What the FUCK is going on in americas national forests?

what the FUCK is going on in americas national forests?

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Nothing, stop asking questions.

Nothing, DP is a fraud. He bet that nobody would fact check his claims and he won out big.

t foresty shill

A shocking 50+ years of a deterioration of science programmes being taught at US private schools, resulting in adult people not being able to interpret statistics and not understanding basic probability theory.

You would have to be a literal troglodyte from the caves, to believe anything that hack writes.


Thank you my local wendigo
I'll now go to the forest so you can rip me apart

It's evil and scary and terrible and you should really just never go anywhere near the wild in any capacity or you'll just die and be eaten by wolves. Anyone telling you otherwise is just a troll

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point in the movie where he says space sasquatch

>child gets kidnapped
>how did they get away like that?
>must be cave dwelling forest savages!!!
I love American schizos.

point in your hypothesis where this is more than just random people getting lost in the woods and dying from exposure

what else would you expect from a disgraced ex-police officer/bigfoot "researcher"
Paulides is a fraud and /x/ is controlled opposition

>no explanation
yep, im thinking its sasquatch

Sky jellyfish, I'm not shitting you

Protestants in America went all protocols of Zion and tried to flood their institutions with their henchmen to avoid losing the culture war, but it ended up speeding up their death by turning their populace into stupid retards

And weve gone full circle. You are a case study on why the US public education system is a complete failure.

>people die in the wilderness

>don't go out into the forests bro!!! stay in the hustle and bustle of the city under artifical light!!

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literally nothing out of the ordinary. Missing 411 is bullshit.

Criminals? Serial killers? The most dangerous thing you can encounter is another human.

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>still cant explain
arent you supposed to be the smart one?

>implying this show isn’t mostly watched by rural retards trying to make their place feel special

>literally nothing out of the ordinary. Missing 411 is bullshit.

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Around 40k people die in traffic accidents in USA per year. Few hundred weird missing cases over decades is absolutely fucking nothing.


okay but see

Youre such a dumbass. I bet youre a sasquatch

How is a traffic accident in any way comparable to someone going missing?

So you're saying the bigfoots prefer hunting by automobile now?

Public schools are an absolute abomination And are likely even worse nowadays
Colleges offer quite advanced science courses but you won't have the money or time to take them with the ever increasing general Ed requirements to graduate.
We must teach trans lesbian art deco theory first.

Bro............................................. you're joking, right? lol?

Ok retard
Go back to plebbit, they probably have the same opinions as you.

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>blind old man whos job was to sit down and shoot any animals that come his way
>disappears without a trace
>nnn-nnooo it was hypothermia. thats why he has able to float away hundreds of miles into the forests and they could not recover his body.

What’s the case of the runner who left his things at the edge of a frozen lake so everyone thought he fell in and drowned, but he showed up at his parents house months later with no memory of what had happened after leaving his things there?

t. bigfoot

woodland faeries are causing this. contrary to popular belief faeries are not cute or nice, they are evil demons that our ancestors feared for a reason

>what the FUCK is going on in americas national forests?


> be dumb suburbanite
> go inna woods, get lost
> fall down, break leg, starve to death
> forest critters eat your body
> OMFG, it must be space Sasquatch!

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they arent dumb suburbanites in most cases

this post glows

Most of them probably faked their disappearance, to avoid the tax man, and debt collectors.. Most Americans live above their income and take on huge amounts of debt. Or they take out 150k loans for college to become an art major.

Obviously they need rape correction.

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yeah forest critters fold your clothes, drag your shit for miles, fold your clothes, put your phone, water, backpack neatly at the tree few meters from a highly visible farmhouse and make you disappear.

>can't even greentext right
>reddit spacing

Yeah, go back

No. But serial killers do.


if its serial killers doing this then why can they not find any DNA, and why does the government actively ignore these cases

If they were murdered, then there should be murder investigations. The government should be taking these cases seriously, not sweeping them under the rug.

>where could they all be?
>it's a mystery

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lmao that's just some bullshit David Paulides the fraud made up.

serial killers would not need to go to the lengths of following people out into the woods. they could pick up a rando from town and kill them. as long as they are careful with leaving behind DNA, cops would not catch them especially if they target minorities.

Fairy circles in ancient cultures were attempts to contextualize the so called Abduction Phenomenon that we now attribute to “aliens”. These Aliens come not from space but from within the recesses of the Collective subconscious and can interact with our world through “hologram suits” that let them materialize in Forms we interpret as aliens, angels, demons, Bigfoot, moth man, etc.
Many people stumble into boundaries between our world and the mind and do not return.

Modern criminology is advanced as fuck. Killing in the woods is 100x safer.

Swamp gas.

they have been abducted by ayylmaos.

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dont make these threads. anons come out of the woodworks to dissprove this with theri schizo theories

Bullshit picture, we don't look that evil.

>Modern criminology is advanced as fuck
a serial killer could buttfuck you and bash in your head and your case would go cold after a week.

Don't ask questions, user.

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This tb h. Just stay in your little apparment and watch netflix. The woods are way too dangerous for anyone to be in.

With smartphones, cameras and gps tracking everything it's not that easy.

I wouldn't worry about it.

most cases are solved because the crime is done by someone close to the victim, not because of CSI voodoo shit. a serial killer strangling a rando would have a hard time getting solved.

>everyone carrying a high resolution camera on them 24/7
>suddenly all the UFO, bigfoot and cryptid sightings go to 0

Really makes you think.

>everyone carrying a high resolution camera on them 24/7
i still see hoodfights filmed on a potato

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Fuck off with your generalizations. Tons of people still use only flip phones or really "old" phones just because they still work.

can someone link this series to me i cant find it
or is it on amazong prime???
if it is a true crime i can watch it with my father if it is going to be about wendigo he probably wont even though he says he saw a werewolf in montenegro in the 90s haha

there was witnesses who found it they are in interview and the sheriff

>all the magic bigfoot skinwalkers live in the woods and kill people

>they have supernatural powers to remain hidden or they would have been easily detected by now

>they never come to the cities where there are way more people to kill because.....they just don't okay????

obviously if they started rampaging downtown that would create a big ruckus. its clear their tactics are working because deboonkers like you have been duped.