Why couldn't she just have kids with some random dude?
Why couldn't she just have kids with some random dude?
She was attached to the ones she had in her dream.
That random dude will never be Vision
shes cant breed lol
She lusts after that robot dick.
Honestly if she just had sex, she'd feel a million times better and get rid of a lot of dead weight.
I can't figure out if she's hot is that normal?
She's waiting for me.
She wanted "her kids". If a mother lost her kids in a car crash or something you wouldn't tell her to just make new ones. It's not a perfect metaphor but you get the idea.
Also the darkhold was corrupting her. Driving her down the most evil path. Blinding her to sensible options.
You can only fall in true love once, and she did with vision. No one will matter anything to her except vision.
I know this first hand, I'm still in love with a girl I met 12 years ago. Think about her every day, hopelessly wish I'll be able to marry her and love her and grow old with her. And we couldn't be further apart.
All the while I'm in a relationship with a girl who's mad in love with me, and i basically care nothing for her. I have to force myself to say "i love you" even when I don't, same with sex. The only reason I stay is because I don't want to hurt her.
She should have just found some Wandafag and raped him.
Nigger you need to grow some fucking balls. Pussy ass bitch.
They weren't "her kids" though, just like my The Sims children aren't actually my kids either.
Vision had a vibrating dick that he could shrink or enlarge at will.
She needs a Serbian husband
she could literally make vision, children, everything with a wave of her hand, why is this a problem
Yeah, but she felt like they were.
People need to stop complaining when characters don't act perfectly rationally. Acting like it's a plot hole.
People aren't always rational.
That's what every parent did for hundreds of thousands of years. The expectation that all your kids will outlive you, that most won't die before reaching adulthood has been the norm for half a century at best.
Sure, but that doesn't mean you stop wanting them back. And if you had a magic book that was promising to give them back, you might just use it.
what would you do in this situation, Yea Forums?
Kill the wife. Use the daughter as a replacement. A 2.0 update
wow she's literally me
Now maybe, but for most of human history people moved on because that was the only way to survive. Having the luxury to break down, to mourn and cry and curse the unfairness of life is very new. That's why couples had as many children as they could, the expectation was that most would die, but then suddenly huge advances in medical knowledge and practices upended that paradigm. Instead of families with 1 or 2 living children and double that dead before reaching the age of 10, most families saw their children reach adulthood.
But we are supposed to feel pity for as she kidnaps children and murders people?
Why does everyone always conflate excusing and explaining? I'm explaining why her behavior isn't a plot hole, not defending it ethically.
And you're nuts if you think families didn't mourn the loss of their children just because it was more common.
I was in this exact situation a year ago. Only I wasn't married to her. Atleast she was honest enough to confess she could never love me because she was "in love" with her abusive exbf still. The biggest red flag was the fact that she's been in an on/off cycle relationship with him for 10+years. I was in love with her but I chose to leave. There's nothing you can do in that situation besides move on. Part of me hates her for using me as an emotional tampon, a test to see if she could move on, and for leading me on for months. Unreciprocated love is unhealthy and toxic.
Divorce. Why waste time and resources with a liar who only thinks about someone else.
>That's what every father did for hundreds of thousands of years
What i don't understand this is: her kids weren't real. She literally just made them up, how could she coincidentally have kids that look exactly the same in another universe?
You know A Christmas Carol is an old as fuck story with an important subplot about a little poorfag kid dying, do you?
user, i thought this too but now that feeling has faded. the damage is still there, but i dont love my ex anymore. i couldn't.
Probably the Hex pulled info from another universe to create them.
And what did she do when you broke up with her?
Well, the point of the film is her hypocrisy, she chides everyone for theirs, but is incapable of introspection herself. It's how the film resolves, she says
>"I would never hurt anyone"
as alt-Wanda's kids flinch from her in fear, she realizes that she's killed hundreds/thousands just to take away someone else's kids. It's really stupid, but it's narratively consistent.
Funny you mention it. Not settling for being a slut was the problem. If she was a slut none of this would've happened.
Why have women replaced God with "the universe"?
