Any movies where femenism lost in the end?

any movies where femenism lost in the end?

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Jews crippled western society

why do chud breeders think woman needs to have a pack of little parasites to feel happy and fulfilled?

>only one cat
bruh my ex had 6, she kept getting more when they went missing too aka were killed by something like a snake or a car

happiness doesn't matter, the nuclear family is the engine of civilization that creates stable agents. without this engine the quality of life will crumble, as we're seeing happen now

Jews have no control over Japan yet birthrates are plummeting there as well

Grace looks about 15 years older than she is and has a dumpy wal mart body that on,y black guys would find attractive

That explains her take on the snyderverse

>her profile pic is a drawing
Feminism is how femcels cope.

Television & Film?

>pack of little parasites to feel happy and fulfilled?
So wait a minute, all this time leftards are just projecting their retarded flaws unto normal people?

Mad Max: Fury Road.

>feminism created college debt

you don't get married and have kids to "be happy", you do it to survive. the wealth that enables them to forget this is vanishing and they will cope in increasingly insane ways until that dam breaks

nuclear family is jewish invention, humans should live in extended families with 3-4 generation living under same roof or in close proximity

I wonder why
they go crazy about their furkiddos and would even kill to protect them now imagine if they were their own flesh and blood

The woman on the right looks miserable

>humans should live

>she doesn't even get to hold her own baby

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>the racism of this drawing is super gross
what did she mean by this?

jews built western civilization using their cult christianity since 300 ad. before that europeans lived in mud huts in the forest, had bisexual orgies, and were ruled by pagan motorcycle gangs that murdered people in giant burning wickermen

husband and children arent black

Any Russian movie, Moscow Doesn't Believe In Tears is a classic.

A real women without a deficiency of oxytocin does "need" kids because it's her biological instinct. Troon wouldnt understand. By all means keep culling yourselves though.

>the woman on the left isn’t happy
Yeah she is.
The women who cry about being depressed all the time are always childless.

You're now a cultist if you breed. Lol these people have values right? Things they care about and want to pass on? Only successful way to do that is to breed.

Is Grace happy?

black dildo

They don't need to breed if the state can mandate values for you by brainwashing other people's kids.

The Handmaid Tale

>claims others are in a cult
i am forever grateful these woman will never have any children desu

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laney found a random black guy and just traced his picture for the husband in the og pic. he found out and bitched at her, so she just removed his beard and lightened the skin color.

the pic that grace is commenting on has him lightened even more

did you ever read about the spartan heiresses

Fuck off, /pol/ tranny.

Seeing happy White families literally infuriates these people.

Does that dumb hoe know what tanning saloons are

its okay. please never have children.

when did Yea Forums become worse than Yea Forums

>jews built western civilization using their cult christianity since 300 ad.

Objectively false. Ancient Greeks built Western Civilisation long before kikestianity even existed. Back to the oven, kike. lol

>Verification not required.

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nope, there isn't any light behind their eyes

Somewhat true but parents win typically. Public school kids get real serious about it until they grow up, then they fall into the same pattern as their ancestors. At least in my experience.

The fact that there so many bitter incels is because women who aren't fit to be mothers produce wastes of space.

Childless Women in their late 20s and 30s literally get night sweats and can't sleep because their body craves pregnancy

No joking, it's a thing that actually happens. Their entire biological existence is based around rearing babies

Yea Forums been the same as always ya dumbass newfag.

>left can vote and divorce because of feminism
Oh no, anti-feminism bros....
>college debt is because of feminism

feminism is why women think they need to be educated

jews literally created christianity after they were influenced in greece by platonism. read a book nigger

I don't think she knows the backstory. It's probably just because right is darker than left, and maybe the dildo.

maybe because every single one of our female ancestors did

not all of them are bitter some just admit defeat and transition

>no joking

Because that's the biological truth. You will never be fulfilled either without a woman, faggot

trust me

Dude can you read? these faggots are in a cult. they fell for the trad meme. at most they will find some gook that will suck the life out of them and shit out 4/5 gook mutts.

>You will never be fulfilled either without a woman
>things simp cucks say

Accurate. Everyone I know who's married with kids feels supremely fulfilled and has no yearning for the freedoms of single life.

>happiness doesn't matter
fucking cuck. enjoy being a miserable nigger because of "society" you commie fuck

>that person that has a bunch of things i dont is totally unhappy
Why do roastoids project so hard onto everything

It's a meme to raise a family?

I'm sure when the woman on the right gets older her cat will take care of her.

>a family is a cult, but the social media echo chambers I spend most of my life in is not
Pure psychosis.
You were saying?

I guess if you're some middle class peasant cuz all the rich people are breeding

>nuclear family isn't real
>humans should live in extended nuclear families
Why are people so retarded. Even in tribal times thousands of years ago the native Americans had tribes, big communal things, but within the tribe was the understanding of nuclear family. Parents, children, were closer than others. Kids answered to their parents. I really don't get this meme. It has always been nuclear families

is this the incel thread?

Unironically Doctor Strange 2. Women with happy family, good. The one without goes batshit insane.

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>feels supremely fulfilled
You feel supremely tricked by their cope
>I breed future slaves our of self-interest
I hope you'll never have children

epicureans like you are as flies inside a bowl of sugar laid out in the sun. you'll win until the sugar is gone. have fun, go wild. chimp out

you fags dont honestly believe that women are happy because they have a family. women are miserable their entire lives. nothing they or you do will ever change that its just they way they are

The only accurate things are the tattoos and the pain in her face

>happiness doesn't matter

If that works for you, God bless. My happiness matters to me, and being married with kids does not fit into my personal vision of happiness.

