Is japan really that safe or is this show staged?
Is japan really that safe or is this show staged?
Japan is an incestous murderous Freemason shithole filled with serial killers and thousands of rape gangs
>Is japan really that safe
yes. look up Japanese crime statistics.
t. gook
Japan is a homogenous high trust country.. Their crime rates are ridiculously low.
It's why they're resisting importing blacks/sand people.
Yes, because the serial killers and mass rapists with thousands of causalities get covered up by the government to save face
It's pretty safe. Maybe the safest country, not sure though. There are no groids (except on/near US military bases). Japs get drunk and stumble around on the street, fall asleep and wake up the next day, and no one robbed or attacked them. You can walk around almost anywhere without fearing a random nigger punching you in the head for no reason or trying to rob you. Just don't trust jap men on trains if you're a woman; for whatever reason, groping is the exception to their culture of leaving each other alone.
both, these are all small towns in japan and the kids have to walk like 500 feet to the store. also various people at the stores and along the way are informed of the errands ahead of time and will help the kids out if needed
He said Japan not the UK
I know some people who lived in Japan for years. And yes.
Japan is as safe as Sweden used to be before they started importing Blacks and Muslims and black Muslims.
Groping became a thing thanks to insanely crowded trains.
Shalom, friend!
coconut head ass
Enjoy murdering animals and raping drink women Hiroshito
Yakuza are pretty dangerous but they mostly leave normal people alone
Yes the crime rate is really low and most of it is stuff like subway gropings, white collar crime and 1950s tier organized vice. Japan in the 50s-80s was a lot more violent in terms of gangs and street crime but still nothing like the average amerimutt city.
That said even in the US the chances of a child getting randomly abducted or something is really low and doesn't match the massive crippling coddling of US zoomers. Unless you live in el salvador or yemen (somewhere getting kidnapped is common) you don't need to helicopter parent and never let your children out of your sight.
>thousands of causalities
>really that safe
>is this show staged?
both can be true surprisingly! Its a staged show that is only possible to be made because japan is safe
Cool, they executed criminals
I don't get it, where are the constant shootings in the background? Why aren't the camera crew being robbed
Joker 2019 was a hit in Japan because the "you get what you fucking deserve" line hits at the heart of their culture and why they're respectful to each other. America has no community or identity so the only part they reacted to was the gunshot
>hurr japan is le safe
yeah they subliminate their violent urges into being superficial passive aggressive assholes who'll excommunicate you for the slightest social; transgression (and yes that's especially true for YOU, you fat anime loving faggot with the Miku plushie)
certainly better than America but still a shithole if you don't want to be some feminized normie
No chance with Kaiji on the loose
>You can walk around almost anywhere without fearing
Where are the exceptions?
>(and yes that's especially true for YOU, you fat anime loving faggot with the Miku plushie)
I don't give a shit. I wasn't liked back home
Yakuza zones and military bases with niggers, I'd assume, there was a high profile case of a US nigger raping and killing a random Japanese woman a while back.
>Yakuza zones
Just say you don't know
Meanwhile, the US had over 30 serial killers active at that time. Adjusted per capita that's 15 times more.
They literally have cameramen with them. They're fine. Japan has the lowest crime rate in the world. Cope.
There are some ghetto parts of the bigger cities, but even then the worst I can imagine is getting hassled/heckled by random Japanese dudes or touts for seedy bars.
Of course not, which is why I said I'd assume, but I know for a fact that niggers rape and kill Japanese women regularly.
>t. seething immigrant-enabling kike
He said Japan not Germany.
>TFW my wife realizes she forgot something for breakfast right before bed so she goes out at 1 in the morning on foot and I don't have to worry about her getting raped and murdered
Japan is great
They have mass stabbings instead of mass shootings, but they are infrequent.
