>alien/mutant/etc character has blue skin
>is kino
Is blue an indicative of pure, unfiltered kino?
Alien/mutant/etc character has blue skin
I hope my nigga Eli Vanto gets to smash blue pussy.
blue just looks that good
Remake the entire nuTrilogy and have Thrawn be the main antagonist
For me it's grey
we need Hindoostan kino
What a disappointing romance arc
Giv chiss gf
>Giv chiss gf
I like pink ayys too
Finding out Malak was literally friendzoned into the dark side was funny at least
I never finished the books but I go with my headcanon, Zayne fucked her and then enrolled with Revan and became Nihlius in Malchor, with Draay being sion
Blue bros... we just keep winning!
True it was funny. And his characterization was actually really cool. Malak was hothead playboy jedi who happened to have extreme deference to his always robed master
It's a good comic with good moments and nice characters
Feel like they didn't know how to end it however and Zayne's development seem to always be in a vague point of mehness
Didn't know there were Dunmer in Star Wars
nah son, they're better than Dunmer. More like Altmer, besides the appearance.
As much as I like a lot of what came after, it definitely should have ended at the coven's defeat. It was the culmination of Zayne surpassing both masters and had a satisfying closure of Lucien ironically following Kreia's teachings by refusing to take the path of Sion without even realising it.
The Jarael confusion part in was just a massive contrivance
>definitely should have ended at the coven's defeat
Yep, it book ends the whole man plot.
Yeah, about that. I never got why they did these sorta teases in reference to the games. Lucien wasn't Sion and Krynda wasn't Kreia, and both just kinda fade out
Yeah, I noticed that too. Still, it was the best Dark Horse comic by a mile imo, and most KoTOR cameos were handled really well. If they were going to depict the Mandalorian Wars, I would've considered switching to a new cast, maybe even Bao-Dur and the Jedi Exile, but they had the decency to make Revan's identity ambiguous so I doubt that was ever in the plans
You might be onto something here, pinkskin.
Nah, red's cooler. Togrutachads rise up
For me it's green.
But I hate Altmer
>tfw no 6'2 andorian gf
Why live?
Shaak gets mogged even in the jedi temple
It was neat that they showed the virtues that later got corrupted, rather than having him as a dumbass getting strung along, or a bad apple from the start.
I think it was just a red herring, since before some fan figured it out, we didn't know Kreia's original identity.
I still appreciated the fact they clearly got she was all about free will rather than contrarianism, even if she never made an appearance.
Learn esoterics and color theory. Blue is for peace/calm/enlightenment (green as well).
>t. lesser being
To be fair, there was a lot of stiff competition in the Jedi Order. I wonder if there was a Jedi casting couch or something
It was pretty obvious that Kreia was Arren Kae and Handmaiden's mom, so the Krynda twist would've been nonsensical and contradictory
>it was the best Dark Horse comic by a mile imo
I like the one with Dass Jenner. Needlessly dark tho.
But yeah it was really good. Shit, they took a random name from the game and made a great character with Cassus Fett.
My main problem with it was Zayne's development. It's not that he didn't become some super badass jedi, but that his morals and abilities seemed to mostly stay in the same range. He could be competent and surprisingly clever at times and be totally bumbling and useless the next, which is the opposite of everyone else. Jarael becames less of am abrasive cunt, Marv grows significantly as a person and becomes an even netter dealer and even Camper has his own nice arc
>and most KoTOR cameos were handled really well.
Oh definitely. None that felt out of place or that the galaxy is the size of a small city like it happens a lot in ST
Why did they make her so hot in that game?
I couldn't follow the story anymore as Starkiller not giving up the darkside and spending his days bonking her and her apprentice didn't felt logical
>showed the virtues that later got corrupted, rather than having him as a dumbass getting strung along, or a bad apple from the start.
Yep, in fact I think he's a more interesting character in the comic in fact. He's too much of a Darth Vader clone in the game
Dark Times was great and it came in second place for me. I even like the Wyl Tarson and Darca Nyl arc, it was quite engaging. Zayne was ok, but I feel like Marn and Jarael always stole his chance to shine. I felt that the Roland twist was kinda mediocre too, I saw it coming but still, the switch should've been made later on. The Chantique arc was pretty bad, and the exogorth thingy was just plain silly, but allowed Camper to have a nice ending, so who cares.
Starkiller must've been gay for not going after that red piece of ass or even Maris Brood. Juno was the worst girl
Since so many are talking about Dark Horse comics, should I open a thread on Yea Forums?
>Dark Times was great and it came in second place for me.
Did it ever end? Or did it get cancelled like Rebellion? Last story I recall was with the rakghouls crossver. It really was good. And the artist of the first issues was amazing.
>Zayne was ok, but I feel like Marn and Jarael always stole his chance to shine.
Definitely. There's just no real sense of growth with him I thought. Even his Force special power of twisting odds seemed kinda lazily written
>the Roland twist
Yeah that one was so obvious I feel like everyone had predicted it by the end.
>Chantique arc was pretty bad,
I don't even recall a lot of it. Did we really needed to give Jarael two backstory? Not only as a special genetic experiment but ex-gladiator/slaver whatever the crucible was
>Camper to have a nice ending, so who cares.
Yeah, it was a solid, bittersweet arc.
>Starkiller must've been gay for not going after that red piece of ass or even Maris Brood. Juno was the worst girl
Personality and model wise. Characters in the PS2/early ps3 era could sometimes look like plastics nut Juno somehow looked like a real person that was bogged
Go for it
Dunno how much I can add to it however
Dark Times goes on a bit after the Rakghouls, but story quality decreases a bit after the Blue Harvest arc (which is just Yojimbo/Fistfull of Dollars/Red Harvest, but it's still great). Art remains great and it has an actual ending, even if a bit open ended.
>Did we really needed to give Jarael two backstory? Not only as a special genetic experiment but ex-gladiator/slaver whatever the crucible was
She became a writer's pet as the series went on. Really started getting on my nerves
Here you go
Oops, meant to link to
she's cute tho!
>I wonder if there was a Jedi casting couch or something
I mean they literally went around the galaxy abducting kids, kinda weird in a way
Jedi Master Jyaf Eeps Tian was really into recruiting missions for some reason
I don't think everyone was suppose to be that jot is just that Jan Duursema is the type of woman that likes to draw hot women, so everyone was top model tier
based lesbo
Zayne's problem is that his development began and ended with the coven, and he didn't really have much to do after it was concluded.
Given that conclusion is at the halfway point, that hit pretty hard
She's married to a dude.
I think she's just the rare women that isn't insecure enough to feel threatened by ink put on paper in attractive shapes
I WILL get my cute Chiss gf eventually.
Yes. I liked the comics back in the day, but you do really need to fuck off
Don't you worry that she doesn't love you and is only pretending to do so because it favors the Ascendancy?
Even beyond that, I never got a sense of actual progress from him. I could tell it happened, just not sure how beyond him being less of a fuckup
Then you are a fool.
Your feelings for her are not real
Damn shame we didn't get a captain Cooms show.
I want to have sex with Queen mommy Mara and then have her remove me from reality with her special space magic
Fuck, he would've made for an excellent Thrawn