Cars, woah

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That's actually not bad.

Bruh.... I done never thought bout that...

Why are the all obsessed with ddsnity and walkable cities now?

So Americans were cars all along?


Probably because cost of living and cost of cars have gone up considerably compared to salaries for the past decades.
The only ones defending american cities are boomers who never knew struggle

You are better off being a car than a black man in today’s America.

Floyd Status: Breathing easy

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>urban planing

Cost of living is way cheaper in rural areas though and with remote work they can do that

If people could live rural and have a job they would
Remote jobs are almost exclusively for programmers

>public capitalism is not capitalism
do they really?...

Do you think 9/11 happened in the cars universe?

holy shit
>inb4 good film analysis filters nu/tv/ (the love child of /pol/ and reddit)

Nope, tons of office jobs can be done remote, most financial services, even a lot of health care admin, managers and business support moved to remote where I work

That was in the planes movie so yes, didn't make sense why they had buildings though

So why isnt everyone doing it?

walkable city is an oxymoron and for every sort of "green" or public transport you need some sort of roads except for subway
also Cars aren't really supposed to be cars, but rather car shaped humanoids, real car robots wouldn't need buildings or pavements or 9000 other things in the movie, but I guess when you're retarded faggot with a twitter account, thinking isn't your strong suit

>capitalism is bad even though the experts say more people live above the poverty line that at any other point in human history
Get the vax incel

I don't know, from what I've seen it's a few of the older managers that don't like it, but the cost savings for office space were huge

I'm not vaxxed and I have a gf.
Capitalism is making billions of people miserable, destroys the world, and will lead to our collective doom.
Have sex.

Almost all of those ”lifted out of poverty by capitalism” are chinese people urbanizing.
Okay so its not in the employees hands why are you even mentioning it?

>Capitalism is making billions of people

Very true

Typical virgin responses, I trust the financial experts. They are experts in their field, you are incels crying on an anonymous forum. Barack Obama trusted the Federal Reserve.

Because they have more of a chance complaining for remote work over walkable cities

>when the state owns a thing it's capitalism

Do incels really?

unironically boomers
also those bosses who think that every second you're not busy working, company is bleeding money (which is mostly boomers)

>businesses have commercial loans for their office spaces (likely the biggest reason)
>managers/supervisors need to justify their existence
>corporate culture needs to persist
>government needs to ensure that local shops dont go under if people work from home
its an uphill battle for sure

>Indian guy

people like not being dependent on cars and being apart of a community. Rural areas are too spread apart. Also not everyone can live in a rural space without some sort of density, its not feasible

>government needs to ensure that local shops dont go under if people work from home

This was the reason why they sent city employees back to the office actually, so stupid

Rural towns are the only places where there is a sense of community

walkability is not about the roads themselves but about the dependency on cars. people want an option to not drive and feel as though they can't (which is true, try cycling anywhere in the US)

Public transit

Tell that to those ass raped farm animals.

Nope not actually true. Fuck you dumb faggot nigger tranny I hope you die in agony and your family dies in agony as well dumb faggot bitch.

>cars thread ends up becoming a trannie vs incel political war

holy based

Sir this is a Cars thread

>Inb4 rule 34 poster

if you live in a densely populated area, you absolutely can
if you live in bumfuck nowhere, then I guess you have to own a car, but then again the cost of living is about tree fiddy, so you shouldn't complain

Cars are used by people.

look into agenda 21 and agenda 30.
it's just yet another one of their Hydra style attack on humanity.
note that almost all of the tentacles can be advertised as being beneficial to the public, while in reality it is just another way to remove individual freedom and reduce your overall quality of life to the point where you are akin to a battery chicken. it only benefits them, the owners of the farm.
all are marketed as 'sustainability', with deliberately obscure and vague terminology, while the reality is horror.
trannies, don't bother replying to this post with your bot responses you fucking faggots

oh yea like public transit aren't stupidly underfunded and take the most ridiculous routes that take hours as opposed to driving
i know its reddit but i couldn't find a better example of what I'm talking about.

Attached: same commute by car or bus.png (2900x1560, 2.54M)

Cars will always be faster than public transport, public transport you need to deliver multiple people so routes will usually never be direct to every spot you want to go

>if you live in a densely populated area, you absolutely can
most places in the US are suburban, not densely populated. And even then there's a handful of "walkable" cities and those are some of the most expensive cities in the world to live in.

