Save Cinema

Show Yea Forums that you’re actually creative. Pitch a movie that would be for the coomer audience, but could also pass as a serious film and not quite porn. Kinda like Fifty Shades of Grey but actually capable of making 500 million in box office.

I’ve always wanted to see a remake of The Incredible Shrinking Man
>James Marsden as Scott Carey (because he’s bland and has the right physique)
>Christina Hendricks as Louise Carey
>Kat Dennings as Scott’s stepdaughter Beth
>Susan Sarandon as the Dr. who diagnoses and attempts to help Scott to no avail
>Bryce Dallas Howard is a woman Scott had an affair with, and does not realize he has been shrinking until he is 2ft tall.
>Jennifer Lawrence as the Circus Midget
>Carla Gugino as Scott’s more financially successful older sibling.
>and Amber Heard as a local bully who humiliates Scott
Basically I’m making the cast all female to make it more accessible and PC for modern viewers. The whole ending part inside the basement with him fighting a spider will be omitted, as well as the cat chase. Instead I’m thinking Kat Dennings dressed in a leather cat suit. His wife will be extremely turned on by him shrinking as she no longer has to worry about him cheating

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Would personally fund

Pretty woman remake featuring Henry Cavill and Hunter Schafer, Henry is a closeted tranny chaser and picks up Hunter (the hooker) from the streets, falls in love and then grooms and teaches her how to actually behave and dress like a real woman etc

whta's your protonmail

Christina Hendricks gets pumped full of cum by a squad of hulking BLACK warriors while her pathetic white cuck husband is dressed as a French maid sitting in the corner crying with his little white shrimp caged and a buttplug in his asshole.

>tranny market
Lol it would make like $2 million at most. Idiot.

Elizabeth Debicki and Paul Dano meet online, Dano is meek and has a wagie job. Debicki is rich, but recently lost a child in pregnancy. She wants to start an ANR and chooses Dano. At first Dano is enjoying it, but slowly Debicki starts demanding more and more of his time and seems to have an endless supply of breast milk. Overtime Dano regresses in age, and Debicki essentially kidnaps him and forces him to continue and becomes dependent on her

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Do not have. Why?

Too big, too pale.

she turns 18 in 1 month, just saying

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Nice bait. Now pitch me a billion dollar movie

An original kino written and directed by me, working title "The Architect"
>Pierce Brosnan plays a movie director who is looking to cast a lead for his new kino
>The casting comes down to two similar looking and equally talented actresses, played by Christina Hendricks and Bryce Dallas Howard respectively
>To decide who gets the role, they must endure the director's Machiavellian schemes to push them to their limits, living by his mantra of "Bigger is Better"
>The stars face issues of health and the question of how much they want the part as they descend further into the madness of the director's commands, and the lines are blurred between whether they're doing this for the role or for The Architect's sick, personal pleasures

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give me your money to make my indie film faggot

Chubby chasers aren’t a big enough market.

an animated movie where the characters are the boards of Yea Forums

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woops wrong fran

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No, render unto me and help write the screenplay for my film

Grosses $26,945 over 365 days of wide release

you in LA?
I can bang something out for you in a week that moggs anything being written by 'top-tier' 100M talent

....but all the characters are hot girls, and they wear skimpy outfits

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It'll be a psychological thriller too though

You’re getting warmer. Does one have tentacles?

yeah, /D/

Stop trying to push this ugly fat evil bitch.

Not good enough mang. The OP pitch is handcrafted to hit all the target markets. Straight white men go for the T&A, women go to see a man humiliated and tortured. Gays go because he’s practically being molested the whole time, and gays relate to being molested. All the rest go because it has a facade of plot

We’ve hit $500 million already. Maybe get three A-lister actresses to be three different boards and do horrendous shit to each other and we’ll hit a billion

Oh I won’t push her. She’ll be pushing my face into the wall with her tits


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Maybe we’ll cast her as the shrinking man’s identical triplets

>Ywn go to school with prime Christina Hendricks

what does milk taste like?

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Honest to god breast milk tastes like piss. It’s unpasteurized m8
>t. Hired lactating escorts

Unfathomably based

Would be the best thread all month if anyone on Yea Forums was creative

Please hire me to film this

>Honest to god breast milk tastes like piss. It’s unpasteurized
unpasteurized is great, it's sweeter and richer than store milk (that goes for both cows and women)

Her voice is awful and you can't convince me otherwise



Enjoy your aids

t. pedos

Lol, totally not jelly. White women have better breasts, but something about a lactating black woman, makes my dick diamonds

>high breathy feminine voice
let me guess you prefer scarlett's 75 year old smoker voice or generic cali vocal fry retards?


>Pitch a movie that would be for the coomer audience
Movie starts off with a producer interviewing an actress for a part and is increasingly intercut with sequences of him raping her until it's just him raping her.

At the end the camera pulls out. They're on a set and the director yells cut.

Very good actually. Would make an interesting piece. Wouldn’t make much money though because it would be harrowing as all hell

You can get aids from drinking breast milk from someone who has it, look it up

Yes, and? You’ve never actually gone to good escorts have you? It’s a non-issue. Now excuse me while I enjoy breast milk

Private detective agency which hunts down a specific drug.
They make bank.
They steal the drugs, kill the dealers, return it to hq for profit.
Said hq/organization is approved/sponsored by the government.
Kid (main character you) follows mom's foot steps and becomes one. (But never knew mom, only had photos of her left with you as a baby. You grew up with your aunt.)
Agency starts to fall apart.
Inner mass corruption, high ranks using the drug etc.
Have a task, have to go steal and kill a hidden loaded tweakhouse.
Just overdosed druggie everywhere, kill them all, last one is leaned in a corner and talking to herself.
Kill her, turn her over, you realize it's your mom.
Fall into a limbo depression, have fantasies about destroying the entire agency.
Find the guy who assigned you to kill his mom since he definitely knew.
1v1 him at 1am while it's pouring outside.
He dies, but then you due to your wounds you die shortly after.

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All you need to do is remake of pic related with a sexy female lead who can wear a fat suit well
Just gratuitous scenes of the lead actresses fat transformation, with emphasis on titties and ass exploding out of clothes at various times being hinted in the trailer would pack the seats
You could also push some dumb body positivity message to fit with current narratives, really surprised it hasn't been done yet

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Pretty ESL that’s for sure


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Kill it with fire

And enjoy your aids

>t. Projectionist

t. "I'll trust someone who pays the bills with sex, but even then gets pregnant"

I trust the fear they’ll be in if they were to give a guy like me the GRID

Fapping furiously to this. I can already imagine an insanely hot subplot where BDH kidnaps him


Lol what a pleb

did you know the taste of breast milk is influenced by diet? next time dont get your milk from a crackhead

I may be a pleb, but at least I don't have aids
