There is actually no way you can justify this at this point, this is an agenda
There is actually no way you can justify this at this point, this is an agenda
Just dont watch it, consoomer
>just dont do anything
no, its time to start holding people accountable
they're just following the talmud
how are you different from maoist zoomer retards screeching about cultural appropriation?
>muh culture war
call me when theyre actually putting poor whitey in concentration camps or w.e fantasy pops up in your head when you see a black person on screen
this makes zero sense in the lore and its already established how important the big houses genetics are. This is just pathetic pandering since HBO has never recovered since the GoT ending
Cool it with the Anti-Semitic remarks, Alice Walker.
By making threads bitching about it on Yea Forums? You've already been doing that for years, I don't think any has been held accountable as a result.
west virginia (99% white) gets fuck all goverment assistance, yet almost all majorly black underperforming cities get infinite government money and highest spending in classrooms in all of america
These retards are unironically making it worse. By creating feckless drama the stir up media attention which draws in more content. Fucking. Cucks.
I've mostly stopped watching western media, I only came to Yea Forums recently because the Sonic movie was so kino.
I agree wrong think has been stopped dead in its tracks the past few years, at least swordshit threads are slightly better than capeshit
"we want to expand our target demographic and we think having more black characters will make us more money"
There's your justification. And it's the same agenda they've been following for 80 years.
It’s about erasure, not appropriation. I’m highly sympathetic to the arguments about whitewashing real or fictional characters ethnic identities, regardless of the people under attack.
Which one?
I really doubt they're interested in profits
Do you guys really care that much about muh black people in my fantasy shows? I'd get it if they turned some European historical figure into a Chinese dude or something but why is everyone so upset over fiction?
>Which one?
The one that just came out.
it hasn't been about profits for the last decade
I only saw the first one and thought it was surprisingly good. I don't have anyone to see the second one with though and I don't feel it's worth watching by myself.
its not only lore breaking, its immersion breaking and makes no sense in any context
Well do people care about race in Westeros?
At least this time they got a more intelligent looking black as opposed to the sloped-back forehead, literal chimpanzee niggers they usually cast
Much better than the first one (which I still liked), it's nice to have a movie that's just fun without any baggage for once.
That's what they want you to do. No journalist is going to hear you out, instead, they're going to report some nasty hackers on the website known as Yea Forums are being problematically racist about diverse casting. Then a bunch of faggots will come to fight the evil nasty "racists" for good boy points.
Yet a black person having to use a different drinking fountain than a white person was the worst act in all of human history that we still have to make amends for today
Do I have to explain to you why race swapping someone in a royal family (incest) is fucking retarded?
>has an incel moment over OP's post
>Blacks were discriminated against in the past
>To make up for this -- for some reason, we feel compelled to think we are responsible for something well before our time -- we... will make them into products!
Do consumerists really?
YASSS, vision and artistic integrity be fuckin racist! We needs to diversify all them shit so that every piece of media exists entirely to glorify the black race! That shit fire!
By posting on Yea Forums?
What's the matter, if you want art representing you, just make your own
>this is an agenda
Yeah, no shit. Haven’t you been paying attention? Almost everything is pozzed as fuck these days.
Yes exactly. Everyone should just be heckin silent about it! I’m sure it will just go away on its own that way and definitely not get way worse! I’m smart and not a fucking retarded shitskin!
It’s money laundering.
Have sex
Yeah because the bar of entry as someone against this shit is so low right?
>its your fault cause you noticed
You need to try harder
Once, in the halls of the Red Keep, Daella had encountered a prince from the Summer Isles in his feathered cloak, and squealed in terror. His black skin had made her take him for a demon.
The Citadel is not what it was. They will take anything these days. Dusky dogs and Dornishmen, pig boys), cripples, cretins, and now a black-clad whale. And here I thought leviathans were grey.
>this is an agenda
it wasn't blatantly obvious? the niggers they shoehorn in don't even act the part
Jim Carey in command of the chaos emeralds is hilarious.
