We need another Bee movie

Need another Bee movie but this time it must actually adress the number 1 problem in this world: Boomers that hate nature.

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Because they don't want to live on a planet with niggers.

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there is more forest today than there was 100 years ago.

remember when feds seized a guys pesticide resistant bees

>the suburbs are bad .... because they just are OKAY

>left is a source of mosquitoes

the overngrown yard would be full of snakes

Only if Seinfeld returns.

whoever made this never had to deal with an over grown yard or ever been outside an urban area for more than one second

Imagine hating nature this much

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All "people" who live in cities should be killed

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I just spent the entire morning taking down a massive bunch of thorny vines that had overtaken a shed in the back of one of my properties and now am going to have to spend the evening burning the brush. Still a lot to do and barely got started. Whoever made this can fuck off

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>mowing my yard is killing the earth
hippies are fucking retarded. their fear of nuclear power is what will kill the earth.

Why are brits like this?

More overgrown lawns would be nicer if the tick probably wasn't so bad

>we want more overgrown, insect and animal infested yards that look like shit

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>all the world is Am*rican style suburbs
Yea, no.
Also bees are pretty dumb, I have to keep rescuing them from cobwebs in a corner of my garden. I have flowers and plants everywhere else but there and yet there they keep going.


I fucking hate people who mow designed into their lawns

>>and more of bottom pic
>probably has at least three cats that can go outside

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When I get my house, I'd like to set up a large planter specifically for local wildflowers and grass.

Not if the pond has enough lifeform to eat the larvaes.

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cope harder faggots i'm about to go mow my lawn now and pull up all the weeds

to be fair what % of earth's surface consists of boomer lawns? like 0.00000002%?

>shifting the blame on the citizens again

it's 80% the fault of shit forestry and agriculture
10 % global warming
10% normal people and their gardens

>just cover my yard with birdshit senpai

Fuck bees they eat holes in my deck and instead of preserving them I now shoot them with salt guns.

Im totally okay with this because it means they arent watering anything. Here in the states we blow through an ungodly amount of FRESH, DRINKABLE water just to have grass lawns that we dont even enjoy or use 99.999% of the time.

>boomers when they see a flower on their lawn

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>Thread is about grass, bees, and Bee Movie
>Lol this is Yea Forums so we should say NIGGERS lol we're so epic and edgy XD
Why can't plebbit just leave is alone?

Bottom is a bit much, but overall yards with a lot of different plants are much more kino than very open yards. The difference is that the bottom yard should have planted more tall trees rather than so many bushes.

birds gotta eat, wasps and dragonflies gotta eat

less bees today though

Bees dying is such a 2012-era thing to whine about. The anti lawn thing is a weird cope for lazy people

Kill yourself Cletus.

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(wild) bees are dying at an increased rate today, sorry its not the most woke matter, go suck some blm dick

>living on top of each other like rats
I’d tell you to touch grass but that’s probably a 25$ cab ride to find it


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>Yea Forums Never used to say nigger before!!!!
Go back faggot.

You don’t care about bees though

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If you want to be left alone unironically never move to the suburbs or even the country. Fucking boomers and their gossip
>Did you hear about-
>So whats the deal with-
>Anything new happen?

No and I don't care. Fucking stop spying on me and others because you're bored.

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>"fuck lawns im just gonna grow a garden!!"
>HOA kicks down your door, takes you to court, sues you for a hundred trillion dollars, evicts you from your property, puts you and your family on a nation-wide blacklist, shoots your dog

Deforestation, destruction of ecosystems for roads and buildings, climate change, and 5G networks are all contributing factors

That’s not overgrown, retard

I don’t know, why can’t you?

No you zoomer faggot.
Retards already quote the first autistic Bee movie when it's a pile of garbage. It needs to be forggoten about, same goes you faggots that 20 years later still pretend that Shrek was good.

Harmless noodle creatures on MY lawn!?

Only if you have water that isn't moved. Literally just dropping a little bleach or stirring the pond will prevent mosquitos from laying eggs OR you can be based and buy goldfish which will eat the mosquito eggs.

Why would anyone want a yard full of ticks and bugs and vermin? Just plant flowers in your yard like normal people

Dandelions aren't flowers you fucking retard.

t. goes hiking once every two months, got a tick once and never got over it

>Burning the bush
You don't have a municipal service that picks up shrubs? We got trash, recycle, and compost trash bins where I live.


everywhere is a source of mosquitos, a pond with wildlife is actually less of a problem than a standing puddle in some forgotten corner, or a rusted old paintbucket full of rainwater. At least in the pond there's natural predators, and you can throw in some diatomaceous earth occasionally.

>tfw I mow my lawn maybe like 2 times a year because its 80% moss

Get on my level hippies.

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This user knows what they’re talking about

Last year the guys who do the landscaping in my neighborhood told everyone to keep their pets off the lawn until it rains due to the pesticides they were using. Thankfully it rained the next day so it wasn’t a big deal and nobodies animals got sick from being on the lawn. Still it’s kind of weird to think why they would go to that extent to have a pest free lawn.

>Fuck bees they eat holes in my deck

>[problem]? Yeah it still exists, but I'm kinda bored of it
>so im just going to ignore it lol