Gate of Star

Spinning>no spinning

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Do americans really enjoy watching pro-zog military propaganda?


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Overrated joke


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sg1 should have wrapped at season 8

Is your objective to strip those threads of all their soul by making new ones daily?

>Door to Heaven

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I open the iris for she

Based gooldposter

>If having a parasite in your head is bad
>then why are you not a vegan?
None of you have been able to argument against his logic and would be absolutely BTFO in court by him.

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>most System Lords are average or effeminate
>Zipacna decides to pick a buff chad host
Gotta respect that.

His point is only true for the Tok'ra, and even so only limited to those who are in true symbiosis. Two minds working as one, not one dominant over all. The Goa'uld are parasites, filth in mind and spirit. They could find redemption if they weren't so vain and paranoid about being immortal.

>call Zipacna a nigger
>refuse to elaborate

he probably wanted a host that showed equivalent strength to his facts and logic

interesting idea to think on, what makes the Goa'uld so vain about appearance? Is it the mind of the host or the symbiotes on hated of their form?

the host they use is already like a costume for them, part of their power and lifestyle is wearing things.
Stands to reason that they care so much about what they wear because it's fundamental to their lifestyle and power and turn their psychology.
if that makes any sense

There was that one fat dude who was pretty based

>Mwaaaahh, the Tok'ra

I have never watched Universe

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you don't deserve to look at her boobas if you haven't.
watch it.

So did Baal, but then became pic related.
Didn't give off tranny vibes, but was a major narcissist. I think he didn't care what sex his host was, as long as it was hot enough to turn heads.

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Given that goold also eat the same shit humans do while also being a mind worm parasite i would argue he does not have the moral high ground.

we still enslave other creature though, so why is it so wrong for them to enslave us?

Adria was a superpowerful being and an existential threat to the whole galaxy. What her body looked like had nothing to do with that plan. But god damn she was smoking hot.

i don't like how i felt about; her being even hotter with Baal's smugness

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>Adria was a superpowerful being and an existential threat to the whole galaxy.
>What her body looked like had nothing to do with that plan.
I doubt that. He was notoriously vain.

It's worth one (1) watch through if you've seen the other shows.

So how was Baal able to control Adria, wasn't she an Ori and super powerful in her own right?


She still had human physiology and he was suppressing her powers with the field generator copied from the Tauri.
He did say that it was taking significant concentration to stay in control as well.

Adria was still technically Vala's daughter and was presumably human at least in physiology. Ori got more powerful depending on how many people worshipped them so it's not outlandish to think that it would matter if the worshippers knew it was actually ba'al in their prophets head.

Nah, it was a pretty stupid storyline. Kinda cool in what it did with Ba'als character and Morena was A+ eye candy but like much of the ori seasons it dodn't make much sense and relied on some very stupid deus ex moments.

Big dick energy

part of me wants to travel to Canada just to see stargate locations

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i love good natured soft disclosure yes
Its seriously not even pro military
In one episode Hammond says "its not in the US militarys interest to intervene in foreign affairs" or some shit like that and both Carter and Oneill says "SINCE WHEN?"
and its a really good show and youre gay if you dont like it simple as end of
I love Hammond. He was such a kind, understanding yet stern and correct leader.

I always wondered why they even need to take hosts by force. They have no shortage of lo'taurs who work as servants for them willingly, and many of them actually want to be implanted. How do we even know what percentage of the hosts were unwilling anyway? It could have been Asgard propaganda to get humans on their side of the war.
You mean Lord Nerus? That's a really good example. His host would get to experience a life of fine dining. I can imagine there would be quite a few volunteers.

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ever fear the NID will come and kidnap you?

Kek, you got me there, jaffa.


The real conspiracy is the Tok'Ra pretending to let their hosts speak. They have access to all their memories so could fool even their closest friends and family, like Carter.


best ship

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If someone is willing to be a husk for a worm to run around in they are probably not ideal host material. Anyone attractive enough for that type of thing had probably already been implanted anyways.

yay or nay?

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YAY. Best lego

These motherfuckers were scary when I was kid

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>slow mo moon runs at you menacingly

The Goa'uld by and large do not share consciousness with their host - the Tok'ra are considered heretics by the System Lords for considering the humanity of their hosts and seeking a truly symbiotic relationship with them.

Apophis' host was literally in a prison of his mind for 3,000+ years, it's a fate worse than death. No one with all the facts would ever join willingly.

jaffa jokes?

>your body wants Adria
>your brain knows it's Baal
>you try (and fail) to stop staring at perfect tits
>you feel a flush of fear as you realize you've been caught staring
>Baal flashes scary goold eyes, then smiles
>is a hermaphroditic snake parasite - incapable of feeling gay
>doesn't care if he's a god or goddess, as long as you worship
>invites you to "serve and worship" your new goddess in private
wut do?

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Best episode bar none

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>wut do?
Smash, but feel very conflicted while doing so

Canada looks comfy, but Yea Forums has ruined it for me. No matter how nice the leafs are to your face, you will always know what they are like inside.

>Evil bionicles that are totally immune to damage
Shit was hype for 11 year old me

this guy gets it. just look at the way (((Tok'Ra))) treat the Tauri time and time again. they got what they deserved.

>mogs the fuck out of your weird alien staff weapon

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everyone I ever met that liked Stargate as a movie or TV show is the dumbest fucking moron POS ever without fail

you got me there. i'm dumb as fuck

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Stargate's power creep is fucking awesome. I love how in season 1 it's just small scale spec-ops missions but by the Anubis arc we're dealing with large-scale space battles between Earth's new spacefleet and partially ascended demigod with laser-blasting superhuman soldiers

RDA looks very happy in retirement

I hope if they ever get a successful Stargate reboot off the ground he loses weight so he can have a few cameos as General O'Neill, he can be Chairman of the JCOS or something

Amanda tapping’s titsrwp42

I like Hammond too, but this is absurdly out of step with reality. Entire civilizations are built on the assumption that NATO forces will constantly intervene on their behalf.
Also does anyone know what he means by "this administration"? Was it meant to refer to a specific candidate or faction?

he looks better now actually. he had heart problems for a while which caused the weight gain

>That moment where Anubis blocked ascended Daniels light blast attack
>my kid face when back then

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they should have incorporated their armor with the SGC .just spray paint camo on them and you're done

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