Lalo getting buried in the lab is coming together. It's the perfect haunting detail that will redefine the whole feel of the place throughout Breaking Bad.

Though my biggest worry ATM is that a death by gun would be too quick. I'd like to get a death by burial alive.

by the way pepsi fucking sucks. coke is a million times better, sugarcane or not


Anyone have full timeline?

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Jimmy, got any more of that Taco Cabeza?

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timeline posters are the high iq posters. they know the show is shit so they have to make due and have fun. midwit posters are redditors who think the show is good. low iq posters are the ones complaining about the shows writing and whatnot

>Los Pollos is a Pepsi franchise
>everyone going there seems to ask for Coke

this show is so fucking disappointing. i cant wait for the last episode so i can watch some other shit.

1 > 4 > 5 > 2 > 3

>here's your 50 year old Mike, bro

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>customer this ep asks for a coke
>there's no coke on the fountain machine
what timeline are we in bros?

imdb retard. but yes she is hot as fuck


That logo didnt exist until 2008, not '03

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He hasn't molted yet. It's a waiting game.

>would have been nice to see an arc of him getting out of prison and getting back to running things
I have a feeling they'll shove this in in one of the later episodes, probably soon after Lalo dies
Yeah it's hilarious how the Salamanca family has gone from a bunch of bloodthirsty, volatile thugs to Eduardo Salamanca: International Man of Mystery

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you're the midwit poster who thinks he understands the joke, but doesn't. try again.

Okay, how the fuck did Lalo manage to sneak a gun on an airplane 3 years after 9/11?

7 minute home depot paint mixing montage to some cool jazz next week!

he's an undercover rookie DEA agent and he doesn't understand that Gus doesn't sell cocaine and would also never operate out of his clean business front

His neck looks like a Mario 64 texture

He's tricking him into drinking the interdimensional timetravling pepsi (lean)

>Hannah will never wrap her tits around your Banana

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Nah they'll totally come back to film the first official "Better Call Saul" commercial. Turns out they were the ones behind the scenes of those commercials the whole time in Breaking Bad. Can imagine a scene after Kim's gone to jail, and Jimmy picks up the remainieverg pieces of his life, and there's a big scene in his office with everyone else he has left from the show, the film students, Francesca, and Huell, and he films his first commercial.

>the entire final scene

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>Mrs. Ziegler didn't go for THIS

Fucking retards sperging over pepsi logos
This is why people call this show reddit because of fuckers like you

Go back

On the subject of the show getting 2000s details wrong, the cut of Jimmy's suits really annoys me. He should be wearing cheap, sleazy, baggy suits, not tailored modern looking ones. Pic related looked appropriate for the 2000s, but his suits on this show should be even baggier since he's not rich yet and they were more in style in the early 2000s.

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Another blunder from those hacks Gilligan and Gould

>low iq posters are the ones complaining about the shows writing and whatnot

but having a low iq is sort of the same thing as making due and having fun but for real life, you dumb faggot

Mexican TSA is worthless

shot and wounded, then buried

>show takes place in 2004-05
>not once has anyone mentioned Homestar Runner

I'd like to make some second-generation Erin's, if you catch my meaning

Wait is this actually what the logo is somipposed to represent? A fat guy with a small shirt?

he bought it in germany, ding dong

Looks like my 7th Grade Pre-algebra teacher

s3>s2>s1>>>>>>s4>>shit>>s5>>>>>>>>>>>>>dirty homless nog shit>>>>>>s6

Germany has no guns.

The same way he smuggled the martini in.

I see what you're getting at, but the quality of those commercials sucked ass compared to the ones aired during BCS with the students
if anything they'll show up just to hate him for some reason (like the courthouse) and then he directs the BB commercials himself which is why they're shittier

Baggy suits were the style of the time but vince doesnt give a fuck, he woild rather make everyone not look dated for some reason

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i'd love to unload my new generation on her ass if you know what i mean

>heh, me and my buddies on reddit spotted a pepsi logo that isn't correct in a one second panning shot, immersion = ruined

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I head the actor does not like playing the character, so I have doubts.

Where the hell do tourists go to buy guns in Germany?

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Wow no wonder they lost WW2

People thought this looked good?

the image is incorrect cause nobody cares about the 2000s
especially vince "the hack" gilligan

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lalo buried alive or gus beating him to death. mark my words

I totally don't remember this. Was this an early 2000's thing?

stop acting like you don't type 'reddit' after everything you type in google you faggot

it was such a long scene just for that painfully obvious plant. There's nothing more unsatisfying than showing us what's going to happen, and then it happening. Unrelated: howards totally gonna get in too deep and die saving kim

They definitely got this detail right though, he's always wearing baggy stuff in the first few seasons

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france or wherever he teleported to

I don't know, the Mesa Verde commercials from last season were pretty close to Better Call Saul tier and those were filmed by the UNM students. I think the point is supposed to be that Jimmy can make decent commercials but he doesn't try to because quantity>quality, same as his approach with law itself.

bravo vince

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that was never the style, those are just beanpole NBA players making suits look funny since they never got them tailored

yep and in that era pepsi had a different logo, it was more spiky

>tfw I had a baggy suit and the pants were too baggy for even back then
I can vouch for baggy suits

i dont remember white people dressing like that, only drug dealers at funerals

You mean the Tuco actor doesn't like it?

use your brain moran. a gang member

The way Erin look at Howard makes me think she either want the D or will go to Jimmy to help the geezers

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>Brad's Drink
Take me back bros...

It's like you never been asked is "pepsi okay?"

>In the Southern United States, "coke" (or "cola") is used as a generic term for any type of soft drink—not just a Coca-Cola product or another cola. This terminology is also used in areas adjacent to the traditional southern states, such as New Mexico and Southern Indiana.

one thing I still fail to understand about the lab scene. what was mike's grasp on why gus wanted to get there in the middle of the night?

