Fitbit? More like Fatbit

Fitbit? More like Fatbit.

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bitch aint catchin no waves she makin em

>this will sell our product



about time we actually got some beautiful people on tv again

how come it didn't show her standing up on the surf pontoon

I remember seeing Derren Brown do a bunch of magic tricks with the premise that it's impossible for humans to control their heart rate.
Me and my brother both have fitness trackers and we play a game where we raise and lower our heart-rates and see who can get the lowest/highest.

Motherfucker based his "trick" on people just not having heart-rate trackers.

>not Fatbitch

she just didn't

I got one am glad Fitbit is showing the world how healthy at any weight people can do just as many activities as non-weight-bearing individuals, such as waddling into water and laying on a board.

Why are they purposely using ugly people for ads now? There was one a while back for something with a fat black lady staring right into the camera and I didn't like it.

We are genuinely living in the hell dimension, this will never end.

Why is it always a fat nigger? not a fat white woman? (not that I don't want either)

There are plenty of those too. Check Old Navy commercials and Old lady diaper commercials

I saw some makeup ad on the side of a bus stop with fat ugly women in it and it said something along the lines of "beautiful without, beautiful with".
Like nigga why would I buy your product if it didn't make any difference?
Also I was driving my automobile past the bus stop, not waiting to catch a bus like a poor person.

is this some sort of spoof comedy?

>readyness: 90 tons

What does BPM mean? Burgers Per Minute?

A fat bitch on a commercial is hell is it?
user, literally go outside right now in your socks and step in puddles deliberately and walk a mile like that and then consider what hell might feel like.

90% of nigger women are landwhales

>Screen simulated

how do you lower your heart rate at will?

Sharks missed out.

>using fat people on a sports commerical.
daring today are we, Goldsteins?

user, Google that question and you get like, 10 different ways

muh inclusivity n shieet otherwise trannies on Twitter will create a hurtful hashtag

last sentence was unnecessary... you're lucky this isn't reddit

Exactly how does that promote fitness?

what is this globohomo shit?
do libs actually like this or do they do it to appease their masters?

You better watch what you reply to me with in the future, busrider

The worst promotional tactic I've seen recently was a few months ago when Apple used literal 911 calls to sell their stupid watch. Imagine getting guilt tripped into a fucking phone watch that you obviously don't need.

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Can retards actually see that Orca sliding up onto that board and think "yeah this beast can stand up on that and also needs a fitbit"?

Ugh, but what if you have a heart condition that you didn't know about???

if I were to make a commercial I wouldn't have imagery that would make someone actively not want to buy your product. then again maybe I'm detached from commercial watchers. what's the demographic? virtue signalers and the apathetic?

san francisco sodomites

Fitbit is scam trash, can't even monitor heart rate properly. I got one and it mostly displays around 90-110 regardless of what my actual hr is. Have confirmed hr at 170 while it still says 100~.

>I got one
part of the problem

>not a single bit of footage of her actually standing on the board
>all the actual riding footage is first person
How do these niggers not feel terrible being babied and patronized so much?

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With her hair in that durag thing she reminds me of one of those big fat aunt Jemima Tom and Jerry lookin ass OH LAWDY HELPS ME THAMAS niggas

It's not as nice as my Apple Watch.

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lmao and i can just picture the camera crew having to tow her out to the water and be on watch if she falls off the board cause she probably cant swim or get back on it. then once done shooting they pull the whale back on to the land

>inverted knuckles, elbows and knees
why do people allow obesity?

>stop noticing things, just turn your brain off bro
They broadcast that shit on television because that's how they want your life to be irl, you stupid faggot.

This is every MSNBC commercial

Yea I had a genuine medical reason to monitor my heart rate throughout the day. Too bad it can't even do that.

This is fucking hilarious. All those companies hired woke PR and HR people and its destroying those companies. All they do is hire wokies and trying to peddle to minorities. Like literally the last 2 Microsoft surface ads i've seen was 3 black guys pretending Microsoft is cool

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>a nigger whale
>emaciated AIDS faggot
>dykes kissing
Yes, this will sell our fitness brand.

it's a stupid fucking over priced watch, the only people buying these are the people depicted in the commercial stop losing your shit over things that don't matter /pol/

its an addiction like heroin, actually worse cus you have to eat to live. its just intake contol and eating without processed sugars

these people seem unhealthy in body and mind

I thought it was a guy.

good luck with that. Now every health insurance company knows about it too, way before you can do anything about it.

Someone offered me one
Its co to monitore stuff but its vastly a meme
I enjoy mine for having rough numbers on my calories burnt and heartrate
The sleep thingy is cool too, but I dont know how the watch precisely know what sleep cycle im in

this has been airing constantly during March Madness and the NBA Playoffs

just saw a jimmy dean's sausage commercial with an interracial couple

fat people are the ones that need it most
good on them

>compete as a trans woman
Who wouldn't want to? It's a free gold medal

I unironically jerked off to one of those old lady diaper commercials.

There is a reason why dedicated medical heart/SpO2 portable monitors cost as much if not more than these watches and are only able to do those 2 things.

That honestly might be the wokest commercial I've seen in awhile.

>watching twitch
>there is a commercial with a johnny depp look alike jamming on a keyboard

"How will this help us sell more Fitbits?"

"The point isn't to sell more Fitbits, ya stupid goy."

Because all the athletic people already know about Fitbit, it's marketing to a different demo