Based or Not

I think this show is based af. Slow burn but after the first few seasons can’t get enough. What day you?

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kino, even after jimmy's death

never finished it but the first couple seasons are very nice

Not something I can see myself revisiting but it was a fun ride while it was on.

First 3 seasons are great, I even love the Gyp Rosetti stuff. The show certainly decreased in quality overall after that but there were still some great episodes every now and then

I almost quit or too after the first few seasons. Revisited.
I’m telling you takes off after S3 once the heroin gets involved.

>Slow burn

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Hell yeah. And the gyp Rossetti shit was great. It’s funny after he got whacked and the next season started that’s when I started enjoying more.

Word. But you should finish it. I’m not through yet. Revisited after 6 months ago of starting and then picking it up again

why do you incels love jimmy so much?

went through the whole thing at least 3 times, it's goat for me honestly

Lol this. Darnondy ain’t shit. The other character dev and story arcs are epic.

Because he killed people as brutally as like Jason Vorhees

For sure I’m prob 80% thru. Already know I need to re watch. I feel like most ppl give up on it too soo.

He fucked his mom which was edgy and that whore is still tryna do something with the business man- Roy whatever. And she survived that hot shot cuz she had a habit. (that’s as far as I am)

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I come from Trinidad

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Kek. This uppity Libyan. Lol

my libyan

Haha jinx fagget


Did they ever explain what was wrong with Richard? Was it autism?

he stuck his nose where it didnt belong.

I’m telling y’all though. He was despicable and cringe af from jump, but that Daighter Maitland. Got Damn. She an angel. Him doing her like that sealed the deal for me. Fuck that Libyan wannabe Jamaican weirdo

Kek. But… would you rather? Daughter Maitland, Sally Wheet, Miss Rohan or jimmys mom can’t remember her name (the madam junkie)

First 3 seasons are top tier

You need to go after that. But for me it’s Daughter Maitland. Curves and skin tone top tier. All day

Anyways frens, thanks for the interaction. First time on this board. Going to watch some shit you all post about from here on out.

Jimmys wife angela or his whore pearl, before the face slashing.
His moms name was gillian

That’s right slipped muh mind. Gillian. Fckn whore. She was just surviving. Respect that. “ Never trust no buckras” what that mean. Anybody?

"I have to go now; my people need me"
>Note: Arnold Rothstein died on the way to Mandatory Palestine

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I seen that. Didn’t get it

Frank Capone is a kino character considering he's only in 5 or 6 episodes.

Here what’s this? Buckras?

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I think in season 4 of this show Nuckys butler jumps out of hotel window to kill himself and then a few months later Game of Thrones had the scene where Tommen jumped out of the window to kill himself. It was the same perspective and body movement and everything, I always thought that was funny.

fucking brutal when chalky od´d on fentanyl alone in his apartment

Nahhhh. Your own timeline fren. Js

how would you jump out of a window tho?
every other way would look unintentionally funny.
imagine someone jumping out a window like hes about to jump into water.

Jew bastard loved his milk

Spoiler much. Lol

Still don’t get it

It’s not alcoholic, so he was like the only guy who was sober.

Only first 2 seasons were kino
I like 3rd season cuz gypp is literally me
4th season i dropped it a couple of episodes in after the nigger nubian shit, it got too surreal for me to enjoy

So you’re a literal psychopath?

all the gangsters were psychopaths, gyp was just a psychopath with self esteem and anger management broblems.

1 > 2 > 5 > 3 > 4

Yes and no. Gyp was quite clearly a weirdo. No offense user, but the guy was crazy. Hence the way he was exited, kinks aside

That whole Florida/Cuba arc was such fucking trash

Interesting might go back and watch that way

I guess? I related 100% and completely and fully understood his reactions. It was the first time I saw a character I identify with in every single comment, reaction or outburst. Like the things he was upset with I'd chuckle because I'd react exactly like he did if something similar happened to me despite hoe ridiculous it looks. The completely exaggerated reactions and anger over literally nothing according to most people, but to him meant a great deal, uh man, felt so good to see that shit on screen. Even him getting killed at the end was just perfect, he deserved it, I deserve it too and I have no problem with it when the day comes and someone decides to off me because I'm such a fucking cunt like good ol gypp.

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he was just enormously aggressive, once youve seen him with his family and you could understand why he was like that.
but he wasnt crazy or a sadist or whatever.
he never hurt the dog, user.

That’s where I’m at now. Paused this shit to banter with you user faggots. Lol

He was probably the most insane character in a show full of insane characters

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This is true. Good point

Exactly Nevertheless I respect your explanation user. Based.

Yeah van der mueller made me chuckle more than once