As if an endless void full of rocks and gas cares about you at all, modern spiritualism is a joke
Dumbfuck. By divorcing she'll just return after the bull with YOUR money.
she couldnt just find a universe where she is dead with her kids in foster care somewhere?
What is her kill count in this movie?
a lot, she massacres all the wizards at the beginning, all but like 5 of them
I would definitely complain about it to strangers on the internet instead of raising the topic with my wife.
Thats like asking why arent women happy with what they have, they always want more. You have a literal magic cunt who can do 99% of all things losing her mind and going genocidal because of the 1% that tells her to fuck off. Like goddamn how much of a fucking power fantasy can you have with a mindset like that. Shame cause I used to like this bitch until she does what women do and constantly obsess over 1 traumatic incident
>muh family and true love dead
This bitch created life outta nothing, i dont wanna hear that shit of grief equals self destruction.
I want Liz Olsen to cum on me
Olsen is in her mid stage now, she's not wall status, but she doesn't have that quirky cute look she had in her 20's. Also it doesnt help they keep trying to make her look as muxh as a fucking wiccan mom as possible.
The same reason why Professor X and J. Jonah Jameson all look exactly the same (despite Peter Parker and other characters looking different). It's an asspull from the writers.
>a mother lost her kids in a car crash or something you wouldn't tell her to just make new ones.
You dont know me, i indeed would if she was more dedicated to the idea of having her dead kids back rather than accepting her only kids are dead with NO way to get them back. Have you ever talked or seen someone whose in denial about a dead child? They're off as shit, now take a fucking witch and add that in and you see how this bitch needs to chill. She doesn't miss her kids, she misses the IDEA of having them.
Congrats you're a pussy just like Wanda, lol imagine using capeshit to justify why you're in a retarded relationship.
Recognize that the emotional weight behind words like marriage, family, relationship, love, etc...are heavily influenced by ous consumerist culture and that the "muh first love" and "muh one true love" are just branding and emotional triggers to get you to buy things.
She should fuck me
>ywn have tea with Lizzie
She has what I call "Maggie Gyllenhaal Melting Face Syndrome," where it looks like her face is falling off of her fucking skull. Now it's obviously no where near as bad as Maggie, but now that she's getting older it's harder to hide. She always looked about 10 years older than she should, but when she was younger and cuter it worked, now it's all downhill.
When you see her from that side profile, wew lad.
Because she's a typical mentally ill woman. Solution to a problem right in front of you. Nope then I'll just bitch and whine and destroy everyone else's life.
the best part of this movie was the hot asian girl in a sundress i saw walking out the theatre. she had very nice legs.
Nothing. She continued to wallow in her own emotional filth last I checked up on her. She's still waiting for him to "change". It's been 10+years. He's not going to change. She cant get that through her thick head. I moved on and had encountered other women since then while she waits for that retard to get to my level.
Scarlett Witches problem wasn't losing Vision, it was losing Pietro. Her love for Vision was a coping mechanism for losing Quicksilver. After all, he was just a robot. Not a real person. The mind gem personified through a machine in human form. It can be theorized that her affection for him was a result of close proximity to the mind stone since her powers were based on it. It's probably why Vision had a link to her. She needed a shrink to tell this to her. Loving a robot is unreasonable and unnatural. She needed to move on and just find a human to reproduce with.
So what happens to Wanda at the end, does she gets off with a slap of the wrist because >muh kids?
Cause thats a sin and this is a Raimikino.
No eggs
Dr. Strange sics his black bull on her, knocks her up and calms her down.
Divorce and fuck my daughter to knock her up and try again.
Yes, cause white people of last 2 centuries have higher IQ, so they are superior and deserve compassion, not like sunhumana of shithole countries that make 10 kids that only 2 reach adulthood to do slave labor or some other people from the past.
Its a Raimikino, thats why
She's infertile
>Doctor Strange asks Wanda on a date instead of doing all the antagonizing shit
>they have a fun day, do some nice sex and the crises is averted cause they are now happy and in a relationship
Strange just needed to be more chad
never stick your dick in crazy
The real question is why didn't she adopt some orphan kids from another universe where the original wanda and vision have died.
Imagine being that crazy for robot dick and imaginary children
le enlightened nihilism
i wouldnt put myself in that situation.