Why is this guy so overrated? Joe rogan in particular fellates him every single episode...

Why is this guy so overrated? Joe rogan in particular fellates him every single episode. I dont see anything special in his acts.

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Joe Rogan fellates any black man. He likes chimps

wypipo bad

There was some mass hypnosis event where everyone got convinced he was the greatest of all time because he was mildly critical of black culture

Black guy from a wealthy privileged family that owed their nice neighborhood and opportunities to white people trying to act street. He's a gigantic uncle Tom.

he just gets on stage and absolutely murders, how can you not respect that

trannies seething

Killing Them Softly was incredible when it came out. Every special since has been meh to bad. And there are at least 12 other comedians worthy of being called "goat", who never had the hubris to say it on film.


he was the first black standup so everyone overrates him

Nigger what Eddie Murphy was huge years before him.

Half Baked is pretty good. I’ll give him that.

>slaps the microphone on his thigh while nearly falling over laughing
>this signals to the audience that they should begin laughing and they do

>And there are at least 12 other comedians worthy of being called "goat"
name one

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Otto Petersen
Dave Attel

>it's another "OP cries about what other people like" thread
Move on. This is pathetic. You let strangers live rent free.

Then you're an idiot.


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Dave Chapelle legit funny quit being a faggot

He's a based black man, anyone who hates him is a shill

early 00's chapelle was kino af

>lol le baby selling crack xD
Overrated because of Eddie Murphy’s brother

He's black and he actually used to be funny so it's like one huge cope. Also he's allowed to make fun of trannies, sort of.

He's part of this pathetic cultural phenomenon of aggrandizing popular figures by elevating them in the present to having the same status as greats from the past. The latter though werent put up on a pedastal in their era the way others are today, it took time for them to be recognized for their impact, but nowadays people throw around "GOAT" status for anyone who is just really popular.

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dave has been a legend in comedy since he was a teenager. a comedians comedian from the very start. he is beloved by normies because chappelle's show was the funniest thing on television at the time. everyone was watching it and talking about it. zoomers don't get it.

I think hes very funny, but as a simple man who doesnt understand the inner workings of comedy I dont get why other comedians think hes so much better than everyone else.

He had the balls to go in stage and say fuck trannies.

What the fuck is an Otto Peterson? Is that some Norm bit you’re doing?
>All the stars are here tonight!
>Otto Peterson
>Kit Colback

Eddie Murphy is the greatest imo. I can rewatch his two specials over and over and still laugh.

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t. George

people get like this with stand-up comedians for some reason (see also: bill hicks)
i think there's a priest/messiah shaped hole in their lives
he is legitimately one of the best standups ever though but that's not such a big deal

but go to the hospital

go back and watch an entire episode all the way thru

I preferred Bill Cosby.

>Hey guys lemme tell you a joke

>Le entire right wing sperges with laughter

>(see also: bill hicks)
Good example motherfucker is so overrated. Personally I never really laughed at any of bill hicks' "jokes" he's like carlin it's just over the top nihilism and bitterness. I find that Dave can be pretty funny sometimes but I've never really heard him make any overly clever jokes.

guy secretly hates faggots and troons so for that alone i can call him based as fuck


Norm's non sequiturs and running gags were godlike he made Frank Stallone into a total meme.

You would

Never really seen him joke about gay people except when doing Black Bush trying to distract people from the war by talking about gay marriage.

Yeah he's funny.

I hate when he does the cuck routine by saying shit like "My friend that is a transwoman" or some shit. Even doing a subtle bending of the knee is still bending the knee. Why even bother with that cuck shit?

daniel tosh

Louis CK

He isn't overrated pre-return. He lost it.

Actually he was killed and they replaced him.

And Ironically Killing Them Softly was funny because of how truthful and blunt he was about the absurdness of black people. He got butt hurt and assblasted so now he tries to attack whites instead, and now instead of being funny, he tries to be smart, but with a black person's IQ and knowledge of history, facts, current events, law, and every other thing blacks cant grasp. Another typical case of stay in yo lane.

Its early 2000s low budget comedy and was funny AF at the time, a lot of the sketches still hold up. Dave is overrated as a standup but is still good and one of the only comedian known to normies who speaks a smige of truth to power.

it's still funny...do you think it's hard to watch an episode?

>truth to power

Fuck off with this fag shit.

One shtick prick
All preachy fucks, all substance no fun
Unfunny faggot
Also unfunny, literally don't understand how anyone finds him the opposite

Anyone who has the slightest comprehension of what constitutes a great comic will answer to with Brian Regan

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Excuse me ma'am, you dropped your credit card.

He's pretty damn funny dude, and so was that trannsylvanian that charged him on stage. Especially that part where they stomped the fuck outta him.

i think bill hicks is legitimately funny but people would rather hear his hare-brained political rants and acid-trip philosophising than jokes about his dad and shitting on homeless people
it's not the greatest of all time but it's alright

He's certainly not the funniest comedian, but he's pretty funny and has great command over the stage and has a real perspective that he speaks to honestly. I disagree with a lot of his takes specifically about race, but I as far as stand up goes he's one of the truest artists working today.

Louie is still the best though.

all sketch shows are at least 50% unwatchable and chappelle show was no exception
he shouldve done a sitcom (the superior artform)

>he shouldve done a sitcom (the superior artform)
Sitcoms have been trash since the early 90s.
>all sketch shows are at least 50% unwatchable

>Brian Regan
good call, he's a comedian's comedian but could any room anywhere. solid craftsman, bit classical though, wonder how he's keeping up with the times

This. All of a sudden one day one of my friends was going on about how Chappelle is the “GOAT” and I’m just there like “I can think of at least 20 stand up acts I’d rather see instead.” So yeah I don’t get it either.

>unfunny faggot
man fuck you. I do like reagan though

the wrong negro died

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I've seen bits of his latest special, not that great, his brother Dennis would've unironically done better in today's crowd

late 90's, but yes
sketch shows meanwhile have been trash from the start, it's inherent to the form
>let's reintroduce fresh characters and situations every 5 minutes

Stewart Lee

he fits nicely into rightoid reactionary propaganda

>late 90's, but yes
No. Sitcoms died when Seinfeld first aired. Seinfeld killed sitcoms. Seinfeld started early 90s.