Most overrated war flick ever made.
Most overrated war flick ever made
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yeah right and I bet you think apocalypse now is the tops
nah its great
nah, that would be 1917
Here's superior war kino
oh you're swedish.
Yes, the Swedes were well-known participants on the Eastern Front.
fuck off
every swede on this website is a complete faggot
It's amazing how over-represented Fins are on the internet.
Under-represented in the making of war kinos, but still made a better war film than anything Hollywood has ever put out.
no it isn't.
It isn't what?
one of the most based war movies ever made
Where did he get that M16? He had an M14 4 seconds before.
Incorrectly labelled
>firing M14
>oops now I have an M16
>haha now I have my M14 again
Quality editing
it’s unironically based kino
no, he's right.
Guy in the heli has m4
But guy behind the rock has a camo m14 and at 0:13 switches to a m16a2 for a sec.
complete shit
It's made clear that buddy has two guns with him, I'm sorry you are both retarded and require a scene that explicitly shows the person putting 1 down and picking up the other.
Yes this movie was pretty shit. Soundtrack was pretty good though, and the Tiger scene was good.
Suck my cock Ill kill your family
No, I'm watching the scene now. That guy and Jamie Lanniser run up to the downed chopper and he's only armed with a M14. It doesn't even make any sense if there was supposedly an M16 on that chopper, the Nightstalker guys would be armed with MP5s and Delta were all using some kind of M4 variant.
Agreed, blatantly ripped off Saving Private Ryan.
>50 year sergeant with side shave
lol just let em have it bro
Also that stupid haircut was in fashion for years after the movie.
he got it from the downed chopper
saw this the first time before I enlisted and it all felt so chaotic I had no idea what was going on most of the time
watched it again after my military service and it's honestly a very accurate portrayal of what those ops look like
Pitt looks mid 30s in this movie
There wouldn't be an M16 on that chopper. There's also no scene of him picking it up, he has it for 4 seconds and then has his M14 again.
ngl I have a bit of a hard time focusing on BHD, I can do FMJ and Jarhead start to finish even American Sniper but BHD sits just a little heavy, Im sure Ill get around to it though,
I'm sorry you were born retarded
There's no way that M16 would just appear out of nowhere in battle. I read the flight manifest. I've seen hundreds of movies and many of them were war movies. An M16 wouldn't be on that chopper. No way. More likely the Queen of England.
Again, sorry you are retarded/autistic and need a scene explicitly showing the soldier putting down one gun and picking up the other. But judging by this thread you seem to be from finland, so yeah sorry you were born a retarded autist i know it's not your fault, your finnish.
That’s not Dunkirk
Actually I DID read the manifest and the flight plan. No M16s present, sorry lads. Big fuck up on Ridley's part.
im sure you did autist
Funny I tried rewatching it yesterday and just got bored halfway through and turned it off. I think the problem is that there are too many characters, and none of them are really developed. I also would have liked to see more about the Somalians and how shitty their shithole is. Idk those rebel groups are similar to the ones in central/west africa, who basically just get high as shit and go attack villages. I find that shit fascinating here's an hour of kino footage from the Liberian civil war.
I liked it.
This is fake
The biggest mistake was not fleshing out Ewan McGregor's character way more.
Tears of the Sun and 12 Hours are better Modern Warfare movies.
Probably the last good Ridley Scott movie.
> and the Tiger scene was good.
Fury was like an old war movie being made in the current year. You wouldn't get it.
Except the guys that were there say it was a horribly inaccurate portrayal of what happened.
>irrelevant follow up
And no it wasnt
Yes it was.
None of the ones my family or friends knew said that
>watches Black Hawk Down once
>removes all color from MGS4
Nope. Silly zoomer. But go on, tell us what made the tiger scene “good”.
The ones my dad knew said that and he served with them.
The music and the fact it was Tiger 131.
Were they upset that they changed the pedophiles name?
Idk it just feels like a soulless action movie. They filled the cast with so many A-listers they don't seem like real people. Movie just made me want to watch Generation Kill.
most of them weren't a listers when it came out