Why was it so bad?
Why pad out the crew if they're just background extras and virtually all the named characters are retards or forgettable?
Fassbender's portrayal of David was the only redeeming part.
Why was it so bad?
Why pad out the crew if they're just background extras and virtually all the named characters are retards or forgettable?
Fassbender's portrayal of David was the only redeeming part.
>Fassbender's portrayal of David was the only redeeming part.
Not the only redeeming part.
It has great visuals, production design and music too.
Half the film was left on the cutting room floor
Important shit was left as webisodes or whatever the fuck deleted scenes
i just really really really hate david. im so tired of synthetics man that guy has a hardon for them
this film was a love letter to the classic Universal horror films it went way over the heads of plebs and you just revealed yourself as one for all time enjoy your 90 IQ
Scott is an atheist and those are incapable to perceive meaning on any higher level.
not enough about these dudes, not even hints
the ayys david genocided were not engineers, they were another species made in their image, but unlike humanity, they weren't rejected as failures by the engineers
>It has great visuals, production design and music too.
Visuals and music are extremely generic.
What production design are you speaking of? Half of it looks surprisingly cheap or lazy.
Not true.
Those "dudes" were retarded.
>here's your space horror bro, it's big marble statue looking men
i thought they were fine, the horror is their creations and their complete incoherence to us
nothing they've done so far makes much sense and their philosophies are pretty wack
This is 100% true.
I wish they'd change out the formula of all these stupid scifi movies where there's only 5-10 people per ship.
I wanna see a scifi horror movie where it's like a giant ship packed to the brim with hundreds of crew members.
There's no horror there, just lazy writing.
Disagree 100%. It's a gorgeous movie.
The lead actress was horrible but worst of all after the first couple of acts it descended into a b class horror flick with a 200 billion dollar Hollywood budget that made everything 200 billion times worse.
>Visuals and music are extremely generic.
yeah they filmed in the same place all "space" movies are filmed now and the music was forgettable
yeah i could have done without half the script and plot cut but i still want more
i prefer having these movies to them just not having come out, because the last alien shit we got was avp 2 lol
>alien planet
>dude lmao im taking my helmet off because i'm le alpha daredevil lololol
>get sick
>die horribly
>sequel movie repeats asinine mistake
the entire series of unfortunate events could have been avoided if they had KEPT THEIR HELMETS ON. Shit movie, shit science. Alien remains the superior film.
There's probably a smart way the Marble Men ancient aliens could have been done, I'll grant that. But Prometheus did not do it.
>i prefer having these movies to them just not having come out, because the last alien shit we got was avp 2 lol
Same, they're dumb shit but I'll still watch them to see what happens.
>yeah they filmed in the same place all "space" movies are filmed now and the music was forgettable
You mean on a set? What the fuck are you talking about?
The desert canyon they're in is like 25 minutes of the movie total. The rest of it is either CGI or beautifully made sets.
At least the Covenant crew had the excuse that the planet seemed terrestrial and they were looking to colonize somewhere, the Prometheus crew were supposed to be brilliant scientists on an uninhabitable planet but they still acted like retards.
>Visuals and music are extremely generic.
>You mean on a set?
Iceland, smoothbrained idiot.
which is generic as fuck
>beautifully made sets
There was human wheat on the planet and their entire reason for stopping there was because they heard a human transmission. They made the assumption that the planet was colonized by people.
>confirming how generic it sounds
Thanks, I guess?
You literally just have no taste.
this is a weird movie to me because i think i hate it but i'll still watch it
I'm usually pretty chill with minute details but the crew seemed genuinely retarded or something.
meant for
I grew up watching Mystery Science Theater 3000 so Prometheus is one of my favs
Name a better looking scifi movie made in the last 20 years
It's so bad it's good.
I love how retarded all the scientists are.
Guess you fell for this faggy post.
I think it's an audiovisually extraordinary movie and the only Sci-Fi movies I can think of right now that rival it's visual design are The Cell and Valerian.
>DNA match
the visuals and music were pretty bland
In Alien they were a ragtag bunch of space tradies on some bumfuck mining vessel so them being not 100% professional was ok. Still, Ripley stuck to quarantine protocol and refused to let Dallas & co aboard until she was overruled by Ash.
In Prometheus they are supposed to be the very best scientists that humanity has to offer while in Covenant the crew is responsible for a fucking forerunner exploration mission with thousands of people on board so it's safe to say they aren't exactly potato truck drivers. Yet they divert from their route, head into a space storm and pop off on an alien planet in fucking hiking gear because they heard some static.
Both sequels are teenage slasher movies in space where the whole movie hinges on the cast being annoying and retarded. Also gay.
Covenant crew at least had the excuse they thought the planet already had humans on it
What the fuck went wrong with Prometheus?