It's beyond blatant. Brad Pitts character is a plantation owner with 100+ slaves
how do dumb people get here
What do you think the reaction would be if they made a movie about MLK and cast a white guy as him?
be careful what you wish for, when its flipped on you the seethe is immeasurable
Thats the irony of life, it actually is literally so easy but we make it difficult because we are compulsive and controlling.
yeah joe manchin is a piece of shit. now, the difference between you and me is that i think that's bad. those people should get assistance. meanwhile i doubt you give so much as a damn about anyone else thats impoverished.
you REALLY don't understand how corporations work if you honestly think it's not all about making money
You think that on specifically the issue of [race/gender/feminism/whatever] they aren't running their usual cost/benefit analyses that they do for every other aspect of their business? Everything they do is calculated, every PR story about how much they care is a lie. It's all about whatever makes them the most money and gets the most attention.
this is even acknowledged within the /pol/tard narrative with the whole
>leftoids think they're rebels fighting the system for BIPOCLGBBQ+ rights without noticing all the corpos and the whole system are backing them
and yet somehow connecting dot A of
>corporations are cynical moneymaking machines with no morals
to dot B of
>corporations are near-unanimously backing leftist causes
doesn't yield the obvious conclusion of
>it is more financially viable to virtue signal leftists causes than right-wing ones at the present time
instead somehow you consistently arrive at the paradoxical conclusion that they are simultaneously pushing this agenda themselves rather than following social trends, and that by following these social trends they are getting woke and going broke.
>a supporting fictional character from a novel no ones read is the is the same thing as MLK
Holy shit you have a massive persecution complex
so chattel slavery and debt peonage never happened. got it.
Leftist kill everything they touch
read a book you fucking nigger
Half of them know how fucking dumb they sound but are either baiting or so far down the lefty rabbit hole that they are compromising to argue with the evil Yea Forums racist nazis
No. The point is the same, faggot.
Valyrians are the niggers of Westeros
so weird how the chinese were slaves to companies and yet don't commit over 50% of all violent crime while being 15% of the population.
>read a book
the book says pale skin and white hair for all Valyrians ???
You're delusional if you genuinely think a minor fictional character is just as important as a civil-rights leader. I can only assume you're baiting
yeah its almost as if resorting to crime beats starving or working dead end jobs with shit wages.
Yeah. Over 100+ years ago you whiney fucking nigger. Get over it. Not my fault my ancestors dabbed on yours so hard. Sucks to suck
Yeah cause blacks immediately had it as good as whites the moment slavery ended. Jim Crow, Redlining, etc. Never existed. You have an incredible lack of empathy
>ummm racism is over you NIGGER get over it
>having to use a different drinking fountain than a white person the worst act in all of human history
>>chattel slavery and debt peonage never happened
>Yeah. Over 100+ years ago you whiney fucking nigger. Get over it. Not my fault
oh how the narrative changes and changes
why so disingenuous? you sound almost Jewish
What do you mean, this phrase was typed >9001 times here before [current year] when niggers were crying about underrepresentation
Now it's the chuds turn apparently
>Yea Forums is a reflection of normal people’s attitudes towards nigs
They have a bunch of empathy for your shit tier race over at Reddit. Hell they will suck you off for being an ape person over there. Why don’t you go back?
really? because the seethe from reddit and twitter the past month has been immeasurable. I'm just point out lore breaking stuff
>over 9000 meme
seriously just go back faggot, it's not 2007
>There is actually no way you can justify this at this point, this is an agenda
have u been living in a cave?
That was my first reply what fucking narrative as I changing? Whiney niggers boo hooing about something that was last experienced by there 80 year old grandpappy is just sad. Literally every facet of modern society caters to your precious feelings. Nigs are literally worshipped in america.
I can't believe this is actually getting made.
I'm not black. If you interact with more people of different races, I'm sure you'll make friends and realize that we should be nice to one another regardless of race
you are fucking kidding me
aesthetic pandering by libshits means fuck all. nancy pelosi wearing kente cloths and bowing before black people doesnt create policy.
The best part about it is most normal black people are sick of it. It’s the upper class educated blacks who have the biggest persecution complexes and whine the most about racism
maario naharis