it's official, he's getting cucked. Can his career recover from this now that Schaub and his cronies are siccing rogan after him?
It's official, he's getting cucked...
He’s been cucked from the start, name a celeb with less self respect than this beta?
I can't be the only one here that thinks Schlob and his goons actually didn't "screamed and bullied" Bobby over the phone.
He probably just got super nervous and took it like they threatened his life because that the kind of wreck he is.
totally in line with schaub. He's done it to his own employees.
Tim Dillion is the only comedian who is still funny on his podcast, I like how he makes fun of this cucks that take themselves super seriously
Like who?
that one chick M or whatever and most recently the skinny black guy. Bullied him off the show and the big black guy and bryan just sat there like daddy slappy mommy at the dinner table
Source? or you are just making this shit up
The intro to his newest podcast was funny as shit
H3H3 podcast
if you want to watch the whole thing, I think they bring up the open relationship at the end but I just saw it on tiktoks
Why do you lonely faggots invest your time in other people's personal lives? Shouldn't you be fixing yours first?
ditto. Also, where do you think you are?
Do zoomers really sit through these "podcasts" with unfunny fat retards droning on for 3 hours? Holy fuck
yes, they think theyre above reality tv while consooming podcasts and live streams like crack
How connected to this z-list drama are you op? Do they pay you to shill this nonsense on here? This is embarrassing
>when I was nine, I got molested by a kid with Down's Syndrome
can't fix mine, may as well laugh at others being fucked up as well
Imagine thinking a woman could be satisfied by an Asian penis
>Shouldn't you be fixing yours first?
If they could do that they wouldn't be here whining about women all the time.
I need to see her pussy, bros…
fuck that shit i lasted 20seconds fucking ear cancer
She looks just like the native women that live in the northwestern parts of America, moving towards Alaska. I would never think for a mere moment that she was/is Filipino.
Quick rundown:
Schaub hit on Khalyla around 7 years ago (she was with Bobby at the time) and she brought it up on the Trash Tuesday podcast without mentioning his name. Then Annie Lederman said the same “unfunny” comedian asked her to walk him to his car (presumably to suck his dick). Schaub then threatened to sue them, and called Bobby along with some other unnamed comedian/s and yelled at Bobby threatening to release info on them. Khalyla said the info he was threatening to tell isn’t a secret and that her and Bobby had an open relationship and she had someone she was seeing in Hawaii. Schaub also said he thinks all the internet hate he gets is from Bobby. Basically, that Bobby is responsible for running the fighter and the kid subreddit
Khalyla nudes when?
cheese and crackers i don't get how people keep up with this shit, nothin personnel dude i just can't into all the celeb gossip shit
>ditto.Also, where do you think you are?
They must. I can't believe it, but it has to have some sort of retarded audience or else it wouldn't exist.
Fake drama
Khayla wouldnt risk bobby kicking out her niece from his mansion
Hi Bobby. You aren't funny
are eskimos hot? I have a siberian girl fetish
considering she has her own podcast now, she probably is feeling really comfortable. And bobby seems like a beta that would let her walk all over him, which she is.
If you ever put a drawing of my face on the internet again we are going to have to fight irl tranny
is it possible for an ugly slob to have/keep an 8-10 even with money? It seems that even the rich ones can't get respect. Android women can't come soon enough.
Hack her phone for that cumshot from another dude on her ass she keeps bragging about
If I got cucked by Brendan Schaub I would kill myself
Isn't she doing her podcast in Bobby's mansion
>Android women can't come soon enough.
" are...a ....harder....bzzzt....worker"
*bzzzzt whirrr initiating cuddle_001.exe
literally who
why wait? just do it now.....bitch
Damn Ethan is such an asshole. Why is he forcing a topic that his guest is so uncomfortable talking about.
This photograph is a masterpiece
Bobby is single handily financially supporting khalyl's family and their rescue dogs
I doubt there isn't a single guy out who is willing to take on that responsibly
Sorry bro I’ve never been gadooshed by bapacito
Fake drama
Bobby and khalyla are just bored
he's an asshole no talent retard hack that didn't learn shit from bill burr schooling him
Like I said, she's feeling really comfortable
you doubt there isn't? I don't know anyone who would take on that much for a girl. Fuck that.
Her dad is white iirc, and her mom doesnt look like 100% indigenous filipino.
He's not talking about eskimos, but instead the native americans from (i assume) oregon up the coastal regions to northern BC.
That came out wrong, but yeah, no one wants to take care of khalyla's family and their dogs except for Bobby UNLESS that other guy is another Bobby Lee
roided up fighters just can't be funny
even if he's a cuck, i'm team bobby on this one
>what a bunch of posers
dude grow up and get a life. I’m sure people are always overjoyed when you and your shitty attitude show up
I still wish that my question be answered
Literally fucking who
reminder that this dude is 50. i thought he was like, max, 35. the fuck?
Bobby bros… not like this
>reply with mahalo or your girlfriend will fly to Hawaii and fuck this guy tonight
>dude grow up and get a life.
Says the loser poser who watches 4 hour podcasts
fuck schaub. bobby lee should knock him the fuck out and stretch his nutsack on his face
>h3h3 podcast
How are you not embarrassed to admit to listen to that shit? Seriously wtf kind of person are you?
he looks a lot like her. Tbf, if they're not related, she should probably marry this dude and have kids with him.
I don't watch h3, but tiktok fed me a bunch of clips of bobby on their podcast
>4 hour podcast
Nothing wrong with listening to a podcast while you work or do something else
>watching h3h3
Anyone who does this is actually a freak and deserves to be bullied
Focus your insults where they belong
I don't care about any of this but I unwillingly saw a clip of this woman saying that she jerked off dogs when she was young.
>poses with fish
>fucks ur girl
He seldom goes outside and just plays video games all day (no sun damage to skin), is overweight (fat limits wrinkles), also zero stress on body + genetics has probably prevented any hairloss. Also all his mannerisms and clothes are like that perpetually 16 years old Californian thing.