If they kick you out of school they break your magic wand and you're not allowed to do magic for the rest of your life

>if they kick you out of school they break your magic wand and you're not allowed to do magic for the rest of your life
>But if they sentence you to life in Magic prison they just store your wand away so you can get it back when you break out

Is Obersturmführer Rowling retarded or what

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ew I hate this bitch

they have wand stores, just go buy a new wand

Why didn't voldemort just drink a potion that gave him like 20 extra arms and then equip each arm with a wand?

they assume you're not getting out
i guess

Then why store your wand? Even getting kicked out of school seems to come with mandatory destruction of your wand. It's just stupid.

Do wizards get sent to regular jail for tax fraud or does the magic kingdom of Wakanda intervene somehow

>disguised "what was their tax policy" question


>they break your magic wand
what stops you from buying a new one? a wand license?

>oi mate ya have a wand loicense

wands are actually sentient and won't work well if you're not destined for it or something

Only one wand manufacturer in Britain and he has a perfect memory for remembering unpersoned individuals.

I'd let her use my wand...

The first book/movie hint at wizards only ever being able to cast spells well/at all with their first and only wand.
Then later people use other wands and even cast spells without wands because, you know, dullest franchise deh deh deh.

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Just break into his shop at night time

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He never sleeps and also has a forcefield
It's in the books

Why do all the evil people always have evil looking wands?

Olivander makes evil looking wands specifically for evil people to use.
Wands naturally slowly change shape over time to represent the morality of their users.
Evil people modify their wand's appearance to suit their tastes.
Pick the answer you like best.

Olivander is a dirty fence sitting centrist.

It's probably some horseshit like
>the wands already know you will become evil hence only evil wands are willing to choose you
which only raises the question why the fuck are they not just carried straight to Azkaban after they've been picked by an evil wand.

>Show up to hogwarts with skulls carved into your wand.
>No one bats an eye.

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So what happens if ypu go to the wand store and they don't have your special wand?

The wizard world needs common sense wand control.

It actually always amused me that JK Rowling wrote pretty much a perfect allegory AGAINST gun control in book 5 and seems to not even realize it. That was when the Ministry refuses to teach the school kids fighting magic because it's 'too dangerous' but they argue that then only the Death-Eaters will know fighting magic and they'll be helpless. So they ignore the Ministries orders set up a group and practice their fighting magic in secret. That turns out to have been of course the right move, because then they're well armed when of course the Death Eaters come.
So Rowling writes that, but then is such a total NPC she argues citizens should be disarmed.

Magical protections that turn you into a newt and a eunuch

Is that a meme? I know it's from GRRM but is there more to it?
It's not.
They thought he's an edgy boi with emo phase.
It is never said that they store wands away. Maybe they had to stole new ones.
BTW: Harry Potter plot holes thread?

>It actually always amused me that JK Rowling wrote pretty much a perfect allegory AGAINST gun control in book 5 and seems to not even realize it.
None of the types that still obsess over Harry Potter in their thirties realize this and it's so fucking funny.

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Don't they realise they hurt precious tranny feelings by still liking HP?

>kill someone
>use magic to turn them into sausage
>eat sausage
>use magic to wipe your own mind
>you don't remember any of it

the charges, officer?

Yeah, few days ago there was a HP criticism thread and one of the points regarded wizard justice system. It would be really difficult to prove murder in a world when you can magically remove evidence without a trace. Wizards should be really paranoid motherfucker because of this.

>Is that a meme? I know it's from GRRM but is there more to it?
GRRM was explaining how his worldbuilding and tolkien's were different, and tackled different type of questions.
So he aksed "what would Aragorn's tax policy be?" implying tolkien didn't care much about how the ruling class and politics operated in middle earth, while it's a primary focus of his Martin's books.
People got mad, and started saying that GRRM hated Tolkien, or impliying it was a genuine question (it was not, it was just an example) and created a meme reivarly between Tolkien and GRRM that doesn't exist.

The most obvious plot hole is that muggle weaponry would be far more effective at killing than any spell. The Death Eaters could’ve easily laid waste to Hogwarts with regular old guns.

Imagine you had a gun that was a physical extension of yourself and your abilities, and that was the only gun you could use effectively for your entire life, wouldn't you want to customize it a little bit?


