>OH N-
>carry shield on left side
>enemy attacks you from the left
>font even move your left arm
>move your right arm instead
was this choreographed by a woman ?
>let me just run up to the guy that’s bigger and stronger than I am and jump at him, that will totally work
This shit would get you killed in real life
>was this choreographed by a woman ?
>in a real fight the skinny guy would just run into his stomach like a retard
what else is there to do? it is full power kick with run. you can't get more powerful.
are you saying that if meteorite falls on earth. it would make more damage if it stopped before hitting and started ripping of part of himself and throw small rocks?
Yeah sure thing, big guy
>it is full power kick with run. you can't get more powerful
you wouldn't kick him in his stomach like a retard, you'd kick him in the knee
How about punching him in the face you blob
lol dumb fat fuck
>lost with high ground advantage
>fight choreography
Never been a strong point with westoids.
This is a thing in Glasgow. Remember seeing a talk from public health researchers into obesity who were realised there was a cult of 'big men' obsessed with building up the largest possible gut.
he had a shield and didn't use it
That fat fuck moves pretty well for his weight.
You gonna need a thicker shield, and even then that shield will get fucked by an axe. And what's more weilding a hammer and you're already fat and slow, bad weapon choice. Fatty should avoid opponents with axes and spears.
A fine lesson to learn that day. Axes can split wood.
Not with a sword it won't. Then there are guns which make all this obsolete.
>Do you know what’s there, beyond that beach? IMMORTALITY. TAKE IT, IT'S YOURS.
link to full video?
Why are they using real axes?
To dab on the fatty
I'm Rick and this is my son fat fuck
Round shields of that size and with that kind of handle were indeed thicker. They were held at an angle used to deflect musket balls.
They also usually had a metal boss in the centre and often a spike.
But more importantly than the construction of the shield, at no point in a battle are you holding out your shield to allow someone to hit you with a perfect 90 degree chop right into the area where your arm is.
what the fuck is this gym
why are they sparring with a sharp axe
>why are they sparring with a sharp axe
Because they aren't pussies.
Good flick.
Actual ancient fighters didnt practice with sharp weapons you moron. Can you imagine how useless it would be to have someone die of a deadly wound or infection every single practice session?
>Alright fatfuck, let's practice spar. I choose the steel axe vs your wooden mallet and wooden shield
He had the power of the gods with him
He thought he was going to catch him with his own sword you can see him start to swing retard
why are they letting themselves get killed
Oh boy, can't wait for their "Fat guy vs a guy with a gun" video
thats why real shields arent strapped to the arm like that
Incorrect, those straps are called enarmes and they were used through the medieval period till when shields stopped being used.
Lots of shields just had a handle in the middle, but that shield is a targe (a very poor example of one) and they often (but not always) had enarmes.
You might be confusing it with a viking round shield, which afaik had a handle in the center, but they were much larger.
BTW, the reason you would have enarmes is so you can use the edge of the shield. That means instead of having an inch to protect you, you have a foot. It's the same concept as sloped armour on a tank. You can also punch with it, and you can make it thicker for the same weight. In the video posted, that shield should be a lot thicker I reckon.
The downside is that you're limited by how big your shield can be, you're going to have to be more proactive about your defence, and it's less useful in formation (sometimes).
So both were used, just depends on the situation.
Why did the Romans think this will make them look better?
People complain about the music in the director's cut but I don't want to watch a shorter movie so I don't even remember the music in the first version. Is it the same that's called "rejected score" that sounds like something out of Ben-Hur?
shit tier b8
what did they do in there all day
Exactly. Nobody would fall for it.
Had safe sex, that's why it's called a trojan horse.
Of course, they made condoms out of the intestines of young boys, that way it was still technically gay to have sex with a woman you weren't cooming it.
Everyone thinks they wouldn't fall for it, but I fell victim to a home invasion that way.
It doesn't matter who you are, when you see a nice wooden horse on your front lawn you're gonna want to bring it inside.
It's 2022 though and you can
Because he can't do anything against a demigod.
They did the exact same thing you see in that video.
The warrior uses a sharp weapon, the village fatass/retard gets a big goofy mallet.
And if the village fatass/retard somehow wins with the stupid mallet then you give him a real weapon and that's how you get freak legendary warriors.
>source: my ass
in real life you go for the knees and fatties collapse everytime
STRfags were forever BTFO by this masterpiece.
>Everyone jobs to one-trick Achilles
Why does everyone keep falling for the same move?
In literally EVERY other piece of media, STR CHADS are the objective winners. The director of this film was obviously a dyel faggot that couldn't even lift a hammer. DEXfags are not to be taken seriously
>CUN/CHA(d) wins the war
Why the fuck do white people fight each other like this all throughout history? It's just fight after fight after war after war always over bullshit. Why can't white people just chill?
Pure Strength isn't optimal, you want a balance between strength and Agility/speed but if your strong enough you can just overpower yourself out of any situation but you have to be a lot lot stronger than the other person. Speed is underrated.
ok how the fuck is achilles so good? is he actually supposed to be a demigod or some shit?
You really want both. Even NFL linemen are very agile and athletic. Much easier to just go the gym and eat alot though.
You didn't read the book?
chilling is boring. even as we speak, americans are hooting for dead russians, russians for dead ukies, ukies for dead russians, euros are backstabbing each other for russian gas while the eternal anglo laughs
you're telling me no one standing 5 feet away saw the soldiers hiding through the large cracks inbetween the horse?
Your opponent aren't stationary punching bags. If you're not nimble enough, your high strength isn't of much use.
Great grandson of Zeus in father's side, Mother was a water nymph