Its over, they broke him
Its over, they broke him
Who, a buck?
Hitler 2.0 will rise from the ashes, as God intended.
*saves RLM from irrelevancy*
All of Mike's lies makes my blood boil.
The Milwaukee Bucks?
when are they going to do Nerd Squad again that's the only content I watch
based wizardchad
It was a long time coming honestly
Milwaukee is just another shitty Detroit. Imagine living there.
I can't wait to see what they have to say about this
Why is he such a pretentious loser dumb fat fuck who is so unreservedly pompous at the same time?
CONFESSION: whenever i see Jack is in a vid, i avoid it. he stopped with the booze and found the gobohomo god who forgives those who forsake self worth. what a shiity, boring religion.
This guy is like 50 and he’s still having temper tantrums because, out of the thousands of Star Trek shows/movies he loved, two new ones don’t pander to him.
That's just his style of comedy. Has been since day one when he was just some film student mocking his colleague's efforts.
Seeing this in the news broke me.
this is my impression of every Yea Forums user
>haha when they do it it’s comedy
Lol he’s dead serious about this shit, listen to their commentary tracks and you can learn how highly Mike thinks of himself for liking certain kids movies
wouldn't be the first time
>they stopped making Nerd Crew videos because William Shatner saw one of them and thought they were serious and hated them forever.
Fucking cowards. Also when is plinkett.
That's the look he gives Jay before he jumps on him and ravages his tight and nimble twink bussy.
Further proof of how fake leftoids are.
Jack Quaid
Further proof of your mental problems.
There's a myriad of losers doing a better job at Plinkett reviews than Mike has for a decade.
For me, lately it's been Nitpicking Nerd, even though he's a kike.
It's still unclear how much of that is actually Shat and how much of that is just his PR guy who runs the twitter. Entirely possible that the PR guy just didn't want Shat on the show, or Shat said no, and then the PR guy decided to just play around with RLM.
>There's a myriad of losers doing a better job at Plinkett reviews than Mike has for a decade.
Well, they try, but they're not better. If you unironically watch the dog fucker you should kill yourself.
Those temper tantrums make him money, the more he loses his shit and the more his soul breaks, the more money he makes, he will die on camera doing RedLetterMedia videos until hell freezes
How much money has he made off of his movie review web page?
/TeeVee/ has been talking about him ever since I can remember. At this point he must be a millionaire. I doubt he is sad about any e-drama.
Mike is worth about $15 million
They broke a long time ago. Just a bunch of liberals who suffer from unconscious incompetence.
>two new ones don’t pander to him.
I genuinely don't think anyone is watching Picard or even Discovery. I see no one online on social media anywhere talk about them, otehr than old Trek fans bitching about it. It's not like even Star Wars where there's a heavy fanbase for the new sequels and Disney+ shows.
The New Streaming Format is to pump out a lot of new shows, with rushed lower quality entirely to fill quotas and get people enticed to sign up. There's little incentive to actually make good shows, just shows that get people to sign up. And by saying FIFTEEN NEW EXCLUSIVE STAR TREK SHOWS you entice more people, because they are leaning on their biggest IPs.
Even ignoring the politics, Picard is a real disaster of a narrative. If it was called something else it woudl be forgotten about as a messy tv show.
He makes 50k a month just from Patreon cucks, and another 20-50k from youtube ads.
Defenitely should be a millionaire by now.
Enough to pay all his hack fraud crew, pay his bills, pay his special guests accomodations, pay his crippling alcohol addiction, pay for his numerous health issues expenses and pay for his 24/7 actor gang he calls family
>Enough to pay all his hack fraud crew,
Him and Jay are founders/owners so they get the most money. Everyone else you see, including Rich Evans, are actually their employees and get paid whatever Rich and Jay think they deserve. Which is kinda sad since Rich Evans is highly popular e-celeb in his own right, and probably more interesting than Jay ever has been.
>pay his bills,
They own a warehouse, in Milwakee which they use as a studio. That's their most major expenses. Filming in the middle of nowhere is a cost saving measure. They paid off their film equipment years ago.
>pay his special guests accomodations,
I'm sure it's just hotel/flight so only a few grand each time.
Jay owns nothing. He wasn't even in the same state when RLM was founded.
Further proof of leftoid cope.
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Red Letter Media, LLCRedLetterMediaLogo.png
Type Private
Industry Film
April 23, 2004; 18 years ago
Scottsdale, Arizona, U.S.
Founder Mike Stoklasa
Headquarters Milwaukee, Wisconsin
, U.S.
Area served
Key people
Mike Stoklasa
Jay Bauman
Rich Evans
Film reviews
Web shows
Owner Mike Stoklasa
YouTube information
Nationality American
Years active 2007–present
Film reviewcomedy
Subscribers 1.4 million[1]
Total views 850 million[1]
Creator Awards
Updated: 6 April 2022
Footnotes / references
Red Letter Media, LLC, stylized as RedLetterMedia on YouTube, is an American film and video production company operated by independent filmmakers Mike Stoklasa (formerly of GMP Pictures)[3][4][5] and Jay Bauman (formerly of Blanc Screen Cinema). The company was formed by Stoklasa in 2004, while he was living in Scottsdale, Arizona, but is now based in Milwaukee, Wisconsin (as of 2021).
