
Neex Edition

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What's their endgame?

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tfw postin hapi neex =^_^=

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I want to milk her

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These are not allowed here!

I want her to milk me.

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whos up to lick a frog?

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Did anyone else want to cave in Neelix's head whenever he was on screen, or was that just me?

>go to youtube
>enter 'star trek before:2010' into search bar

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He was the best Voyager character.

>all those day-to-day shill threads for SNW
Why is this shit even happening? Why would anyone want to shill NuTrek on Yea Forums of all places?

>Why would anyone want to shill NuTrek on Yea Forums of all places?
CBS/Paramount marketing team. They are regulars here.

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>tfw almost finished all of Voyager
Never watched any Star trek before. Decided to watch it on a whim. It's been a comfy ride.

>They are regulars here
I want them to remaster Voyager. I'd torrent the rips. Thanks

Perhaps anons just like Strange New Worlds.

junk? This thing did the ketracel white-run from Cardassia to Bajor in less than 4 light years.

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I mean, yeah, maybe. But why? Even if some people from Yea Forums will get memed into watching NuTrek, they'll just pirate it anyway. And then they'll tell 10 other people how shitty it is. This is like the opposite of what shilling is supposed to be.

>Perhaps anons just like Strange New Worlds.
Nice cover. But even though there may be some who are liking SNW so far it's still nutrek at the end of the day. Normally /trek/ threads have many posters that seem to follow a script and it's really obvious compared to other threads. And then you have pic related who is definitely here. He is making videos trying to explain why many of us don't like nutrek, saying it's because of autism instead of poor writing.

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I miss the real Neelixfag

>This is like the opposite of what shilling is supposed to be.
And yet they are here. You're right, they are memeing people into watching nutrek. Looks like SNW is a trojan horse.

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You mean, like they have done since the first season of STD?

I got memed into watching it. It was fucking awful and made me hate Trek more than I did before I watched it. I’m not sure their plan is working.

Even though there are many organic SNW threads, a lot of anons still prefer /trek/.

>many organic SNW threads

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well, I'm sold, I saw the memes and I just had to check out this brand new show. it looks snazzy and popping! its got that wow factor, you know? sexy and cool, something for the kids, but for adults who still love the show. It looks great. And Kurtzman really understands star trek. I give this, a pizza rating of, 7/10 slices. Check it out!

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I'd say it looks like the least bad NuTrek so far, but the Kurtzman factor will probably go full retard soon enough. Seeing NuUhura alone makes me physically ill.
Come to think of it, the Kurtzman factor was already clearly visible.
>Pike and crew dress up like ayys to enter the building
>later on he just gets beamed there anyway
>two rather aggressive factions on a brink of civil war
>they don't give a fuck about some alien intruder just teleporting there
>he gives them a 2 minute pep talk and shows an equivalent of 23rd century PowerPoint presentation
>including the laughable current year footage
>ayys somehow believe everything he's saying and become peaceful
If it wasn't for Pike's charisma, this shit would be STD tier. Now it's STD+ tier. That's barely a progress.

Yes, I'm replying to myself

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>What do you do?
>Oh, I make pretend kids' drawings for tv shows.

dream job

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do you guys prefer when the guests are actually nice like they seem or when they turn out to be bad guys?
i like when theyre actually nice.


My autism is different than yours.

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often when they have a guest they introduce the character as a good guy. usually he is revealed to be the bad guy. i like when hes actually a good guy.

Watched first couple of minutes of STD and turned it off. Never looked back. I tolerated Picard, some of it is okay. Season 2 was predictable after the first couple of episodes. SNW is weird. They clearly want to push forward and go all in with propaganda but at the same time want to realign the show to resemble TOS. It's poor writing all round and especially the cast is mostly unlikable, this is the key issue in my opinion. Anson Mount and Santiago Cabrera have been great on their own.

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>I tolerated Picard
How? SPIC is even worse than STD

He hasn't actually seen those shows.

>How? SPIC is even worse than STD
I never watched STD so I wouldn't know. I just wanted a bit more 24th century trek. I also noticed that if the show was rearranged to be about Rios and his crew (possibly on the enterprise) it would have been much better.

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Whatever...I'm off to qwarks for a drink

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Trekpu doesn't smoke or drink.

can you try again in English?

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Not him and I hate both these shitshows anyway. But, if we really want to dissect...
>STD - S1 and S2 were really bad (the only KINDA good parts of S2 unironically included Pike), S3 and S4 were somehow even worse and dragged forever (for what it's worth, S1 and S2 weren't that boring at least)
>SPIC - S1 is shit, S2 never-ending pants-on-head retarded shitshow that looks like a cross between Samurai Cop's lack of film-making skills and David Lynch's disjoined dream-like narration (if Lynch was a 85 IQ retard)
I know it doesn't mean much, but SPIC S2 was unironically entertaining. For all the wrong reasons, sure. But I wasn't dying of boredom like when I watched STD. Other than that these two shows share the same defects and have no other qualities whatsoever.
So yeah, overall SPIC is better. In a way that really stinky turd is better than a regular stinky turd.

fuck you he does what he wants.

Attention Bajoran workers report directly to sickbay for your penis inspection

>But even though there may be some who are liking SNW so far it's still nutrek at the end of the day. Normally /trek/ threads have many posters that seem to follow a script and it's really obvious compared to other threads. And then you have pic related who is definitely here. He is making videos trying to explain why many of us don't like nutrek, saying it's because of autism instead of poor writing.
Whereas your rant is both autism and poor writing.

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>In a way that really stinky turd is better than a regular stinky turd.
Uhh... I was supposed to write it the other way around, but... Nah, let it stay.

>Not him
I am. I agree with your thoughts about Picard.

penis inspector garak reporting for duty.

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Finally, a good star trek thread

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The reason I don't like nu-Trek isn't because it exists. It's because it's SHIT. If they make Trek that is decent, I'll watch it gladly.

this episode was on H&I last night

I report all neex

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It's like the writers watched Smallville and thought "Wait? Jurati+Borg queen is just Brainiac".

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the face changed star trek forever

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>he gives them a 2 minute pep talk and shows an equivalent of 23rd century PowerPoint presentation
This is absolutely accurate for how a government/military organization works.

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I can't stand things obviously made in a boardroom. Anything with 22 producers actually depresses me. I also have a BA Eng Lit and this mystery box shit way Kurtzman writes is also extremly depressing to anyone who has actually read a book before.

I also have no interest watching Star Trek when it's written by the same person who made the 2007 Transformers movie. Like I'll watch Star Trek by somebody who wrote Beast Wars, but not the Bay shit.

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how the fuck do they even have that many producers? what do they even do on a day-to-day basis? how are their jobs delineated so they're not stepping on each other? I just don't get how this happens.

>I can't stand things obviously made in a boardroom
in a show about conference rooms

Even if you hate Neelix, he remains relevant to Yea Forums, Television and Film.
You are in the wrong here. Read the rules for Yea Forums.

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ah, you are motherfucker

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A conference room talk about philosophy is much more interesting than 22 people dictating what memberberries to put in a Star Trek show in order to achieve maximum profit.

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Also why the fuck is this happening?

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>ruins your show
Pfftt, nothin personal.

>caring about outcomes you cannot control
pffft boomer

where can we find your sexy pics?

If I was a boomer, I wouldn’t care. I don’t know where you got that idea from.

>TODAY IN #StarTrek HISTORY: May 9, 2001
>Neelix bids farewell to the USS Voyager in "Homestead" -- and the "Voyager" cast shares the love with Ethan Phillips.

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