Did she deserve the curse?

Did she deserve the curse?

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>"I thought it would be shocking to title the film 'Drag Me to Hell' and actually end it with giving exactly what the title demanded, and still making it incredibly shocking," said Raimi in a 2019 retrospective interview on "Drag Me To Hell" with Bloody Disgusting.
>"I feel that the poor girl was over punished, as it happens in life sometimes. It is a morality tale, she did do the wrong thing, but holy cow, give her a break! But that's how this particular tale [ends]."

tl; dr: her literally being dragged to hell at the end was the whole point otherwise it wouldn't be a horror movie

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>she did do the wrong thing
??? she literally did her job how was any of that wrong ? Why didnt the shitty gypsie curse the one actually in charge

She valued her promotion. She could and would have helped but wanted to be a hard ass for the boss. As he said she was over punished, but so it goes.

>Why didnt the shitty gypsie curse the one actually in charge
because she was the one to have the final word, her boss actually gives her free rein to the gypsy's case

>pushes her over the edge for 90 minutes
>she deserves burning in hell
Wtf is Raimi's problem?

I watched this movie again recently it's not very good I liked it more when I first saw it in the theater

>Shamalam makes a shitty film
>Raimi makes a shit film

he's a bully who fakes being nerd

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no part of the movie remotely suggests she deserves her ultimate fate, thats why its actually impactful when it happens

A curse is a curse, buddy.

Literally nobody deserves it
Not even baby killers and rapists

anyone watching it realized that was a little harsh but a curse doesnt care it was cast it must finish its job

>90 minutes long
>starts with a kid being dragged to hell
>ends with the girl being dragged to hell
>not a single minute wasted on filler or unnecessary sideplots
>actually full of "scary" scenes

i miss this kind of movies, desu

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it was filled with stupid gags there almost nothing scary in the entire movie and the cg where she gets dragged to hell didn't age very well

Its pretty funny too. I've prolly watched it more than evil dead at this point.

>it was filled with stupid gags
brother, you are watching a raimi movie

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Name one thing worse than gypsies.

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I think Drag me to hell is peak cringe kino, I always love watching it, shame about the dodgy CG though, Raimi is better than that

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It's not about deserving, it's about sending a message

I think it adds to the overall camp of the film

Hoooly fuck lol

It’s a very modestly budgeted movie too. I can excuse some shoddy 2009 CGI when it’s Raimi going back to his Evil Dead roots.

Is it autistic that I like to think sometimes about how if the movie is set in 2009 she has been in unimaginable suffering non-stop every single second for the last twelve years straight, canonically?
She got maybe the worst fate of any character ever

also, the granny's niece was pretty cute too

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I wonder if at some point you'd just get used to it

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Yes, the bipoc womyn was oppressed by a white women.

Only thing I didn't like about the movie was you could see the ending coming a mile away after the envelope switching scene in the car.

I think the perfect ending is everything is the same right up to when the boyfriend reveals he still has the cursed object and she realizes she is fucked, hearing the demon approaching. But at the last moment after being broken mentally and desperate she offers the button as a gift and begs the boyfriend to accept it. Him being a simp he immediately agrees just to appease her not really understanding the consequences, and then gets dragged to hell screaming and confused while she cries and goes nuts.

It would have been a nice little fucked up arc since she was doing increasingly desperate things like sacrificing her car and almost daming her shitty coworker.

god this movie is so fun

>She got maybe the worst fate of any character ever
It's not autistic user, it's straight up retarded.

I can't believe she quit acting and had like 30 kids or whatever, she was so god damn cute

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i doubt raimi was thinking of this while making it

she married one of the directors of the Crank movies

for fuck sake, I love how everybody who isn't a fat ass is just "thin" rather than fucking normal

Whatever happened to this actress?

>he hasn't seen the poster where the tagline says "fat people deserve to burn in hell especially fat girls"

kek always the victims

By scary scenes I suppose you mean the obnoxiously excessive use of jumpscares.

I get what you're saying but I think the real thing the audience is expecting is something like what you're describing. Any kind of last minute twist that spares her. I think that not pulling any last minute switcharoos and sending that pretty face to hell is actually the most surprising ending he could have went with

she dared to work and be an independent woman instead of staying at home making dinner and popping out babies

Who got it worse than literal eternal suffering?

the movie earns pretty much every jumpscare it uses


Had 3 kids and retired from acting aside from a few small roles here and there


We have professional gypsy beggars where I live in Virginia now. They have huge signs with their Venmo @ on them. The fact that our government allows these people to move here is absolutely insane


Quite a lot of character would have gone to hell

wtf I'm torrenting this movie right now

let's be real now, the only negative of this movie was that it didn't have a bruce campbell cameo

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He was Satan

My head canon is that Ash went to hell and broke her out, and there's an epic battle that takes place

being dragged to hell

Agreed, sometimes simplicty is the best choice.

Would have gone but aren't explicitly shown going to a literal fire and brimstone hell that's so hot it does this to her before she's even fully there

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I can't believe she quit acting bros

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Not really.

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you jerk off to this don't you

Maybe a few times a month

She was great, and cute.

I absolutely love this movie, it is full of soul and so much fun to watch

Makes me wonder, how often does this kind of thing happen in this universe? Is it extremely rare where it happens maybe once or twice every 30 years or so, or a couple of times a year? What happens if you're somewhere extremely public or somewhere like a plane?

are you asking how often someone gets dragged to hell

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Seems like something only the old gypsies do

user, did you just get cursed by an old woman too or something?

What are the exact rules of thee curse? Like could she gift the thing to any random person to save herself? What about the bit where she gets dragged to hell at the end, can everyone actually see that? Wouldn't people be asking questions about wtf is going on? If the boyfriend grabbed her hand would he have been dragged to hell too despite not being cursed himself?

Just so you know I will be in Time Square in 3 days, if I'm going to hell then I'm making sure the entire world sees it and knows that hell is real