>Oh hey user! Come join us and tell us what your favorite movie is
Oh hey user! Come join us and tell us what your favorite movie is
Puella Magi Madoka Magica the Movie: Rebellion
[Upper lip trembling]
[Barely audible] Take off your masks, chuds.
call me by your name
Say its Bronson or Snatch and you're all set
You guys ever seen Shojo Ramune?
Jeremiah Johnson.
It's a film called Five Easy Pieces and it's lovely.
>uh... Most popular movie of the last 3-5 years I guess, right guys
Movie? Psh. I only read books. Later, niggas.
>Are you fags drinking Heineken and rolling rock? Pfft, fuck off niggas
Lesbian porn. Am I rite, bros? Pass me a brewski
I think you're based because it's a great movie but they'd probably make fun of you because it's about homos.
God being in a room full of white chads crushes my soul. I’ll never be a tall white chad who fucks millions of pretty white, Asian, and brown bitches.
Why don't you guys tell me about your favorite movie? All the wolf of wall street huh. What's your favorite brand of designer wing tip shoes and chinos? Oh cool.
You guys sure are masculine, anyway I gtg.
Hot Fuzz
No, it’s not gay furry porn.
These men look like big Trump guys so I’d probably just moonwalk out of the house.
why do they have a gavel?
You might have been hanging out with Brads, not Chads, and that's why you had a bad time.
I didn't even notice that. I bet one of them likes to use the gavel if everyone is being too noisy and they just put up with his shit because they're at his house and he's the guy with the most money. It's white people stuff.
what the fuck are you talking about
Probably all celebrating being made partner in each of their father's law firm.
Definitely true. Brads are all insecure and trying to attain chads position at the top. While chad is secure in himself, so he’s nice to everyone.
I’ve only met one chad in my entire life. He was literally the aryan archetype; 6’8 with blonde hair blue eyes. Nicest dude I’ve ever met
Imagine being this deep into "le male psychology" reddit """"science""""
They aren't wearing masks, schizo
Wedding Crasheers right boys!?!
>Yeahhh Yeahhh
*High 5s all round
>non-obese person is wearing sunglasses
Americans aren't human
It’s the truth. All men are either betas, brads, or chads. Anyone who denies this science is a Reddit bluepilled bitch.
>literally has justice system gavel
>literally thinks that planting evidence is justice
>tattoo looks like a child's drawing
That'll be $250 + tip
For me?
It's My Little Pony: A New Generation (2021)
it's bro court. you've been charged with being lame, how do you plead?
Jurassic Park. Dinosaurs are fucking sweet. Now toss me a Rock, faggot.
heya fellas
big Jurassic Park fan I am
how about you
Im sigma
Tango and Cash
I kinda get the feeling these guys are dutch, am i right?
What's the difference between a Brad and a Chad?
You’re gay for even remembering that bro
I drive
More like, "Let's talk about our favorite sports ball players."
Brad sometimes gets girls, and is a prick.
Chad always gets girls, and everyone loves him.
>Oh hey user! Come join us and tell us what your favorite beer is
Steel Reserve 211. Whatchu know about that?
>Lost Coast Brewery Tangerine Wheat, God's favorite beer.
Hi guys! It's Irreversible by Gaspar Noe duuuh!
the one that's currently 15% off at the store
Is this a gay thread?
keeps the wife in line
McEwan's Export. Stella if I'm at the pub.
Godzilla vs Destoroyah, of course.
I recently watched that Alexander supercut and thought it was great.
You guys should give it a try, it's lengthy though.
i dont know your name
Big Fish. Let's all watch it together and comfort eachother when the ending makes us cry
Normal people are so boring and dumb.
>Workmate has office full of football shit
>At work related gathering and he's talking about football nonstop
>Try to change topic. "What's your favorite movie?"
>Names a shitty Football movie
Jesus Christ
it's beer
imagine the size of their huge white christian jurassic dinosaur cocks
I'm sure they'd get a kick out of my hot take that Dennis Rodman is probably the best basketball player ever.
Swing and a miss, people think of Rocky as boxing movies and mostly remember the sequels, Chads don't remember that the first movie is about a handful of losers pulling each other up into being somewhat less losers.
>I call my first witness
>pause 2 secs
>audible but not gross fart
>everybody laughs
>"my favourite beer is free beer"
>*takes one of their drinks and begins to sip it*
What the fuck are chinos and why do you even know what they are?
I'm sure you're the least boring and smartest person in your office. You're basically Jim from The Office
asahi, baka!
Judging by those hairlines I'd say they have average sized dicks because of steroids.