Underbuttered toast
I've lived in Tokyo for 6 years. Yes. People don't lock their doors and kids walk through the city alone.
goddamn sounds comfy. id like to got there backpacking
I’m not a weeb at all but I am a fat white guy, and I found the Japanese to be super chill when I went. A buddy offered me a ticket that was meant for his gf who dumped him, and I had mo pretenses going into the country, but the japs treated me great. I’m tall and fat and felt like a giant there (I’m 6 foot and 270 pounds, rugby player) and the japs looked at me with amazement, it was hilarious. A little girl even instinctively came up to me and just held my hand on a train, once, which was adorable.
I definitely didn’t feel much judgement, mostly just aweh. I’m also not an autismo tho so that was probably part of it. If you’re reasonably good looking and white, they’re probably some of the kindest people on the planet
No, this isn't the win you think it is, Shekelberg. Japan has virtually no crime & they boast the highest life expectancy in the world. You bring up the rape and torture of some dumb high school girl in the '80s? Why, that's a Tuesday in Sweden. Some psychopath stabbed several children in a private elementary school? Why, the US has far more school shootings every decade by comparison. A sarin gas attack killed dozens? Why, the (((elites))) who run your country comitted 9/11, leading to the deaths of over 3000 in order to punish the goat fuckers who dare threaten Israel. The Pacific War? Why, BLM was far worse. I could do this all day, but the West is the actual devil here. Nippon is the closest you'll ever get to Heaven on Earth, and I'm not fucking joke nigger. Suck my balls.
It's a fucking TV show of course its staged.
It is safe because it is mostly comprised of high IQ individuals
holy fuck this is the cutest thing ever
What is it with island nations and mass stabbings, I don’t get it. First Britain and now japan.
I'm Dutch and I've been walking home from school by myself since I was 5. I think it was about a kilometer of walking. My relatives don't let their 11 year old walk home alone. The generation of pussies.
>1 death means Japan bad now
top kek
No there is actually lots of episodes that take place in major cities like Tokyo or Osaka. Alot are rural but not all.
>Is japan really that safe
It’s going to be so fucking crazy when post-immigrant Japan looks back on this show in some decades. Kind of blows my mind how Americans can just shrug comparing their past to now, creeps me out like they’re thoroughly mindbroken.
that was a fucking brutal death though
>that was a fucking brutal death
Yeah, and Jack the Ripper killed several whores in the 1880s, but please go ahead and argue why Japan is """worse""" by all means.
The silence of the kikes in response to this irrefutable post is deafening. But just like the man said: no matter how hard you win the argument today, the next day they'll pretend like this never even happened.
I do agree that americans are mindbroken to how horrible their existence is but very little about it has to do with crime or demographic changes. Crime in the US has been going down for decades and with a few exceptions like Detroit any area in the US that is a shithole now was a shithole 70 years ago. If anything a lot of the worst US cities are gentrifying and you have to deal with basedboys who outnumber the crackheads.
>ugh we can't america be like this? fucking gun toting rednecks trumptards
>The Pacific War? Why, BLM was far worse.
>Old Enough!
She's cucking you
netflix isn't even trying to hide thier pedo agenda anymore
kek if joke, cuck if real
If they lived by that line then salarymen wouldn't be raped by their employers anymore. So no.
Yeah it's safe if you're Japanese
>Is japan really that safe
>or is this show staged?
Not staged, but carefully guided. Each trip involves 6 months of research about the area making sure it's safe from traffic, dangerous animals, and sexual predators. Staff are disguised as civilians along the way and store clerks to make sure any sudden issue of danger can be stopped before harm happens
Thank the stars
old enough for what?
This is terrible.... This is why we need an influx of melanated individuals to Japan pronto oy gafilte fish
I failed my 初めてのおつかい
My mother in law sent me to the local Fressay (Gunma represent!) and I forgot the most important grocery item and bought beer instead lol
I just can't resist that Yebisu beer
>normie watches this hit trending show about toddlers doing errands in small Japanese villages while surrounded by cameramen
>normie thinks "That's a great idea!" and sends their own kid into the slums of Detroit to buy smokes
>normie shocked and confused that something bad happens to their kid
I'm worried something like this would happen. :(