
> food in another universes is le free

I can't takie this propaganda anymore

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But it wasn't free. Bruce Campbell threw a fit over it. Then it's implied that she lied so Strange wouldn't scold her.

>le free
what's the problem? go spread lies about LE CONSOOM GOY in the synagogue, schlomo

This, the capitalist kikes should burn. Socialism is empowerment of white aryans

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>steal from bruce campbell and cast a spell to make him punch himself repeatedly for 2 weeks straight
we’re supposed to root for these people?

shouldn't she have stolen a burrito

imagine sucking capitalist dick on an outcast forum

it only last for an hour

Really? Imagine being so much of a chud that you want to monetise survival lmao holy fuck you chuds need to have sex


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Le free? fuckin’ based!

Pizza Time

You wouldn't steal a pizza ball ice-cream

nah, she says "oh shit maybe it's not free in this one"

This was IMMEDIATELY called out as pie-in-the-sky wishful bullshit when the vendor called her out for stealing

>Newspaper says something to push a political idea
>correction/apology is on page 7 a few weeks later
come on, user


pretty sure they said a matter of weeks.

>steals food
>inmediately gets called out

You are dumb, user

Who will pay the person who made the food?

Yeah I was actually pretty happy with how they handled her. She's a super aggressively woke character in the comics but the film actually does a good job making her really likable. She has the LGBT pin and the two moms which is a little cringy to hear her keep saying, but the movie plays it up that she's coming from an alternate universe so that could be the norm there. She takes Strange to the Utopia universe but it's implied the Illuminati made it that way and not some hamfisted political thing, when Strange is asked in the Utopia verse if his home universe is nice he says it is instead of dumping on it, and America makes the comment about food being free in most universes that aren't ours and then it's immediately implied she's lying, and when she says a couple things in Spanish it's only really a moments where it serves to make a joke and not to throw it into our face. It's pretty evident they were trying to be as inoffensive as possible while still introducing this newer character. And I think they pulled it off. Anybody who complains about it either really didn't watch the movie or is just that far gone

You are a retard

>a few weeks later
>it’s literally the next line after the food being free one


When she says "este vato no habla espanol?" what did Wong respond? I couldn't hear

hmm good take. Dare I say I respect the writer/director a little more on this note. There wasn't really any insufferable wokeness in this movie. Overall I think the movie was pretty shit, but I can appreciate that.

Kinda a shit movie imo, if you're going out to see it, go with your friends to make it more worthwhile.

The biggest complaint that I have is that there's not really anything to make people want to see more of this character. She's essentially a plot device that just gets the heroes to move from one multiverse to the next in future movies.

Theres a couple things I want to see more of if you are catching my drift haha

>here's 2 paragraphs of woke shit
>if you think its woke you're too far gone
Maybe you just take it up the ass? Ever think about that?

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Yeah, Chavez could have easily been replaced with a magical artifact. The whole "letting someone else hold the knife" character growth for Strange could have been letting Wong wield the Book of Vishanti.

Something like:
"I don't think he even speaks English well."

America thought it would wear off in a couple hours, but Strange corrected her and said it would in two weeks. He could just be exaggerating because he's in a huff, but he definitely implied it would last longer than an hour.

kek thanks

>The whole "letting someone else hold the knife" character growth for Strange could have been letting Wong wield the Book of Vishanti.
Especially since Strange seemed to have had some trouble respecting Wong as the Sorcerer Supreme.

she legitimately thought it was free, this America is not a street smart sassy teenager, she's rather bland

>food in another universes is le free
What a coincidence, in my universe this movie is free.

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Im going to see it on my birthday so it’s being paid for by friends thankfully, but the tickets for this one are crazy expensive

>there are memory projecting machines that mindjack you in public and start playing private moments if you step on a circle
they could've found a less retarded way to do those flashbacks

So what's the deal with this green bull dude? He's in almost every scene at the kungfu magic temple, the camera lingers on him for extended periods of time yet he doesn't even say anything let alone do anything and nobody interacts with him either. Am I meant to know who he is?

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Its just in that universes Thanos did create infinite resources.

>Anybody who complains about it either really didn't watch the movie or is just that far gone
So how long is your contract with Disney, you sickening shill?

>She has the LGBT pin and the two moms which is a little cringy to hear her keep saying, but the movie plays it up that she's coming from an alternate universe so that could be the norm there.
The norm here is for people to have a mother and father or a single parent (unfortunately.) How many people do you hear normally going around announcing "I have a mom and a dad"? By definition if it was the norm you wouldn't see any reason to mention it.

>Make thing up in your head tp get mad at

Yeah, it was weird. Like Bruce Campbell's character was in the wrong for being upset she stole from him. Dr. Strange is a fucking piece of shit.

>It'll wear off soon, right?
>In two hours... Or two weeks
Went something like that.

If you can't afford to live you are undeserving of it. Literally just get a job and work hard. Or buy some land and grow your own food. It takes time, energy, and a lot of resources to prep, plant, grow, harvest, and clean food. Why should it be free?

But she just calls them her mothers. I don’t think that extraordinarily preachy. It’s like saying “my parents”.

Disagree. I want to see more of her bubble ass.

Correction I NEED to see more of her bubble ass

Cute girl who isn't afraid of anything. Id watch more.