I try to entertain you the best I can
I wish I'd had a baby before I walled
But I still love the feeling I get from (you)s,
I hope you'll never stop 'cause'
it gets me through yeah
It gets me through yeah

Lol wtf are you in Florida?

Lmao children literally are a woman's reason to live. Pretending otherwise is whorecoping, and antinatalism is one of the most nefarious poisons distilled into society. Feminism actually ruins women lives

>commie fuck
>supporting family values
Happiness also doesn't matter by the way. Stop being a woman

stupid cunt. hope she dies within the year.

Is this even about Jews? I doubt it. I don't have time to watch it, though, but I've seen some reviews and they don't mention Jews.

"trad" ideology folks. It's a business and nothing else

>subhuman hedonists
At least the problem solves itself lol

I'm sure you'll be quite satisfied and happy alone in your brutalist apartment block in your 60s
you sure showed me

>you see the beauty of my master plan is to be the exact mindless breeder drone nature programmed me to be
>ain't it brilliant

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>he thinks tribespeople were monogamous

I'm a broke redneck and have 3 kids and been with wifey since 07. There isn't shit else fulfilling to do in life than raise up life. There's only so much vidya games and entertainment you can consume ya know? Also can show your kiddos your favorite kinos. Much fun

I was being sarcastic. Every married friend I have is a miserable faggot. I know they hate how free I am as a single dude.

>judging the right based on a lolbert sperg’s post

I have never seen someone be resentful towards life itself. Of course it's very common but more often than not they will try to parade it as something else.

the business of survival vs hollow fleeting entertainment

nuclear family is subset of extended family. Obviously every extended family will consist of several nuclear families

>antinatalism is one of the most nefarious poisons distilled into society
What if I don't give a rats ass about society? It can go fuck itself for all I care. I didn't do anything for me.

6/10, many were fooled, and I actually was about to try and argue

Okay I'm unsubbing from Grace
I hope she gets aids and dies

that cope

Were you born on a reserve? Did you grow up listening to 90 year old native elders tell you oral history? I did, natives were very monogamous

nobody wants to eat a salad either, they want to eat a hamburger. on the tv commercial its a supermodel eating it, grease running down her chin

You are the parasite unwilling to do your part to uphold somewhat good times but rather live off the struggle and duty of previous men and women. Your shitty narcissistic hedonistic death cult and your little wannabe rebellion against god and nature has been tried multiple times before with always the same outcome.

Do your fucking part or become a thing again.

That's natural and localized depending on the location. Obviously people who have small living space aren't going to have tons of kids. I bet if you look at rural vs city then the numbers will be different.

>I have never seen someone be resentful towards life itself
You're looking at one right now. "Life" is cosmological mistake and cruel joke that will be forgotten within the confines of cold careless universal eternity.

Then dint have kids you fucking loser. But if you actually meant it you'd shut the fuck up about it and just do it

Literal reddit nigger mindset.
>Dude, like g-d isn’t real and we’re all floating on a giant rock hurling through space while the sun is going to explode in a few billion years. Just live, laugh, and love a little.
Put a gun in your mouth.

Hey, if people prefer living like beasts of burden pulling a family behind them, my best wishes to them. I enjoy having all my time and money to myself.

all these "children are awful" zoomers will turn into baby making machines on their 30th birthday when they realize that they're mortal

>literally born with a womb
>every single human in history came from a woman
hmm I wonder why

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Look how happy I am surrounded by products in my resistance of capitalism

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>I am intelligent because my bloodline is ending ;)

Ya I know I am. I made it very clear in my post that I was aware you stupid fuck. Kill yourself please, before you poison other people lemme guess though
>life sucks and its evil and cruel I have to live it
>lol but I'll never end it! Don't have to

Fake deep reddit shit for 14 year old niggers. Go outside.

>hold her own baby
Man Grace was always a little nutty, but this is a whole new level

Why are so many leftfags nihilistic hedonists? You're miserable and everyone hates you. Do the world a favor and kill yourselves.

Based. peeminists can't stop losing.

Woh. How has my gf hid this so well the past 5 years?

>when I was in my 30s and 40s I didn't think about it
Lmfao it was already too late bitch

>monke hate what he don't understand
Real ooga booga moment, go breed more useless sacks of meat grug
>muh bloodline
Another grug

>the trash takes itself out
Good. Increasing taxes on materialist subhumans needs to be reinstated though.

a literal unbroken chain of successful breeders going back to the first cell to ever divide in the ocean. but its more important that you play videogames, listen to podcasts, get tindr matches without interruption. pure jewish culture poison.

Oh shit, you're married aren't you? :)

>5 years

Ya fucked up

overpopulation is the perfect cover to orchestrate a genocide of the west

>my highschool crush laughed at tyrone's joke again. life is meaningless

I will persist solely because my existence makes you seethe this much. And I'll continue to express my beliefs whenever possible just to spite you retarded biorobots.

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So the bags under her eyes werent just aesthetic? Does she have fetal alcohol syndrome? That would explain a lot

the most important thing is to keep feeling smugly superior to everyone else without actually doing anything

who's this semen demon

Glad you understand