I'll start.
ITT: Characters that are literally you
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hmhm someone's shift just started I see
If you say this to a woman, her vagina will instantly dry
I don't know you user
>vaginas sex sex sex sex sex
that's women's media
Is this real?
>the way they build a stretch is this:
>take a vehicle base unit cut in half
>with a huge throbbing saw device.
>and they add a segment to lengthen
>the chassis by ten, elven, twelve feet.
>whatever desired dimension.
>wenty-two feet, if you like.
>while they did this to my car,
>I sent the word that they had to proust is.
>cork-line it against street noise.
>It's lovely, actually.
>I love that.
>the vehicles are armored, of course.
>this complicated the cork-lining.
>But they managed in the end.
>It's a gesture.
>a thing a man does.
>did it work?
>how could it work, no!
>this city eats and sleeps noise.
>makes noise out of every century.
>makes the same noises that were made in the seventeen century,
>along with other noises that where developed since then.
>but I don't mind the noise.
>the noise energizes me.
>important thing is that it's there.
>that's right. The cork.
>this is what finally matters.
Also me.
thats the point
this version is more representative of myself
>Robert Pattinson prostate
newer seasons have all women writers
Every single one. This is the show that had a gamer girl get raped and say her rapists leveled up dude.
Wtf women writers are good now?
based Cosmopolis. more Pattinson pleb posers need to watch it, heil Cronenberg.
pic rel is me
is this a good movie?-
I love the fact that DeLillo and Cronenberg and that Portuguese producer took Pattison by the arm and said to him something like
>now you're going to do real literature
The voices performances are great. The blonde girl is pure sex.
Not if you're Robert Pattinson.
very kino, but maybe hard to watch if you're not into horror. pretty grounded realism following a serial-killer but with lots of stylish camera movements and synth score.
sounds perfectly suited to my tastes, thanks m8
From a story point of view it is very interesting when you pay attention to details. Packer's Nemesis affects his context in an imperceivable way...I don't know how to explain it but when you realize how Beno Levin (Paul Giamatti) acts it's something to think about.
The film explores what is actually real on the Wall Street universe.
german food is so fucking disgusting
it’s literally nothing as he just described
sausages are enjoyed globally
I’d try some toilet brittle
are these actually real? I still never found out
Benno Levin is not a psychopath, he is something else. Vija Kinsky theorizes that he is some kind of "course corrector"
During a film shoot in Europe, Pattinson once took one of his stalkers out to dinner because he was so bored. He spent the entire night complaining to her about his job and all the shit he was putting up with.
She never came near him ever again.
Literally and unironically me.
i thought this was alfie allen..
is that vincent cyr?
Depp as a rare book dealer who goes deep into the occult in The Ninth Gate. I own about 20k worth of rare texts on mysticism.
Beautiful novel by Pérez-Reverte. I love it.
It's just a sausage you idiot
Lily my one and only
I can hardly wait till I see her
Silly I know I'm silly
'Cause I'm hanging in this tree
In the hopes that she will catch a glimpse of me
What do you think about o9a?
They're mostly edgy retards. Sloppy. Bad opsec. Federal connections.
That said I think that Myatt, despite being the scum of the earth, is unironically brilliant, and I would pay good money to have a full hardcopy of his translation work of the Corpus and Heraclitus' fragments and the like.
He cleverly got rid of his stalker.
Me with Donald
what kino is this from
what is the real deal? Thanks in advance.
Real deal for what? Satanism/Luciferianism? Probably Grimoire reconstruction, since much of our modern sigil iconography comes from Grimoirum Verum and it's associated materials.
For LE EBIN REDPEELED ALT DARK REACTIONARY bullshit? I dunno, nor do I really care. If you're spiritual habits are contingent on your contemporary political ideologies you're essentially a clown, to me at least.
What is the Prima Materia? is it not consciousness as per the First Tenet of Elementalism? Or perhaps distilled urine stated in the Book of Aquarius?
>VJM Publishing
>Esoteric spirituality
>Alt history
>Speculative fiction
>Elemental Elementalism
>anonymous authors
>claim to be initiates
>won't divulge what they're initiated to
I smell a bad larp. Use primary sources, user.
>my prostate is asymmetrical.
>what does that mean?
>I don't know.
>you have to see a doctor.
>I just saw a doctor.
>I see a doctor every day.
>you just saw a doctor.
>that's how I know.
>packer Capital portfolio is being reduced to near nothingness in the course of a day.
>my personal fortune in the tens of billions
>is in ruinous convergence with this fact.
>and there's been a credible threat at my life.
>It's OK.
>It's fine.
>makes me feel free in
>a way I've never known.
>that's so awful.
>don't say things like that.
>free to do what?
>go broke and die?
>listen to me, I'll help you financially.
>I'll truly do what I can to help.
>you can reestablish yourself.
>at your pace, in your way.
>tell me what you need and I promise I'll help.
>but as a couple, as a marriage,
>I think we're done, aren't we?
>you speak of being free.
>this is your lucky day.
I think is a beautiful delivery on both parts. DeLillo and Cronenberg also make the story better than the novel. In the novel, Packer abandons Elise Shifrin, who is left crying in the restaurant. In contrast, in the film version, she assumes total control. He owns Packer abandoning him. In peace, he can give in to his annihilation.
Thanks for your time.
>Use primary sources, user.
Such as? Hieroglyphical Key? Monarchia and Prophecies of Paracelsus? Of course Hermetica is the obvious choice.
>>>/Law of Attraction/
Larp confirmed. This shit all derives through New Thought and Atkinson. Sad. Many such cases.
Again, if you want the Real Shit™, then drop the Atkinson and the Bardon and the New Age/New Thought movement and look at your primary sources and original materials. These dudes get an A for effort but this looks completely unmoored from any Living Tradition, be it rooted in actual historical occult movements or relatively contemporary but nonetheless historically rigorous initiatory bodies.
You'll get more actual occult information trying to puzzle out the meaning of Andrew Chumbley's illustrations in Azoetia, or reading Crowley's Holy Books, than you will spending time with VJM's materials.
>very kino
>5.1 imdb rating
opinion discarded