What are you implying?
Read your own embarrassing post and delete it if your still can.
He deserves pain for ruining Star Wars.
Inflated ego.
Isn't that technically George, Kathleen and JJ?
The Sequel Trilogy, especially TFA, were based off his reviews.
Everything that happened with Disney Sequels was because of Red Letter Media and Mike Stoklasa.
Even the hiring of Abrams.
The Prequel reviews were seriously very influential in early YouTube days. Check twitter and social media, and you'll see people like Roger Ebert and others praise them. These then influenced what was thought "the fans" wanted to see in a Star Wars sequel series. That is, no Lucas, lots of original trilogy pandering. It is certainly ONE factor in why the sequels sucks, but it's more like 1 of 5 major problems.
Rich is likeable, but not that insightful. Jay and Sober Mike Re:View/HITB is RLM kino. Jay with Josh or Jack or the Canadians is good too. Rich and Mike on the sauce is a waste of time.
>The Sequel Trilogy, especially TFA, were based off his reviews.
>Everything that happened with Disney Sequels was because of Red Letter Media and Mike Stoklasa.
>Even the hiring of Abrams.
Sounds more like Disney's corporate meddling and "safe" movie production based around test screenings to me. Not like the other stuff they released around the same time was stellar.
YouTube retards seem to think Rich is brilliant. "Secular heresy" was a big hit in the comment section. They unironically thought it was brilliant.
Christine is just too goofy a premise for me to take seriously. But Jay is legitimately a midwit, which is shocking since everything he likes on the surface is what "smart" people think. Rich is inarticulate as hell but he's actually much smarter than he looks.
>getting filtered this hard by Escape from LA
Isn't Escape from LA just a big budget version of the type of schlock that RLM makes? How is that any different than Space Cop?
>Escape from LA
I've noticed most RLM YouTube commenters treat it like a friendship group
booze is deeply onions
Rich dabbed on Jay hard
There will never be anything more ironic and hypocritical than the way Mike and Jay criticize the humor of Jack & Jill, despite doing the exact same thing
>oh, someone farted? that's the joke? Ugh...
>ugh, they keep shouting and it hurts my ears
>also them: "I can't stop farting AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGHHHH"
They are unironically as bad as Jack & Jill.
>Everyone else you see, including Rich Evans, are actually their employees
That's just the three of them, everyone else just hangs out. Shut the fuck up and keep your imagination to yourself.
You're demoralized, they broke that phlegm between your ears. Disconnect from the internet for a few days before you harm yourself or a loved one.
I've noticed you treat them like surrogate enemies. They'll never know you exist.
But, user. It’s different. Red Letter Media is being IRONIC.
I mean, you're an Adam Sandler fanboy, that's the lowest kind of human shit. Why would anyone ever bother reading what you have to say?
Their reviews aren't ironic, that's what's gotten you so riled up for years. Because they destroyed your favorite piece of shit. Now they're your enemies in that tadpole brain of yours.
>jack and jill stans unironically STILL seething literally a decade later
I wish they would tear down more movies like that. ever since they "made it" on youtube they kind of lost their edge.
Rich is like both retarded and genius at the same time, it makes him a kino character on the show. theres a reason why Mike puts him on almost every BotW panel. You can count the number of episodes he's not on the panel for on one hand.
then do you also not like escape from new york? it's the exact same movie except better action and more humor
>the one cgi sub scene is le dumb!
'They Live' was one of the worst films I've ever seen.
The plot is contrived; things happen solely for the convenience of the plot.
The main character has no clear motivations nor consistency:
>I'm a hard working joe who trusts the system
>but now I'm the only one interested in the rebel underground
>so I'm investigating the nearby church just because I can
>and I put on glasses and things look different so I'm going on a shooting spree because some people look funny
>but I don't care about anything but this lady I met for some reason
>I magically teleported to the film's ending, guess I'll die
And the truth glasses uncover the dumbest, most misguided reddit-tier revelations possible.
I'm still fucking laughing at their mental breakdown over whether or not picard was still an android.
>he's an android right? still or did they retcon that
>is he an android?
>he's...he's an android made out of flesh and bones
>that's a clone
>he's not a clone he's an android
>he's a...a clone bot
>what the fuck is a clone bot?
I laugh at clone bot like once a day since they uploaded that. unironically their best video ever.
They unironically enjoy that kind of humor. But Adam Sandler did it, so they'll act like it's offensive.
They are gutter trash throwing mud at more successful gutter trash.
Adam Sandler films are despicable. So are Mike and Jay.
>I'm not an adam sandler fan but did you ever notice adam sandler haters are just as annoying?
Given that all the Bad Reboot people who ruined Star Trek are jews, is this the reason Mike and (((Jay))) are on bad terms ? Is Mike looking for some kind of 'solution' to the problem ?
hahahah holy shit:
no fucking way
yeah man. totally
Will they do a Half in the Bag on Doctor Strange 2?
They did the last one and it's a Raimi film with most of his usual touches and lots of horror elements.
Surely they will, right?