Whats his problem?
Whats his problem?
Hates woke shit.
He's based because he makes you seeth
But he liked Arcane
>le funny voice man
White male. Boring
Poorly written woke shit then? I don't know, I never saw Arcane.
he is afraid to name the jews, that means he is a fagot
He sounds like he's perpetually constipated.
I like the guy with the Tuvok clips more.
>character who is not a white male has some sort of agency in a movie
when will this woke agenda let up?
Irritating voice, on par with that Chef John faggot who uptalks the end of every fucking sentence.
grew up in a place with a horrible grating accent
>loves Arcane
>loves Free Man
l m a o
faggot that uses a gimmick because he lacks innate value
Surface level commentary that amounts to WOKE MODERN BAD
literally something you'd read on Ruthlessreviews or Somethingawful in the early 2000s. Absolute shit
salty others can copy tom clancy novels better than him.
>overusing gags
Makes trannies, onion lads and black women seethe.
No original opinions plus alcoholism is only funny to teenagers
Likely rejected by his crush in high school and has been seething ever since. Many such cases!
>Whats his problem?
Not a damn thing.
Best modern movie/series critic in a LONG while.
>movie has a black or female or black female protagonist
>he whines
>seethers clap
>hating woke/globohomo shit
thats not a problem
>movie has a token nignog/homo/tranny thrown in for woke points
>he calls it out
>twitterfags get mad or ACK themselves
there are cases of tokenism for sure in movies but people who complain about "muh woke agenda" do it everytime they see someone who isnt a white male with some agency in a movie, critical drinker is the worst offender of this
Wouldn't even be surprised if he wasn't JQpilled. He doesn't really seem the type.
A persona that wears thin really fast.
Repetitive use of images and sounds in his videos.
Preaching to the choir.
He's a fag yeah, but you're still a bigger one.
Hi Jordan :)
Post more literal who
Nigger, woke pandering is fucking rife in modern Hollywood and everybody who isn't a blind faggot knows it.
>I cannot defend my statements so I will call you gay
How does it feel to be 14
Chef Johns alright
The bottle isn't open
He has deep knowledge and genuine insight on what makes kino good but resorts to making comedy videos to shit on [NEWEST THING] because it makes him more money
He's weirdly obsessed with gender. He goes on odd rants about gender dynamics in every single thing he reviews.
It's because incompetent, unlikable female characters are put in positions of authority in every piece of fiction now. But yeah, you can see he's a normie around women in a lot of his podcasts.
Embarrassing cunt. Probably posts here.
but is already a counter to that post, one which you've yet to retort
some faggot doesn't have you pegged, does he user?
unfunny hack
He doesn't say anything that literally everyone else says daily. He doesn't really know fuck all about cinema, so he just has basic anti-woke takes on everything. I have nothing against him but he's not worth listening to and certainly not worth taking seriously as a film "critic," like most YouTuber scum.
Discount Plinkett.
Arcane is barely woke
shit bait
Maybe because "gender dynamics" are in almost every single movie and TV show Jewywood puts out now?
I think OP was referring to a problem, which in this unfortunate case would mean severe unoriginal and general nitpicking lazy pseudo criticism of easy pickings.
Just a normal, straight, white man trying to make sense of this feminised, fag-infested cesspool of a society. Donate to his patreon, like, and subscribe!
his jokes are stupid and he likes woke shit like Arcane and free guy.
Found a niche gimmick that nobody ran with before and took it for their own.
except its not a counter argument, its a second post restating what the first one did, so the response can apply to both
Fake persona and bad opinions
Does this reframing manipulation trick ever work, leftoid?
You will never succeed. The result of your insanity has been and always will be the same outcome for you: maximum hell. Only with every iteration it will get harder for you to get out.
why are americans so obsessed with ecelebs
He needs to change his profile pic. Drinking is fucking gross.
>Whats his problem?
being too based and succeeding too much. What's yours?
Why does he hate DC so much?
He doesnt like " the message"