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God this is hot

I just don't understand what's so memeworthy about it, it's a good question (in context of different methods of worldbuilding) actually.
Actually, I don't consider it a plot hole. Wizards just don't know much about muggle stuff and Death Eathers especially wouldn't use any of it.

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>you will never be a wizard

>Voldemort’s ultimate undoing is that Bongland doesn’t have guns

Their autistic wizard pride stops them from using modern tech. They'd rather lose.

Or even knives...

There's a spell that forces your wand to reveal the spells you casted so if you already have a suspect, finding out if they did it isn't actually that hard.

While we can't say for certain whether Gurm "hates" Tolkien or not, he has several of these smug remarks about stuff Tolkien "got wrong" in his opinion to the point where you'd be a fool to still believe he's merely "highlighting their differences". He claims he re-reads LotR every year, but every time he talks about it he just proves further that he has absolutely zero understanding of it (and he stole the yearly re-read claim from Christopher Lee anyway). He's basically the epitome of the kind of a redditor who thinks that pointing out that the fellowship would've had to stop for taking a shit regularly is genius observation and mentioning it makes you a great worldbuilder.

it's the perfect crime

I know but still:
1. You could use other wand.
2. I think it shows just the spells used, not object on which they were used.
>if you already have a suspect

Ollimander pulls down yer trousers and gives ya a good bollocking

Shocking this doesn’t happen more often.

Do they make Hotwheels 1911 grips?

Then I will use a spell to wipe the previous spells off my wand

Here's one for the ministry of magic

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Ollivander respects power

What we really need is some sort of dark take on the setting.

Imagine some serial perv wizard turning people into buttplugs and selling them to the local sex store.

Or levitating giant concrete blocks and just smashing them onto enemies.

Or mindwiping a celebrity, turning them into a sex doll while you mindwipe some other random person and turn them into the original celebrity so people just think the person went nuts.

And when the wizard cops come after you turn some random muggle into your likeness and have them suicide in front of the cops so they think they got you.

It’s all the more funny because Yea Forums shitposters have yet to find a true plot hole in LotR. They get shut down every single time by bookfags.

GRMM grew up with Tolkien, DnD and that culture in general.
The only time he genuinely criticized the books is when he was talking about his disagreement with bringing gandalf back, because he thought having the fellowship be left without guidance was better.
It wasn't that harsh of a criticism or anything, and most importantly, it was not a nitpick about logistics, but a genuine thing he "didn't like" in the plot.

I would actually see a R rated, truly dark HP movie exploring dark side of magical world, not this gay Dumby/Grindy shit.

so retarded theyre giving here another few million dollars for a new movie truly one of the simpletons

He was also going on about how there should've been graphic descriptions of hobbit sex.

Who cares? There should be description of sex between Hagrid's parents (how the hell did that happen)?

The books have students literally buying real love potions as a funny ha ha joke item. The school must be absolutely filled with rape and mind control sex.

No, fuck off. He was saying his way of doing fantasy is dirtier and more realistic, he didn't say tolkien should have described in detail hobbit sex.

Thought about it too, that's actually highly disturbing.


The death eaters raid the wand store at some point, primarily to abduct Ollivander but they also take the wands with them. All in all wands are just wizard guns, if you have a criminal record, you can't legally own one, but you can always choose to become a full time criminal and get one illicitly.

That plus there's no way teachers like Snape would've survived more than one year. A wizarding school would burn through teachers like crazy

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I actually imagined his dad going into his mom's pussy, using this spell on his sperm and sticking it in her egg like a spear.

he was right

I'd gladly take life in Magic Prison if it meant I'd be escaping from the dullest franchise in the history of movie franchises. Seriously each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody? just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>a-at least the books were good though
"No!" The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.

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Imagine him going to Dumbledore after using Fawkes' feathers to make the wands.
>This one is mostly a straight piece of dark brown wood with the handle being only slightly wider than the rest of the wand.
>This one is white and the handle is shaped like the skull of a vulture.
>Bet you'll keep your eyes on whoever is chosen by them.

harry potter is a dumb franchise with almost no thought put into its world, you might as well complain about how pokemon or blues clues make no narrative sense

this list is fucking trash, it looks like it was made by a entry level english teacher (female she/her)

Maybe if you're a sub 90IQ mystery meat mutt.

You can definitely get one made

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I loved HP as a child and obviously there is much imagination in its world, hence its worldwide popularity. But now I see it more as a guilty pleasure which is fun to nitpick.