Keep repeating it lol. How about you set a standard by naming something you consider not-bland or even better well-designed?
The music was done by the same guy who did the shitty Robin Hood movie with Russell Crowe.
It's peak generic Hollywood schlock.
They had to compete with classics like Alien and Aliens, of course they're going to seem cheap.
>guy who is afraid of dead aliens wants to approach and touch an alien snake
Why is the android wearing a spacesuit
didnt you watch the movie?
Ridley's defense of the helmet thing in both movies (Prometheus & Covenant) is that the characters were going to get infected either way because that's what was in the script. He said that adding some excuse like their suit getting ripped or losing their helmet is just a waste of the audience's time.
It's an expensive robot and the atmosphere could be damaging.
Alien and Aliens
>The music was done by the same guy who did the shitty Robin Hood movie with Russell Crowe.
David (in Prometheus at least) really hates the fact that he is a robot and likes to pretend he isn't.
>Ridley Scott is old, and not very smart but was trying to be deep
>studio forced him to another Alien movie, but he just wanted to make movie scifi movie exploring human creation and religion so he had to think of a way to shove that into the Alien story
>We didn't need an Xenomorph origin story or a Space Jockey story, those guys were better the more mysterious they are.
The problem was more that Damon Lindelof rewrote the script to be more confusing. The original Prometheus script is fine.
It was ok, but still deeply flawed.
People tend to forget/ignore that every single Alien movie hinges on the cast acting full blown retarded and then slowly dying off as a result. Thing is, that the original movies were solid on their own and people are generally more preoccupied with shitflinging about which one was better/worse.
When your movie is some high production value artsy fartsy puff of wet farts and gypsy palm reader tier vague bullshit about muh creation and religion and whatnot, where the allegedly bestest scientists go "lmaoo dude weeed and heckin' snekerino" then viewers will start noticing and pointing out things.
People still complained about it in Covenant though and that movie wasn't trying to be deep. At least not in the first third.
>baalogist likes living things, not dead things
It's amazing how this movie can filter retards.
>what about a Firefly?
>you mean like the show?
>yeah, it'll be a fun little reference
>fuck it, we save money on art
The difference is that the earlier movies did it well.
Alien: Mining crew with little in the way of experience with regards to alien lifeforms prioritise their beloved crew mate's safety before a quarantine protocol they never thought they'd end up using.
Aliens: Elite of the elite space marauders are dropped into a small colony expecting Ripley to be talking shit about aliens and it actually being just some kind of insurrection or other explainable event.
>Fassbender's portrayal of David was the only redeeming part.
I thought the same thing. It was a really bad movie with a shitty take on the creation of mankind and blasphemous while also promoting Christianity.
Didn't the director also make that garbage set on Mars?
I thought it was really good though?
try making a statement like a big boy
Go back to reddiť
One big letdown was it was suppossed to contain a scene where a engineer went to earth 2000 years ago as Jesus christ to teach humans a more peaceful way to exist. And people aka the Roman's crucified him and that's why they planned to exterminate humans. That would have been awesome but got rid of it bc Scott thought it hit the nose to straight away.
>while also promoting Christianity
And race mixing.
insufferable pseud
that is indescribably retarded
>Alien and Aliens
Okay, boomer.
They are supposed to be to whites (aka humans) what whites were to the primitives weve encountered throughout history ; strange, superior and mysterious
It's real tho'
>With that bit now nice and explained, let's get to the bigger question — what did we do to make God/our creators angry? Well, if you theorized that it was because we crucified Jesus, you win! Confirming that at one point the script explicitly spelled this out, Scott says that was the direction they were taking with the story — at least at first. "We definitely did, and then we thought it was a little too on the nose," he admits. "But if you look at it as an 'our children are misbehaving down there' scenario, there are moments where it looks like we’ve gone out of control, running around with armor and skirts, which of course would be the Roman Empire. And they were given a long run. A thousand years before their disintegration actually started to happen. And you can say, 'Let’s send down one more of our emissaries to see if he can stop it.' Guess what? They crucified him."
But yes, insanely retarded.
That's Ridley being a boomer atheist.
It wasn't engineer jesus. They took a woman's child to their world and taught him peace and love, and when they returned him, he was crucified and that pissed them off bigly.
Trash script. This is the sin of like 90% of modern US made series and films.
It's just sad watching all those productions with 10/10 special effects and performances completely fucked by garbage scripts.
They were high. The guy literally has a weed smoking tube integrated into his suit. And the first thing they think to do, when they are like one hour into their extremely important mission, while they are shitting their pants in fear and running away from everyone else, is to toke up. Then the guy who fucking made the map with his so fancy laser drones gets them lost. Bravo Ridley.
>10/10 special effects and performances completely fucked by garbage scripts
Fassbender's whole career.