This was fucking retarded

this was fucking retarded

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People thought this was ‘deep’

it was George's idea.


once someone told grrm that he had bad body odor and thats what happened.

>uhhhh his name was holdoor and so he hold door and we gave him a huge cock

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Maario Naharis

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and it was a retarded idea

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>yeah we need a overweight anglo to pretend to spazz out on the floor for 10 seconds
how much you think he was paid bros?

i love you


They left it too ambiguous that Bran is who made the mad king mad. People are too stupid to pick that up as it is.

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My Mom thought the same she almost stopped watching because of this. I had to explain to her why it made sense as a time loop paradox.

impossibly based

No it was amazing

how is this power even possible..

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based mom
you're cringe

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Maybe you're retarded? Did you ever think of that, you stupid fucking retard? Just a giant dumb retard. And a faggot. Maybe we should start calling OP because of how retarded and gay he is.

blessed post

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You've earned it

It wasn’t deep but it was sad. You basically saw some nice friendly fat kid suddenly have a seizure and develop autism, it made me feel bad for him


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Feedseeder, no!
Also checked

Waario Naharis

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This was the only kind thing about they show post season 4

Bran didn't make the mad kind mad.


Was it similar to your own experiences?

Reminder: Blood Raven lured the kids to his cave so he could sacrifice Jojen in blood magic to steal Bran's body. Bloodraven can then leave and takes over the throne.

Yes. I was sodomized by my 1st grade teacher out of nowhere. After that all I could say was “fugmeass”

GRRM is a pedo for sure. One of his main characters is a filthy wizard who lures kids and his other main character is a 13 year old girl who fucks a greasy turk, not to mention all of the other multiple scenes of child rape and incest.

Just because you write a character doesn’t mean you’re like said character. I would be worried if someone wouldn’t write a pedo character in their books. I’d be like “what are you trying to hide bro, why are afraid of adding a pedo into this story”

I heard that too
I wonder if GRRM will keep it in the books now that the cats out of the bag and everyone thinks its a stupid cat

Personally I think it makes perfect sense, the show just fail at execution. People had already turned on D&D so pretty much every non-conventional idea were trashed. I bet most people who saw this first thought it was D&Ds doing, but if GRRM had already released the chapter revealing this people would be fine with it.

I meant it as a joke but you can see where I get the inferences from. There is a fair bit of it in his books. Not just one or two characters are bent, but quite a fair few of them are. And the fact that Bloodraven is literally luring kids into a cave... Now, I get that it's set in a medieval period and that we shouldn't use the lens of modern day standards to judge, but I think Martin approaches these subjects with a certain relish.

quite stylish

It was kino


Okay but enough about Chris Chan, what about Hodor?

the moment a show suddenly introduces time travel or fucky timeline shit I lose basically all interest

Nah, the Hodor being fucked up by Bran was around a long time ago. It was pretty obvious something fucky was going to happen, the guy just started randomly saying one word endlessly for no reason.

It makes it kino

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Was that Hodor's pronouns? This / They?

Yeah it was dumb, like how the reading shit with Davos and how knight is still spelled with a k. I always just assumed Common Tongue wasn't just English but was translated in the show/books for ease of understanding. In that sense Hold the Door wouldn't necessarily should like Hordoor.

In the same vain when the people in Mareen or what ever were revolting and they wrote "no more masters" on the wall that was retarded as fuck. Not only because it should have been in Valarian but also that if it was in Common Tongue that they happen to use the Latin Alphabet is dumb.


ultra based

Thank you for your service

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wasn't davos saying knight as "k-nigget" a monty python reference?

it's amazing how you can exactly tell the line between fatman ideas and D&D ideas.

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>I wonder if GRRM will keep it in the books
What books?

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>i was going to call ye,I' m here what's up
so he was singing in the sketch
2009,reminding me of that time
song from way before tho
but still comes 2009 to mind
specially the program which the sketch is from

i love this retarded site.

a big number for you

Huh? “Kind thing”?

India got an internet connection
