I believe her
I believe her
pee pee poo poo
you'll make the redditors mad saying that
You should never believe an actor/actress, they act every second of their lives
i saw her boobies on the internet
Believe these nuts lmao
Simp. You will never imbibe the mega pint of red wine. YWNITMPORW.
i relly cant fathom why johnny would marry a 25 year old firecracker as a 55 year old man. did he expect amber to love him for his personality and good nature? hubris is to be blamed for the whole situation
Why is she dressed like Colonel Sanders/the fat sperg off The Chase UK?
I made a doo doo
Yeah. I believe her loose busted asshole takes fat firm shits on clean white linen.
>taking shits on overpriced sheets
>buying overpriced sheets for someone to shit on
the candidate for /ours/ is obvious
I believe both of them
I don't, but Johnny will still lose. Go ahead Deppcels and reply with all of your jewtube law chud grifter nothingburgers.
>she snorted coke on the stand
Don't care.
>she copied the script from Talented Mr Ripley
Don't care.
>she said she wrote the article
Don't care.
>she posed for a picture while on the stand
Don't care.
>she faked the reaction at the end of the day when johnny walked towards her
Don't care.
>muh kate moss surprise witness
Don't care.
Deppchuds WILL lose and WILL look like sniveling faggots just like the retards who don't know the law who hoped Rittenhouse would go to jail. Bookmark it.
team johnny for the muffin milfs
>>she snorted coke on the stand
There are retards who actually believe this
amber is too perfect to be in the wrong, depp is a fat bully
>this whole thing
let me know when Elon is brought in to testify
I'd let this hot bitch ruin my life
He dodged the subpoena so he won't be testifying.
I want her to suck my occk so mcuh
If she ends up winning this defamation case, let’s just say I’ve seen bigger upsets than that.
I'm trans btw
Simps aren't human
She comes off as an annoying entitled moralizing golddigging massive whore cunt so I don't blame Johnny for slapping her a little and honestly would argue she deserved worse
Rittenhouse wasn't an upset. It was a cut and dry, by the law, verdict based on a mountain of evidence. This case is very similar. In this case, instead of a mountain of evidence, there is a black hole of evidence that supports Depp's claim. Because of this, he will not win. Heard being a huge bitch is not enough, by the law.
>I believe her
this but unironically. its clear that johnny treated her like shit especially after her testimony. i really hope she counter sues him after the trial.
that case was cut and dry bruh
She is counter suing him right now for $100m.
Based and true.
women think she's full of shit too. even reddit thinks so
Is this really a thing? you can just go back and forth sueing each other because each trial makes you look bad?
Someone needs to step up and fertilize her eggs already
Did she figure out how to activate her tear ducts yet?
This is what rich people do
I volunteer to be abused by her
please MOAR of the Dr.
>johnny was beating me and I looked back and stared at him trying to penetrate the demon to see beneath the man I once loved
yeah wow how convenient she sounds like a terrible actress in a soap opera and not an actual victim of abuse
anyone who "believes" her is baiting.
ask me how i know you’ve never done coke and also have never had sex
She already got a surrogate to preserve her pure, virginal body
If I was with her I would build a dedicated toilet for her, with a bed instead of a toilet. She's beautiful however I wouldn't let shit in our bed. But I would set up and many additional bed toilets as I could and pat for some one to come and change the sheets and shits every once in a while
>he actually fell for it
simps aren’t human
Because aging movie stars are vain and want to believe they’ve still got it.
Yeah, Depp simps are pathetic.
if you watch her reaction after the hit all the signs are there
shills on overdrive mode
>no courtkino for 2 weeks
why the hell does the break have to be so long
Sure thing, chud. And she read the script from The Talented Mr Ripley as well. Yeah, I know. I saw the same chudcel nothingburgers.
Yep it's a tranny
what was he doing here? was he doing it for the lulz? he knew she was still there
As in not a leftist?
Amber making shit up without backup is all the evidence Depp needs, and of course there's all the evidence Johnny had that you've ignored. Hot as she is, amber is a textbook psychological abuser, and a terrible actress.
She is either a good actress or you are a crap troll
Jesus i wish i was the one delivering the muffins
That lucky bastard
the celebritysphere is incestuous and fake af
no-one in that world is anything remotely resembling 'normal' and background hangers-on/'friends' are creepy sociopathic weirdos with purely self-serving motivations doing a job
they're not just somehow going to meet a random nobody in a bar/club one night
I want Amber to bleed me dry of every penny I own for even daring to want to have sex with her as she steps on me and makes fun of my tiny penis with her feet before finally shitting on my face
What do you mean? He's doing towards the door. She suddenly decided to rush down there so she can enact this scene.
>Dr. Milf, paging Dr. Mommy... will Dr. Bimbo SLUT please take the stand? Thank you. Raise your right breast. Do you solemnly swear to nurse and suckle all the good boys present while giving a matronly handjob, the whole shaft, while giving forehead kisses until climax, so help you God?
>I do
>gets mogged so hard by a random psychiatrist that she immediately copies how she had her hair done the next day
Kill yourself
she's obviously supposed to leave first if he has to pass her to the door lol
I will accept apologies from every chudcel who believes Johnny has a shot upon delivery of the verdict in favor of Ms. Heard. You have my permission to cope and seethe and shit your pants until then.
Dubs compell you
Why not? It worked for DiCaprio SEVERAL times over.
No, now kys in shame
I strongly suspect Jada Pinkett and Will Smith have the same dynamic. I could 100% picture Jada being an abusive, emotionally manipulative cunt.
your gf of 5 years would leave you right now for 59 year old depp.
DiCaprio is much smarter and never married any of the 23 year old models he’s hooked up with.
She was done the second her team decided to show those photos of her supposed injuries to the jury. She lost in that very moment.
That’s what fuels their vanity of course. He can still have sex with any number of young women because he’s a movie star despite being a pudgy old alcoholic that lost his good looks.
Watch out.
She may fertilize your bed.
you think she'll be available after the trial?
I can't believe they're both simultaneously on trial for murdering each other
All of Depp's witnesses are on his payroll.
Dr Curry should be on my dick
Especially those police officers