Other urls found in this thread:
>Europeans love to hate and hate to love Americans
Is that better?
Congrats, you understood a joke in a Marvel movie
What the FUCK is that race?
Ending Roe V Wade doesn’t ban abortion you have low intelligence
Biopic of Sammo Hung….WHEN?
Walmart Kingpin.
God, what an ugly bastard.
Europeans make better burgers. Simple as.
When is Sex 2 coming out?
We've both seen the Gordon Ramsay burger webm, user. Stop joking around here, this is serious.
It's true. I love laughing at them.
climate change isn't real
Americans disgust me. What a gross nation. I wish they all died in a nuclear holocaust.
Fuck Americans.
El abominación de las Filipinas
climate change isn't real
we will be the first to initiate revolutions and reinstate monarchies
>handsome man goes to europoor
>instead of looking for a slutty euro he follows around the goblina with sand in her vagina
horrendous film
Look at this nigga!
He's not wrong. They'll never admit it or course but Europeans are obsessed with American culture, American celebrities, American entertainment, American politics, etc.
Europeans literally understand this reference because they all watch and love MCU shit.
This is true because they can't ever seem to get off our dick.
welcome, yurofats
the king has returned. one of your more subtle works.
Europeans are all left wing cucks.
If you see a white man in America theres like a 70% chance he is based and racist.
In Europe, it is more like 10%.
Europe literally thinks they're better than america because they're not big bad racists like America is
Europe are cucks who worship niggers
Bill Burr said it best: Europeans are fat too they just squeeze into their skinny jeans and tight shirts while Americans embrace baggy clothes. Sounds like eurofats need to rethink their fashion.
what the fuck are you talking you schizo KEK, ty I had a hearty kek
My brother in Christ Europe is literally in a war of ethnic cleansing right now.
>wearing tight clothes make fat people look less fat
Dumb amerimutt
>Europe are cucks who worship niggers
I can't believe an American said this. I literally can't stop laughing.
More like
It will absolutely result in multiple states banning abortion. You're the one with a low IQ, champ.
Do Europeans actually think they are doing anything useful when it comes to climate or tech? LMAO can't make this shit up
Oh boy I love /pol/ threads!
Europeans obsession with America is their defining characteristic
>let's regulate big tech
Retarded eurofat. You THINK you don't look fat but everyone knows eurolards are fat now.
Trannye bullshit is promoted almost solely by US tho
Pre 9/11 being a American was like the coolest shit ever, I remember there was a dude in my neighbourhood that walked around with leather jacket that had a USA flag on the back, everyone thought he was the badest dude, now days you could get you head kicked at worst and majority would think you are a nonce
Some states restricting access to abortion after 6-10 weeks is not banning abortion. A majority of Americans live in blue states where access to abortion will not be impacted by ending Roe V Wade. You can choose to articulate your points correctly or you can choose to be wrong.
Europe is also smaller, so it's more a perception thing than the actual reality of the situation.
America is bigger, therefore the people look bigger, but in actual fact, they're more or less the same size, but 'stretched' in a sense, because the light has to bend more to compensate for America's higher continental gravity.
It will still take us decades to get as fat as amerifats
>heh, fucking mutts supporting israel
also europeans
>a walking navajo taco
>climate change
Kek Europoors are so dumb
Yea Forums needs a flag day lol
It is funny that as time goes on, climate change is shown to be more and more of a scam. It's amazing going back and seeing all the predictions scientists made decades ago, and seeing how much they got wrong
Germoney is the money in eu, no one gives them money
Europe is 10.53 million km2 and Burgerland is only a measly 9.834 million km2 and Europe has more than twice the population.
You're already 21st century USA fat.
Some will outright ban it after Roe is struck down. Stop being a retard, you midwit.
>Europe doing anything meaningful on a global scale without the US just patting them on the head and telling them to go play in the sandbox
You’re all vassals.
you fags are destroying yourselves to maintain peace of mind, meanwhile we are rebuilding the space industry. don't worry, we will let you on our rockets after the muslims claim your homeland.
You mean how we get random blizzards in the middle of march?
Or how every summer reaches 40 degrees?
>europoors making burgers
Is this bait?
Stick to beans on toast, and cold salted fish
>no one gives them money
should we tell him?
European women love big American cock tbqh
I fucked like 15 girls last time I was in Germany
>sending billionaires into space by making people who can't even afford medicine or healthy food pay for it
As much as I hate America this is unironically based.
Thats not realy highscore, everyone fucks 15 girls when in germoney
Where are you from user?
Inb4 he doesn’t answer
German "men" don't lol
>If you see a white man in America theres like a 70% chance he is based and racist.
Lol triggered yanks. Europeans literally invented sandwitches.
Some states will restrict access to abortions to women who demonstrate that they fall into a category of mitigating circumstances such as risk to their health or that their child is a product of incest after six weeks. They will still be able to procure their abortion if they fall into one of those categories or if they get their abortion prior to six weeks into their pregnancy.
Because you have failed to properly articulate your point and referred to a six week deadline as a “ban” you have spoken inaccurately. You are wrong.
Yet you conveniently omit the fact that America is thrice as deep, both geographically, and in terms of intellectual profundity, and cultural integrity. Plus, it's well known that Europe's real landmass area is a matter of rancorous international contention, with most official conservative estimates placing it as no larger than Texas alone.
The sneaky European is a particularly craven sort, relying on cheap tricks like illusory mirrors to hide their true corpulence and promoting blatantly false statistics as the inviolable truth.
>Europe are cucks who worship niggers
>said by the cucks who dedicate a whole month to suck their dick
This. Only brainlet monkeys are seething.
The whole world simultaneously despises America but finds it very convenient all the same.
Why do you think E. Asia (Japan, China, Korea, etc) adore Western culture but not actual white people?
It's very strange. I think racial ego is just a fact of life.
Would never happen
English is the common language of Europe, the US makes 90% of all English media. The US also had a near monopoly on television productions for nearly a century. So Europeans see American culture every single day
Hasn't he been slimming down?
Well said friend
East asia has been xenophobic since the beginning of history but sure dude, its just america
>biden shaking hands with big boss 100% camo american flag
Is the bald thing for a role or did this guy literally lose all his hair by like 23?
Abortions in the US are waaay too liberal, like with the exception of Texas you are basically committing infanticide.
This is what White women want.
How is he one of those faceless old doujin bastards at 25 years of age
wtf I can't believe NTR hentai are realistic...
The latter. He suffers from alopecia.
It’s true
Its funny cause its true
All white people are American? Did you even read my post, you skim-reading mouth-breather?
Asians literally plug their noses when whites walk by. They "smell like cheese".
You literally can smell a person’s race. Asian people smell like fish, black people smell like mildew.