What are some kino's that take multiple days to watch?

What are some kino's that take multiple days to watch?

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champagne socialist

Three-hour movies are comfy, ADHD zoomers should stick to TikTok


Little Women, slow but well acted

Zoomers and their attention span. No wonder we are getting fewer good movies.

most annoying faggot on twitter by a landslide

Of course it took him a while he's busy training to defeat capitalism

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this is fake right

Cowboys and Aliens took me 5 nights I think. I kept falling asleep and only getting 20 minute chunks.

I can't believe with all the gaming this faggot zoomer does no one has broken into his house and killed him (in minecraft)

I'm sure they've watched three 1-hour episodes of a miniseries in one day.

No, but even he admits it looks like trash

proper chuckle was had, mate

based hasan making dyel incels lose their fucking minds

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found the roastie

Why is it that people can binge watch TV shows with no problem but they can’t sit through a movie longer than 2 hours

this guy is afraid of sam hyde lmao
imagine being that big of a pussy

I hate this faggot so much.

holy fuck he punches like a downie

I could understand taking half a day if the movie borer you and wanted to watch another thing, or just watch parts of it, but two or more days? The fuck? And if it bored you so much then why keep watching?

Socialism any day now bros

I don't blame him I'd be scared of Sam too

I mean... sam is a fucking big dude that trains mma
I wouldn't want to fight him

>running a stack for this

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ADHD. A movie requires you to pay attention. They don't actually pay attention while they binge shows they just look at their phone.

Can you blame him?

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that doesn't matter he's a fucking soft art school kid that's never been in a fight, I would destroy Sam (in a self defense situation)

I actually really like Hasan.

as he should be

you know him?

Size and training is almost everything in a fight...

'Being in a fight' matters almost nothing. Stop believing movies where the street smart 5'2 girl can kick everyones ass.

What if I told you... I am him

It took me 4 tries to watch all of TLJ because of how intolerable it was
Never getting that time back

directors should be switched one lash for every minute a movie goes past 90. this way it is permitted, but they better have a good reason.

france is a socialist nation with the 6th largest military in the world. people dont know what socialism even is

The problem isn’t 3 hours movies, it’s shit pacing.

The Wolf of Wall Street is 3 hours but it feels like 90 minutes. Matt Reeves is a television storyteller currently holding Blockbuster cinema hostage.

what's this cringe 'red glowing eyes' thing all these faggots are doing now

the usa is a communist state with the largest military in the world

communists don't recognize communism when it's treading on their own faces

>france is a socialist nation
>people dont know what socialism even is
you're right about one of these

i’d say don’t take life too seriously but also it’s fucked up to turn innocent kids into your paypig stepkids
be responsible with your influence you cryptokike

Hassan is closeted

based review screw puttin the screws to em

Dune takes me about a week to get through, I keep waking up at the credits.

trying to pretend they're not the before part of this picture

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>wolf of wall street felt like 90 minutes
no it didn't. it felt like 3 hours of a scorsese + leo swagfag circlejerk

>Binging three episodes of a streaming drama
>No sweat
>Watching a three hour movie

You're not even watching it in theaters. What's the problem?

So Kino for short

says the tard that thinks if you go to the gym, you can fight

Now Magnolia, THAT'S a 3 hour movie that feels like a tight 90.

Why does this guy cause so much seethe?

Yes, yes. Now, work 18 hour days for months straight and starve to death when we keep your food for der komissar.

>good looking
>has girls simping for him all over the internet
It's a mystery.

Braveheart. Fucking movies like 3 hours long

I just finished watching a movie called Trigger Man. It was written and directed by Ti West (the guy who recently put his interracial cuck fetish in a flm called X) and it was boring as shit. I've seen House of the Devil, The Innkeepers, and another movie he made after Trigger Man I'm too lazy to look up the name for so I know he likes to take things very sloooow, but this was too much. Should have been an hour long, if that, instead of 80 minutes.

he's a 30 something year old man

I like some of Ti West's movies, but doesn't have the creativity to justify his style.

>nepotism hire from his rich uncle
>claims to be a socialist fighting the good fight from his rich person luxury house

Feels like Yea Forums is talking about Twitter people more than themselves

even more based that he's a larper.

And the socialist party in France is what gave birth to the appellation "champagne socialist", so good way to out yourself as an utter retard.

I said training retard. Training to fight means you can fight.

and boy is sam TRAINING

Hey look

It's a dirty communist who discovers Yea Forums and is now self posting thread

it's not even attention span for me. past two years my bladder and ass act up and i gotta go to the toilet. no holding it in

Why won't this faggot fight Sam?

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