Canon who edition
Canon who edition
It could've stopped at Capaldi and I don't think anyone would've been angry with him being the last canon doctor.
This thread is only for TRUE DOCTOR WHO FANS racists are not welcome. Lets discuss how amazing this casting choice was,
>don't know what the plot's going to be
>don't know any episode synopses
>don't know what his costume is
>don't know what his character will be like
>/who/ and Yea Forums still instantly goes into full meltdown mode regardless and starts pretending that Jodie was actually good
Say it, /who/.
Die in house fire, jodie.
at least it's not a women
This show is garbage. It mirrors the UK as a whole post WW2, just floating on as a zombie coasting on the success of its past yet slowly dying and decaying.
So how likely is it that Doctor Who's been entirely funded by TV licenses and taxes ever since the the bland woman doctor?
I'm just glad it's not a woman again
Personally, I’m more of a racist than I am a sexist, so I’m Jodie Gang on this one.
LOL THE COPE. He is a fucking faggot
The only thing all this womanwashing and blackwashing of Doctor Who is accomplishing is making the old white male Doctors 1-12 seem even more important and soulful now.
Five more years, and we can finally go back home...
wait, really? jesus christ, come back Jodie
>wait, really?
The guy is very very obviously gay, just watching his behavior for 5 seconds already triggers the gaydar.
Jodie deserves her real 3rd season, please delay the 14th doctor and give us one more season before all is lost.
There will come a day when you long for the innocent, halcyon days of apple bobbing and CALL OF JOOTY MAN. You’ll wish you had appreciated the Evil Dan memes more. You’ll wish you had appreciated Yaz doing literally fucking nothing for 3 seasons. When the gay black doctor descends upon us, you’ll finally realise that you didn’t know how much, much, much worse things could be. You thought you knew pain? You don’t know pain.
We’ve got 5 years minimum of this fella. Think about that. I miss Jodie already.
I don't care that he's a nig, he's short. He's like 170cm, how am I supposed to take a manlet Doctor seriously? 9-12 were all 180-190cm.
Your time is over womyn, now it is time for gay black doctors (before he is replaced by a trans one)
Jodie is dogshit and doesn't deserve anything except maybe rape correction.
The Centenary Special is 90 minutes
Ngubu Who
don't care, just hate women
Capaldi’s run was filled with ultra woke bullshit too. The series ended with The Time of the Doctor, and while I don’t like it when series end with loose plot threads it was certainly preferable to the fan fiction that came afterwards that resolved Clara’s storyline.
Eat shit nigger
Everything after Smith was boring woke garbage not even worth the time.
Series should have ended there.
I never even heard of the fella before today, but now that you mention it, yeah.
It's not that he's black, it's that he's gay.
Imagine being this spineless and hypocritical
>Lovely Jodie Whittaker, who I adore
What a creepy mf
I’m sorry.
Okay, fine. I'll fucking say it if it makes you happy. You ready? I'll only say it ONCE:
Doctor Who has been shit since even before Tennant left and it's only ever gotten worse.
Any black people here get annoyed by how pathetic and gay their race is represented as in tv? I don’t know any black people in real life, so my only expose to them is our media, where they all seem to be gay?
Wait, seriously? I was about to post something about how they need to make the next Doctor a faggot to complete the diversity triad but I guess the BBC went and beat me to the punch.
>not expecting this after 'history's a whitewash' episode
lolling desu righ now baka senpai
Literally EVERY single series the current doctor gets hated on until they get replaced which causes them to be loved and only now are you faggots crying racism lmfao. Let me guess it was racism against Sylvester that got people to like Colin.
It’s the same old thing that’s happened every single regeneration, you’re just exposing yourself as a newfag if you seethe about it now.
I hope he shaves that terrible facial hair for when he actually plays the role.
Don't be surprised. Russell T. Davies is a massive sword swallower.
Matt had the Confidential Special, Peter had the live show, even Jodie had that stupid little bit during Wimbledon. Whatever you think of the casting choice this is a pretty pathetic announcement for 2022. A Tweet out of the blue on Sunday afternoon and it's barely a footnote on the BBC Weekend News, apparently he'll be at the BAFTAs but who even pays attention to that shit anymore. You would have thought that RTD would insist that his Doctor for the new era was appropriately hyped and announced like Smith and Capaldi were. What's the matter, couldn't BBC1 spare a half hour.
Next it will be Eddie Izzard to complete the tranny quota.
she's cute
I don't need to know anything, name ONE sci-fi show on air RIGHT NOW that isn't trash fire made by retards for retards
Eddie Izzard is a tranny now? I thought he was just a transvestite.
Honestly, nothing wrong with a standard PR announcement. Let it speak for itself. Making people tune into a Wimbledon thing or a cringe live reveal is so shit, nobody cared about those either desu.
I suspect it was maybe planned to be a live reveal at the BAFTAs but it was on the verge of leaking.
I got a breaking news alert on my BBC news app lol
The doctor shows us how to rap. Then a few years later the doctor bows while the TARDIS turns to face Mecca. Then a few years after that the doctor shows us how to cook a dog. It's all so fucking tiresome.
Yeah this is weird. RTD was always big on popularity, sensationalism and being loud so it's strange that this announcement is such a wet fart.
>There's a chad out there who can claim he got the doctor pregnant.
Truly, I respect Jodie's husband.
Oo I want to get bbc alerts on my phone too
Honestly the big live reveals were awful and unnecessary. Especially when it comes in the middle of Wimbledon or the footie where the vast majority watching couldn't give two shits about Doctor Who
Doctor Who is just another show at this point
>new Doctor Who chosen by who is willing to sleep with the Director
What an absolute joke. I thought they frowned upon such things.
Can't wait for muh holy BBC to treat Russell and his buck with the same indifference they did Chibnall. They probably won't even give him back Saturdays and Christmas at this rate.
Doctor who is a show made by faggots, for faggots
>every other actor was announced on TV
>apparently he'll be at the BAFTAs but who even pays attention to that shit anymore
You answered your own question
He was cast in February.
So those Tennant rumours BTFO? How is the forum taking the news?
Damn he looks like the black Peter Capaldi pretty much
I much prefer Doctor's looking like old dudes than young people.
Can't wait to hear this guy preaching about how much of a struggle it is to be a nigger. The Doctor is an almighty alien for fucks sake. Terrible casting
new costume leaked
Yeah, cramming Jodie into Wimbledon was cringe as shit but that recap of the first ten Doctors followed by that pre-recorded clip with Matt was kino, they should have made that the norm rather than going live like the Capaldi show.
Oh boy I cannot wait for the Doctor facing up against the (acted by a white englishman of course) Master and all the racial bullshit. RTD will go balls to the walls with this.
>The Doctor is an almighty alien for fucks sake
Fuck off Chibnall
The master is a pajeet
buck breaking is real. Tariq was right
that’s indeed how it is to pretend NuWho has EVER been good.
Can't wait to see the Doctor get called a nigger
Apologise /who/
Spamming pictures of this ugly guy has made me decide to close this thread, that does not bode well for this television series
>bring Davies back they said
>Davies will save the franchise they said
>Bit more black than they show in the films.
>So am I, Bill. So am I.
This guy's literally on his honeymoon, and couldn't wait to do a video. Fucking get a life, MrFatso.
Just as good as Colin Baker.
>nostalgiafags only now realising RTD was always woke, perhaps even more so than his successors
His era will be marginally better written than Chibnall but it'll still be full of nigger and troon shit and bomb in the ratings.
literally don’t know how I’m going to be able to go back to not thinking the doctor is cute anymore lads
Still shit Jodie a cute tho