/ck/ mod rangebanned me for posting an on-topic thread again and every frog thread is being pruned
/ck/ mod rangebanned me for posting an on-topic thread again and every frog thread is being pruned
Dispute the ban. I’m sure some other janny will see how unreasonable it is
Now let’s see Paul Allen’s ban.
They've got a stick up their ass for sure. Three days global for this
the mods are ridiculous on most boards. Anyone they don't like gets a 30 day or perma for mild shitposting. Hiro doesn't care and no one is there to keep them in check.
Kill. All. Jannies.
I've been seeing so many complaints about nonsense bans recently, more than the usual
Yeah please take it to the mod manager this is getting out of hand
The turnover rate for jannies is very high, and the new jannies hate fun. I propose a 10% salary increase for jannies to help incentivise better jannies to join.
>"You have been banned for replying to off-topic garbage"
check out what I got
Yea Forums.org/feedback I suppose if enough people complain it'll catch some of the mods attention. not sure if it works though
>16 days
I have done such horrible rampant catalog ruining shitposting and have never gotten a ban this long for some reason
This is what happens when you let literal teenagers who crosspost tiktoks, capeshit and shonen memes take your website over. Imagine thinking it's gonna get better.
They’ve been banning the usage of the n-word for like 2 years now
is this only on some boards? I use the word nigger constantly
>fried janny
He also waited for me to close my browser before pruning 6 on-topic threads for using pepes.
100% on Yea Forums and Yea Forums
Yea Forums they let it go sometimes but id say half the time you’ll catch a 3 day vacation
If we want to change how this site is administrated we need to protest by refusing to keep paying for our Yea Forums passes. If we hit them on the wallet they have to listen to us.
it's up to whether you get reported or janny sees your post and seethes
you can post it anywhere and get away with it
lmfao good luck on them enforcing it on Yea Forums with the world cup later this year. do they not remember how many n bombs got dropped when those 3 niggers playing for england fucked up the penalties in last years euro
I catched a global 3 day ban that day for only posting a single letter, pic rel
I have never gotten banned for more than 3 days
You deserved it
They sure do love their 3 day bans so you can't dispute them.
I got a threebie for replying to someone on this board saying "I'm black and even I don't like x" with just the word nigger.
because it's actually an issue now. usually only buttmad pedos and obnoxious shitposters make bitch threads about their bans, but the new batch of jannies and whoever they've promoted to the mod team are so fucking shit that ordinary posters are making these type of threads now, and since we no longer have /qa/ (lol), not that it actually accomplished anything, there's no where else to voice their outrage.
welcome to biden's america
I get banned like 2-3 times a month for posting reaction images and/or roll posts on /fit/. I’ve never been banned from /ck/ tho so idk what to tell you
>racked up so many bans on my static IP I get a permaban until I appeal every time
it's taught me to be a good boy and productive poster on 4channel.
I got banned on Yea Forums by some Baltimore shithead for calling him a faggot and the Ravens joggerbirds.
kek, loved the Yea Forums videos:
how do static IP havers cope honestly? I don’t know how many times i’ve reset my router, probably thousands unironically
is that actually a thing?
the only real problem is torrenting but I can still get everything on DDL sites.
I honestly stopped visiting Yea Forums for a year after the first permaban. I've mellowed out and am not the reckless shitposter anymore, but it's actually more enjoyable using the boards for their intended purposes and not off topic and lol u tk him 2da bar shit
I used to enjoy /ck/ until it got populated with pretentious homosexuals who are extremely proud of their shut food.
apparently. it was after like 70 bans or something. probably obtained over the course of 10 or so years too
you made that ban a strength. god bless. they can’t get you down
>how do static IP havers cope honestly?
You ask nicely like a good boy and they change their mind
The new janny/mod absolutely oblitered the board traffic
Television and film?
they neutered him, tamed him, took his balls away, took his fire from him. and this equates to strength in your eyes?
Does anyone remember last year when a janny kept banning people for posting in off-topic threads?
leaving this place for a year means you win and they lose
What is Yea Forums's overall traffic now compared to 2015?
Please flood /ck/ with frogs and trannyjaks
they successfully rehabilitated a problem funposter, making it safer for big companies to run their shill campaigns. they win, he lost, and the quality of the site suffered
i have two lines, one static one dynamic. the dynamic is shitty DSL and kind of slow but it's nice being able to laugh off any IP related bans.
Frogposts are fine as long as they’re on topic, dumb newfag
OP’s post was on-topic you bootlicking faggot
glad to know i'm not the only one. i've given up on posting there.
Talking about what you're cooking today is not on topic on the food/cooking board?
What the fuck is wrong with /ck/'s Janny? Has he lost his damned mind?
ok fair enough. If he never came back here it would be a win, but since he came back and cucked out yeah, in retrospect he’s been emasculated. although as someone who can just reset his IP maybe I would do the same in his situation
I was banned for posting of pirates of the carribbean thread on Yea Forums because janny was going hard on the depp trial.
What the fuck is their problem?
N lover
begone scum
/ck/ mods are constantly seething fat faggots
>low quality
>avatar use
this thread is full of crybaby losers who just want to be annoying morons and have a tantrum when it doesn't go their way, this thread on Yea Forums is proof of that
>avatar use
Holy cope.
Don't you have some hot pockets to reheat?
Show us your Yea Forums pass mark of shame you bootlicking faggot.
Damn I wish those guys were on /vrpg/
its an ad platform
those jannies actually get paid
been like that for years. they have a habit of banning from all boards for first time offenses.
how was my seafood post low quality. i literally was just stating my opinion.
I miss the short time when that board was first made before it became Yea Forums 2. The autism war between Owlcat and Larianfags infests so many threads there as well.
Making a funposting thread about cooking once a week is reasonable. It only gets spammed because it keeps getting deleted. This place used to be fun sometimes before you fags came along.
good. you are cancer and belongs in reddit. go post froggit there.
>it's le bad jains fault i am spamming off-topic crap
get a life you fucking loser
Mods both on here and /ck/ got stick up their asses. I literally got banned in both for making on topic threads.
In /ck/ I legit asked a serious question about eating bugs.
In here, I wanted to talk about a 100% legit former actress Amanda Bynes but I fucking guess the gay ass Yea Forums jannies think you should only talk about gay ass faggot ass motherfucking MCU shit.
Nope going to keep posting and you can’t do a fucking thing about it.