I don't THOUGH

Yeah, or his wife doesn't like him doing it.

that's a fair point, I'm not entirely sure... I suppose we'll see how it develops

Man, Lalo's contacts must run very deep then.

mike understands that gus is paranoid, he also trusts gus's intuition

>I have a feeling they'll shove this in in one of the later episodes, probably soon after Lalo dies
in breaking bad it was kinda weird, because it was krazy 8 running things until he died, then we learn that tuco took his place
but no fucking way current krazy 8 will take salamanca's territory. i get him being in charge since he was nacho's 2nd and now him and lalo are gone, but feels weird

1996 > 2006 > 2003

I still think they'll shove him in, they'll have to explain how Tuco winds up dealing meth again and how Hector ends up in that house

He's just scared and paranoid, wants to travel under cover of darkness. I'm easily entertained but I think that's kino, same with Mike having to unfurl himself out of the trunk of a car just to see Gus at his house.

Yeah he's much better as Paco

Do we know the names of the rest of the episodes this season?

>dont explain how Lalo gets to germany with a gun
>spend 6 minutes showing us how its made ruler in epoxy edition

>The white band in the middle of the logo will now loosely form a series of smiles. A “smile” will characterize brand Pepsi, while a “grin” is used for Diet Pepsi and a “laugh” is used for Pepsi Max.

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Wrong zoomie

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The new logo is just so soulless.

where do you go to get information for incredibly specific topics then, dont tell me you just bother everyone here by asking a question thats already been asked

It's not a period piece nigger who cares

Yeah I was really hoping Tuco would be a prominent character this season but there's no way. Still, they should to establish how he comes into custody of Hector so hopefully there'll be one episode with him.

Chubby chaser spotted

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he got the gun from a time traveler

Germany HAS guns.

how many more episodes before I download and binge watch the season?

Mrs. Ziegler's English was way too good for a German person. Her English was better than Lalo's who was supposed to be the "American".
Why is it so hard to just hire an actual German actress Vince? For Werner they did actually hire a German guy with an accent but I am lead to believe his wife can speak perfect accentless English?
And they tried to play it off that her English was bad by her not being able to come up with the correct English words but then she comes up with a word like "proprietary". Yeah fuck off.
It completely took me out of the episode.

There’s still 8 episodes left, but 2 more until the mid season break and then it continues in July

Jimmy and Kim condo scenes are nearly as bad as Gustavo "Gordo" Fring scenes at this point.

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germany has niggers
so germany has guns

2, then the mid season break starts

I won't be able to wait that long.
THanks user.

yes. check wikipedia
mid season finale is called Plan and Execution

Real answer? Germany woman are ugly.

For me it's Axe and Grind

So, which timeline is the one where Lalo survives the finale and Obama is dead?

You ever met an actual german? They do that shit all the time

What are you talking about? German english is pretty decent and gets much better as you go up in class.

>fifth episode of the final season
>nothing happens, again
nothinghappensfags TRIUMPH

Practically everyone knows English in Germany

bros where do you get your BCS torrented from, shit aint on the bay yet.
>inb4 iptorrent
I lost my membership due to inactivity.

He was wearing a BrBa style suit in the Francesca scene.

is that nikocado?

They wanted to hire a milf, and she was the hottest one.

That takes priority over speaking English with a German accent.

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>she either want the D
It's this. Jimmy told Howard that he's best at sales, not law. And he just put on a sales show, after she was floundering. If she wouldn't have been sent back to the law firm, she'd have been chocking on his cock in the parking lot.

I think the other ones are also wrong
the mountain dew logo is also the modern one

I fucking hate the antichrist

>hector shoots nacho from his wheelchair
>lalo fucks zeegler's wife
>howard beats up jimmy
>kettletits gets bullied by kim
this season is full of suprises

So Nacho actually swapped Pepsi into the sugar pills instead of good old sugar. Devilish.

my fellow Americans are so embarrassing



>Zielgler house time lapse
Classic BB stuff , bravo

Overall the worst episode of the season though.
10 minutes of good Jimmy stuff, 10 minutes of kino Lalo escapades, the rest, meh.

Gus sucks, and has nothing to do now that Nacho is dead besides sit around. Mike's arc is basically over too, I love him but c'mon now.

holy momma

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Aug 15th.

Cringe soda drinker

Post yfw Jimmy got what he fucking deserved

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2006 = best

The Gus spinoff isn't bolding well, chickenbros.

>but no fucking way current krazy 8 will take salamanca's territory.
There is no Salamanca territory at the moment; Hector is stroked out, Tuco is in jail, Lalo is presumed dead and everyone working for them like Nacho is gone. Krazy 8 is probably the most senior guy left from the Salamanca trade, he's probably already running things
And I think all they said with Tuco is he took over Krazy 8's territory so I guess he could get out of jail before the BB timeline

i guarantee whatever you drink is fucking gay

I’m on the fence about whether or not Lalo dies by the mid season finale.

The actress is Hungarian, so she's Asian.

Take the yellow pill

A Gus spinoff about his time in the Chilean army would be kino imo

1987 is kino as fuck.

>howard's private investigators
If Jimmy or Kim notice them Kim will say it's just one of Mike's guys.

I've literally never browsed reddit, is that concept seriously so hard for reddit tourists like yourself?
>where do you go to get information for incredibly specific topics then
I google it or ask on here, why the fuck would my first stop be reddit?

Anyone here using AMC+? Do the episodes go up right at 9? I've just been watching AMC through the live feed.

bless you user

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Isn't Mike keeping an eye on Kim and Jimmy? Wouldn't he see the PI?