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what's her superpower, again?
literally over for johnny chud
Elastic vagina
It's hilarious how can you tell she's acting. Even when non-actress women turn on the crocodile tears they still come across as believable, but these actresses cannot seem to stop acting no matter what.
For a moment she was a goddess.
Father Time remains undefeated against his eternal foe, women.
It's heartbreaking, really. In the blink of an eye, women go from the center of attention to useless eaters.
lol have sex
If she shit on Aquaman's bed, would it just float to the surface?
Dr. Mommy says she is AN LIAR!!!!!!!!!!
And then Johnny sent her texts apologizing profusingly saying he's sorry for how ugly things got and he's the one out of line and the "monster" came out and he promises to keep it under control. No matter how you Deppbots spin this it doesn't look good for Depp. The more I hear from Amber and see the evidence the back up her claims the more I'm convinced she's won this
I squat with Amber.
Johnny Depp a Chud Incel? This is just yikes.
winning libel suits
I want lay under a glass coffee table while she squats on it, drills her pussy with a dildo and takes a huge shit.
Is that too much to ask?
Based Johnny
>and see the evidence the back up her claims
which is?
>Is that too much to ask?
Imo it's not enough.
>tfw you are a fat incel loser who got bullied as a child and know "pwns" libtards, women and minorities online
OP your small dick energy is over 9000.
Imagine this leathery, drunken toddler stomping around the house writing "beat poetry" on things like an emo kid
>then he asked me to be his bride
>and always be right by his side
>I felt so happy I almost cried
>and then he hit me
very cringe
Joke's already over, mutt
what is it with you people?
It's a different song, retard
I listened to all of the tapes between them. How anyone can unironically think she is the victim is beyond me. She is borderline evil.
objection: relevance
Why did she change her hairstyle to try and match the hotter "that's not correct" chick?
I meant jack sparrow btw. Amber is a lot of things but she doesnt have skin like a wallet
DR. MOMMY!!!!!
Ew, reddit cooties
That is irrelevant for the case, the case is about if Johny Depp is a bad person which he is
I hope you do better than the previous Ranjeets.
He is a cowardly beta drunkard, I don't dispute that. But she is ironically satan's emissary to Earth.
ohh no no no
>has cheekbones surgery
oh no no no she supposed to be authentic
Johnny was always going to win PR, Amber's team was blowing smoke up her ass if they told her anything different. Burgers love funny sorandum pirate man and will die on any hill for him.
He will lose the suit, though.
lol lose weight
Did she win johnnys Jar of Coke in the divorce?
>using pic with the photoshopped tears
Plz sir noo mis heard has promised us two show all boob and vjay if we win this.
How did she get so fucking ugly? In a matter of weeks
I did not hit her, it’s not true! It’s bullshit! I did not hit her! I did not!
no. bitches love fat retards
who cares if jonhy slap her? thats how you put woman in line
Most of the pics you see of Amber are from like 2010-2018.
She's put on a lot of weight since then it seems, she also had a kid from surrogacy.
Jesus she's so obviously acting that she's giving me second hand embarrassment
i didnt know depp was this based
> he shoved a vb longneck up my ass and called me an abo
kek, johnny's account really is room-tier.
>and then she shit in my bed?
Honestly don't know what the trial is even for, to be honest. Depp suing for defamation or something? How is it even still going on after that one recording where Heard was clearly taunting him after hitting him saying stuff like, "Go ahead, say that 'I, Johnny Depp, am a victim of abuse' and see how many people believe you! No one will believe you!"
How do you stomach a week of the Deppster's fake british affect and then freak out when she cries?
and it felt like a kiss
Listen to the full audio, not the soundbyte. In context she's saying he was roughing her up, not gloating about abusing him.
Amber's attorneys did try to drop the case, earlier this week, since they knew this was taking too long.
I'd say she's looking pretty bothered
that user that thought she wasn't has been real quiet lmaoo
Is there any chance that Dr. Mommy will cross examine Amber Turd?
okay fag
if life is a video game she's a character with perfect beauty stats spawned in with cheat codes. she isn't mean to be free, she should be chained up in a barn birthing as many kids as possible. thats her purpose, boosting stats of future progeny
give it 100 years for the genes to propagate and we will all be beautiful
why does no one post her reaction to being raped with a liquor bottle
she was perfect once
He's a beta drunkie, yes but by 4chin standard he's alright.
Noone deserves to be cancelled because woman shit on his bed.
>chained up in a barn birthing as many kids as possible
damn what video games do you play haha just wondering lol
Oh hi skidmark
>She's put on a lot of weight since then it seems
No, its from the beatings and mental abuse from Johnny. She went too many rounds his effeminate fists
And then Jannie clean it up