/bcs/ Better Call Saul

Do you think our theories will be confirmed in the upcoming episode?

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urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Chicago Sunroof

The cameo is happening next episode
Source: trust me bro

I’ve just started this show on episode 3. What’s a Chicago sunroof?

"Hey Jimmy. How about we take a quick picture of Kim's new office. You don't mind, do ya?"

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>Do you think our theories will be confirmed in the upcoming episode?

Yes. Last episode is where the timelines started to diverge. Counter should have been at 6 (it was for Jimmy) but for Kim it was stuck at 7. Payoff is coming soon timebros.

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I haven't been all that Into this season so far. Then again, I haven't really been into anything for a while and I can't tell if that's because I'm depressed or if everything got worse...

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urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Chicago Sunroof

probably the latter

Same here. I’d say it’s both reasons

Take your best shot, Flatlander woman.

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Don't get me wrong, it's still great TV, but it just feels as if I'm watching it for the sake of watching it.

because you are
it's neither here nor there this season
>the "vaccine" does that to you

What theories? Can I get a qrd

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>Hamlindigo shades


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>"woah! she doesnt look 50 at all!"
atleast kettlemommy has meat on her bones

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Howard will be killed by Lalo after Howard causes trouble for Jimmy as he is a friend of the cartel. Mike ultimately discovers Lalo is alive and he kills Lalo. This will happen. I work for Nintendo

>Yeah I never sleep much.. an hour maybe two, it's enough

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Kim is a true queen though. While Kettleman is just a batshit pretender. The only one she has true power over is her husband. Kim has already defeated Lalo, Kevin, the state of Texas, Howard and Chuck.

It's a pretty safe bet that shut ins discussing a tv on Yea Forums are probably depressed.

Why are there two threads?Mods, delete this thread

Actually having a life, time becomes a greater luxury than it already is. That and drugs

not concerned with status
i want to put my peenis weenis in mrs kettleman but not granny kim
simple as

Pleb taste confirmed

Why did Howard do it bros?

Why did Rhea do it?

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What is it about her that makes Yea Forums love a strong powerful woman who is smarter than the men?

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she's loyal to Jimmy

No way this is real.

big brained mommy

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-is a realistically written character with good and bad sides
-is supporting and loving to hers partner


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though i agree that amber is still better

imagine blasting one out into gretchen bros...

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no one appreciates insurance mommy....

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This scene perfectly encapsulates their relationship.

>have you thought any more about that Op Bonus?

Holy shit why is this season so slow paced
There are so many dramatic slow-pan shots that lasts for way too long and don't convey any useful information. Wtf was that intro in s06e03??
and the twin brothers. I get it, they're supposed to be cool and sinister. Why do I need to watch them walk slowly and turn their heads for 10 minutes every time they're in a scene? also they don't look intimidating at all they just look gay with their faggot ass boots

this show has so much soul

Writers are too far up their own asses. Also nice dubs

I loved this show until the last episode. They jumped the shark with Howard not realizing that his car was moved when he was at the therapist. And then Jimmy moving the signs was some cringe shit. I tried watching more of the episode but couldn’t take it serious. It’s like Vince was laughing at me at being dumb for watching.

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>Holy shit why is this season so slow paced
Because it's a slow paced show?
Maybe your zoomer brain is just too fried to pay attention for more than 5 minutes.

>it's a Mike paints a fence for 20 minutes episode
>why is mike painting this fence?
>lololol too deliberate for your zoomer brain to comprehend?!?
Fuck off.

yeah dont those signs usually have cement underground so they dont tip from wind?

If Howard doesn't try to use his therapist alibi with Cliff next episode, then the show is fucking over.

Filtered zoomie getting mad lol.

>Has to exaggerate and make up shit


dumb writers


>best episode of the season
>"nooo why were there no epic cartel explosions with le based dingdingman"

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50 thosand and de cown is yors

Ey wan Kem gib me succ and de cum is yours

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What the hell? I thought he was talking about a gun. Sometimes this show goes way over my head.

meesa verde

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It's a small amount of material being stretched over 13 episodes. This show could've been wrapped up in 4 seasons


I like slow paced shows. I loved the first e seasons of BCS. This season feels like a parody of itself.


Not him but the last 2 intros in particular have been pretty shit. The shows been using the same formula forever and we all know where it's ultimately headed so the desperately, obnoxiously grueling pace isn't capturing any tone or tension anymore. Its just annoying and grating.. Add that to the fact that the plot has become cartoon tier and its all kind of eye rolling. I'm left asking what the hell happened to this show ever since Chuck died that made it so much less compelling?

damn, paige novick looks like THAT?

>best episode of the season
It really wasn't. The entire Howard scheme is retarded and unbelievable. Kims taken over Jimmy's screentime 2 seasons in a row because his arc wrapped up years ago and the writers literally have nothing for him to do. Gus is a terrible character. Mike has no character and is just a grunting prop now. This show needed to be only 5 seasons. Im not saying nothing happens in it, I'm saying what is happening in the show is not interesting anymore. Fucking wrap it up