Post your favourite movies

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how old am i

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I've never seen any of these movies so I can't say

early 30s and a latent homosexual with decent taste for kino

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Natural Born Killers
The Terminator
Fight Club
The Hitcher 86
The Fog

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i like your taste so i put the 3 i havent seen on download

right wing militant

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Me and you have a lot in common
Which is how I know you're a faggot

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stat me

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incel pseud starter pack?

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ive seen most of those
try some german silent films and italian arthouse

my top 9 are 9 of the DBZ movies in any order.


Any recommendations? I liked Bicycle Thieves, but didn't care for 8 1/2. Metropolis is great, though I prefer M, and Nosferatu is high on my watchlist.

different user, but Metropolis by Fritz Lang

testament of dr mabuse. for when you want to have fun while watching old as fuck german movies

Nights of Cabiria

Appreciate the recs

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Check out Destiny (1921), directed by Fritz Lang and Frankenstein (1910), directed by J. Searle Dawley

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If you like Paths of Glory, watch Breaker Morant. Similar story set in the Boer War, near perfect film.

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interstella 5555 is lovely

based Anderson pick
didnt like vertigo, did like shining. Didnt care for 3CB
based and funpilled
someday I will finally watch being there
altered states had a terrible ending. I remember liking treasure of the SM as a kid
based miyazaki, verhoeven, and kubrick picks
good picks, I recommend the steel helmet
didnt care for exorcist, rocky, apoc. now and 7th seal are great
FWWM is great, meh on taxi driver, enjyoed the thing
would absolutely bring a 6pk of beer over and watch movies with
bretty great picks, I recommend logans run
my fucking nigga, nobody talks about I

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>Treasure Planet
This guy fucks

No bully :(

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I'm not going to bully you dude. These are some damn cool movies, especially Batman: Mask of the Phantasm.

2049 over the original? cmoooon

Henry has one of the best rape scenes I've seen that doesn't get talked about enough.

Likely gay or a woman.

Burn After Reading is the only cohen bros movie I really like but it doesn't make my list only because it's kinda limited to being a commentary on DC social life. Still a fun movie.

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It is, what it is.

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The vanishing is one of the most disturbing movies I’ve ever seen. Fucking brilliant

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ywnbaw or you are just super gay

please tell me youve seen cannonball run

yes, i've more or less watch most "car chase movies" just car movies in general.

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>no salo
it just seems like something that should be on this list

I think 2049 did better job of showing us the dystopia with lack of nature and a reliance on ai and machines. Plus Villenueve visuals that really gave 2049 atmosphere and i fucking love joi.

you have a taste, Angst is amazing though

Holy tranny casual...

you are a women

Make of this what you will.

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>altered states had a terrible ending
filtered. they didn't really win, there's no reason to believe the events stopped happening after that scene. and the music is sinister

very nice taste sir

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>forbidden planet
>easy rider
my man

>flight of the phoenix