> how long is your contract with Disney, you sickening shill?
I fucking hate Marvel movies. I saw this because I love Sam Raimi and Evil Dead shit. There was a lot of uncomfortable cringe bullshit in this movie, but I sat through it for the director. And all I'm saying is that one character was actually handled pretty well, I'm not sitting here sucking Mouse dick

>The norm here is for people to have a mother and father or a single parent (unfortunately.) How many people do you hear normally going around announcing "I have a mom and a dad"? By definition if it was the norm you wouldn't see any reason to mention
And yet people still say things like "there's my mom and dad" or "well my mom and dad are like this..." And also, considering that she's been dimension hopping you could argue that she had to explain it since she knew that wasn't the norm for people in every dimension. Just admit you were purposely misunderstanding and misrepresenting what I said so you could make a silly point and give yourself a little self soothing autistic hug all because you're convinced a character mentioning they had two mothers for about 2 seconds out of a 2hr movie is a sign of the oncoming apocalypse.

I know it wasn't very well written but I'm pretty sure what I said wasn't very woke either. If you're so convinced you know it woke is, please. Give me an example. Tell me what it is. I'll tell you what I think it is. I think it's having a black female Captain Marvel and making her the one that puts up the best fight. It's probably even having that weird subtext about being a childless woman doesn't make you evil. But it's absolutely not a teenage character making quick quips or side comments about shit they've experienced. They toned her way down from the comics. They clearly knew she needed to not look woke for her to be accepted by the audience. I think she's one of the least woke aspects of the movie honestly

>Food is free in most universes, it’s actually pretty weird you have to pay for it
>someone in my theater said FUCK YEAH and people clapped

follow your leader

This might sound racist I just now came to realize America Chavez and Kamala Khan are different characters.
The one getting her series is Kamala, right?
Aren’t they both “Ms. Marvel” or something?

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There was definitely some modern Disney Marvel cringe in there and a little bit of woke, which I'm sure that some of the armchair critics out there are going to blow way out of proportion. But it was pretty minimal outside the Illuminati fight scenes and that one line from America about her 2 moms. Compare that to something like the Disney+ shows or what we'll probably get down the road when they start making Ironheart. Sam Raimi knows his audience and I think he wrestled a lot more control over this film that people realize. It was not great, the script was mostly shit, but it was definitely a fun experience. Especially the more horror elements

Anybody got a decent rip of this yet?

>Public stuff is le free
This is ignorant as shit

>we never gave up slavery, and have blacks running farms so that everyone have food
>free food for everyone!

Again, they toned her way the fuck down. They had to. Comic America would have stood up on the food cart and made a speech about human rights and shit. In this movie they really nailed making her feel like just a normal ass zoomer teen with weird powers

>free food is... LE BAD

Oh yeah. I definitely got that watching the movie. But I think they did a pretty okay job making her feel like a short round to Doctor strange's Indiana Jones, and I'm okay with that. You don't get enough of that in these kinda movies

>I fucking hate Marvel movies.
Yet here you are shilling one.

>Just admit you were purposely misunderstanding and misrepresenting what I said so you could make a silly point and give yourself a little self soothing autistic hug all because you're convinced a character mentioning they had two mothers for about 2 seconds out of a 2hr movie is a sign of the oncoming apocalypse.
That's actually what you just did. Find the word "apocalypse" anywhere in my post. What's that faggot? It's not there because you pulled that straight out of your ass in a pathetic attempt to exaggerate what was actually said because I DID make you look like the idiot you clearly are and you have no counter to what I actually said? Someone repeatedly mentioning they have two parents and their sexes is weird, that's how you phrased it. I'm not saying anything more than that, I'm saying it's bad dialog. I'm saying the thing you pointed out as normal doesn't sound normal at all regardless of her parents being dykes. I've hated so much of the dialog in Marvel movies basically since the first one.


The idea that food is free in some universes I can accept. The idea that MOST universes have free food is BS. It's like these writers have no fucking clue about history or culture. I'm so annoyed that I make it official that in America's dimension, their food is free because they have slaves and she just doesn't give a shit

nobody needed to have this walking mary sue propaganda piece in this dogshit movie. whole movie just shits out gay niggers and pathetic attempts to win over the chinese audience while also pushing hollywood propaganda

It is because someone has to pay for it. Good luck feeding all of Africa, India and China for free.

You're right I definitely exaggerated what you said to make a point so you got me there. I'm a hypocrite. I just still don't understand what your problem is. They don't say it often in the movie, I don't think it's said at all outside that scene. The way that scene is set up is super fucking awkward too where they just walk onto a memory lane device for no reason. But regardless it's so inconsequential to the actual movie why does it matter that they said it so much to you? Not going to fight over this anymore just seriously wondering. You're calling them dykes so I don't think I'm too far off saying you're probably just really bitter and autistic about this shit so when it makes you uncomfortable you call it woke even though nothing about it to me seems like it was trying to hit me over the head with LGBT acceptance bullshit. It's just part of her backstory.

food is free in this universe too but you're too fucking lazy you cunt

what about cooking? is that free too? are there universe where every chiefs makes meals for free?

She's definitely a Mary Sue and the movie isn't that good and yeah the mystic sorcerer scene whatever the fuck it was definitely seemed China pandering even though they all get their asses kicked. But where are all the gay black people what the fuck are you talking about? Her mothers? Who appear for less than a minute and have a tragic offscreen death to set up her awkward backstory? Yeah really ruined the movie for me too, couldn't sit still after having to witness two gay brown women say hi to a kid and then die getting sucked into a portal

Cry harder fascist.
People deserve to eat.

It wasn't free. She lied about that

> Food should be free
> Don't forget to buy your Doctor Strange Limited Edition Collectable Popcorn Vessel. Just $24.99 plus tax. Limit 2 per ticket stub.

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To be fair food in this universe is free too. I've been a NEET for the past 15 years but I still get to eat every day thanks to food stamps.

By all means, go ahead and feed an entire continent, no, an entire country, for free. Tell me how easy that turns out for you when you're done. I'd really love free food too.