>3 miles
Litteraly, just walk

Forcing public transport in america would be so funny. Just force regular american families to sit shoulder to shoulder with the (((cultural enrichment))) and see how fast america votes a fascist into power who promises to clean it.

America only tolerates a third world country within its borders because it's entirely self-contained and mitigated

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Absolutely not true here in Stockholm. Rush hour kills any advantage you might have with a car


You mean take their disability scooter

Why does effective public transportation make americans seethe so much?

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is ford and GM paying you to post this? there's literally no excuse in the world as to why a 10 minute commute turns into 1.5 hours other than a clear underfunded public transit system.

ah do your opinion doesn’t actually matter

So in the best case scenario it's just as fast, unless you are taking a train or subway

Its way slower even with a bus (rush hour) but it depends on how far you need to travel

it's a response to the "wait til they come to the suburbs" stuff. Wokists realize they can't take over the suburbs by force so instead they're trying to make you think that suburbs are bad and fascist. Also they're brainwashing suburban children in schools to hate white males.

Attached: BLM welcome to the suburbs.webm (640x360, 2.87M)

Well makes sense if you are going to some less popular areas, sending a bus back and forth on the route it would probably be empty most of the time. Unless you have significantly higher ridership that's what happens when you try to get to certain places.

Wait how is it slower than a bus? Do you have designated bus lanes?

>europoor keeps going
jesus christ, it’s just sad at this point. your entire history and culture is just one embarrassment after another. holy shit dude. do you have any self awareness whatsoever? kill yourself unironically

Yea we do. Well on the highway, on the smaller roads no. But the rush hour isnt as bad there obviously

I'm so glad italy turned rome into a walkable city

It's the latest meme by Twitter leftists because a Democrat is in office, and gas prices are awful. "We should talk about restructuring the entirety of society, rather than have our Blue guy not look amazing in a mid-term year."

Huh. I guess that makes sense. Too bad you’ll always be a sad european faggot.

:-| cars is about racing and friendship

Helped that their cities were made before cars. In Noth America there is no need to be crammed into an apartment around so many others

>30 minute drive to the nearest grocery
that only happens in rural areas and there you have enough land to grow your own food but I guess Europoors don't know what it's like to live outside your cities

>Unless you have significantly higher ridership
What a load of bullshit, it doesn’t make sense unless you hate alternatives to driving
>turn walking and biking into dangerous life threatening activities to satisfy drivers
>design your entire public infrastructure around drivers and cars
>level half of your city to accommodate parking
>dont put any money into public transit or alternative modes of traffic or even sidewalks
They dont give people the option not to drive anyway then blame alternatives for not being popular.

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>when you give niggers access to the internet


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You can still drive cars through Rome, but you'd have to be either rich or a retard with unlimited time to actually go at snail pace through it.

>What a load of bullshit, it doesn’t make sense unless you hate alternatives to driving

How so? If few people ride the bus why does it make sense to have routes that are barely used?

who the fuck would even want to go to (let alone live in) Rome? Catholicism is cucked as fuck nowadays and Italians are basically subhuman.

are the memes true? americans dont walk?

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There are no sidewalks

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We are not cucked cultureless homosexuals like Europeans, correct. But why are you even posting right now? Shouldn’t you be praying towards Mecca along with everyone else? Cube worshipping bitch.

If we're going to autistically adhere to the "30 minutes" as presented in the image, then sure, yeah, maybe it doesn't take quite that long in the suburbs to drive to the store. The point is, it still takes too long and they're overly crowded because there are only one or two of them nearby. When I lived in a literally who suburb of Tokyo I had a choice of THREE (3) grocery stores within a 5-10 minute walk depending on which one I went to. I didn't have to get into my faggot car, go fill it up with faggot gas because the tank is fucking empty, have to deal with other faggot drivers, find a faggot parking space, and deal with fat faggot suburban American trash just so I could go buy a carton of eggs.

>ehh ehhhh we are from europe we must never assimilate and do things the way we do it at home, and get offended how you do things differently in america, miiiinchia ferrari!