>Americans actually get their culture from Hollywood and rappers
Americans actually get their culture from Hollywood and rappers
...and you get your culture from Yea Forums, an American website.
Euros get their culture from a mosque
Ellen will re-transition
america is hollywood and rappers
Where do you get your culture from?
It's not just rap but an infatuation with black culture. I was curious about this and it seems to be a phenomena that goes back even to the 1920s and perhaps further beyond that. Is it because of high extroversion or just an indicator of post industrial cultural rot?
I get my culture from 4channel.org
test sneed
Well what does this have to do with television or flim? This just seems like another thread to bash Americans but you already have a board for this man.
Which all countries have? I mean you can't have a country with no food.
US is more religious than euros
Is america bad because they're still obsessed with religion or good? Which is it?
Having a million retarded branches of protestantism != being more religious
I'm not OP and I think USA has a culture.
Though one could argue American culture is basically a patchwork of different cultures, considering the multiple races living there and the fairly young age of the american nation.
>Yea Forums
>an American website
>is owned by a jap and mutts compose less than a half of it's populace
Just like Muttrica itself, but instead of the jap it's the Jew
It has something to do with believing that God exists
And Europe has BLM riots. It's cucks all the way down.
>Our retards are better than your retards.
Holy cope.
Religions are on the decline in the USA.
And Europe gets their culture form America at this point
>2014 data for the US
Feels like it's plummeted off a cliff in the past 10 years, wonder what the numbers are now
>but Yurop
Ozzies getting away with it once again.
Looks like the majority white areas are less religious on average.
...And yet you're obsessed with Yea Forums and American. Why is that?
>Yuropoors get their culture washed away by Pakis and niggers breeding with their women
More like Hollywood and Rap are an expression of culture. Nothing exists in a vacuum.
Meanwhile mutts get their culture directly from niggers and jews
Everyone here gets their culture from internet memes and porn
Mutt's law
>b-but gookmoot
fuck off, this site was created by an american
No a higher percentage of the US population is Christian than most European countries especially when compared to Western Europe. 65% of the US population is Christian. (2019 stat)
South Korea.
>cues random kpop "dance" clip
>Culture is when old building
Culture is literally just all the habits and tastes you get from being raised in a certain environment. You don't "get culture" from these things, those things are expressions of culture.
Culture is not a material, tangible object that you can collect and accumulate
Can't be obsessed with something getting forcibly shoved right into your face years on end. I looking forward to the day your degenerate shithole finally collapses.
That's literally what I said.
Buildings (old or new) are part of your environment.
Holy shit do Americans really??? Kek
>Though one could argue American culture is basically a patchwork of different cultures,
That's 90% of countries though. You think "German" culture is a thing? Bavarians and Berliners are worlds apart. Likewise, Italians from Piedmont and Italians from Sicily aren't really all that similar. Then you have the real big countries like Russia, which has Buddhist republics within it's borders.
and thats a good thing
Fair enough, I'm a ESL so I misunderstand some English comments
frogposting bongs on suicide watch
Honestly its sad that some eurobro had to take time to edit this. This person had to look up nigger porn just so they can make a meme edit.
America went from enslaving blacks to worshipping them on their tv and admiring their cocks on their computers.
>Owning the Americans by making bbc shit
Dang dude you sure showed me.
>look up nigger porn
He didn't need to do this. 4channel, an American website, provided him with this thanks to it's posters - americans. Beautiful, isn't it?
Whats up with the nigger cock? Why do people KEEP ON TALKING ABOUT NIGGERS COCKS WHATS SO INTRESTING ABOUT THE COCKS OF NIGGERS??? Does it make your entire day when you finally get to talk about nigger cocks?
bmwf is best appreciated by white racists. Only by viewing them as subhumans can you truly appreciate the bestialic quality, the feelings of perverted trasngression, of seeing some dumb ugly ape fuck a cute girl next door. The juxtaposition is exquisite
>You think "German" culture is a thing?
Yes. Germany is a patchwork of different ethnic groups that federate over the years for political reasons. Their cultures were close enough to form a cohesive political entity. Those who weren't close enough ended up as Italian, French or Polish.
The USA are on a whole different scale. You've had whites from all over Europe, then blacks, latinos, asians, etc. The USA has no real ethnical background.
Again, I'm not saying there's no American culture. Actually I believe the core of it is european culture. But as time passes and minorities grow stronger, this culture is slowly dying.
>Can't be obsessed with something getting forcibly shoved right into your face years on end.
You literally are or you wouldn't be here venting your butthurt.
>More bbc shit
Do Europeans really?
The site was just a copy/paste of 2chan, a japanese website.
Americans have no culture, it's all derivative shit.
>venting your butthurt
Schadenfreude isn't butthurt my dear mutt. I just like the sight of you muttricans getting buttfucked by niggers, jews, women, trannies on a daily basis.
> The USA has no real ethnical background.
ehhhh. Most White Americans are a mix between English and an immigrant European ethnicity.
I bet you're fapping to it right now, you degenerate mutt.
>More projection
Why are Europeans like this?
>Why are Europeans like this?
America destroyed this planet and humanity. All this is mutts fault.